блогтой боллоо

2006 оны 8 сарын 3

2003 онд Хорват улсад Нээлттэй Програм хангамжийн Зуны сургалтанд Open Web Center-ийн 2 залуутай хамт явсан миний бие BLOG гэдэг үгийг анх сонсож, хэрэглэж үзэх юмсан гэдэг бодлыг тээж өнөөг хүрлээ.

Датаком ХХК-ийн захирал Д.Энхбат
ДиЭйчТехнологийн Хүжий
Дөлмандах нарын блог-уудыг үзээд,
Монголын БЛОГ-ийн сайт нээгдэх байх гэж харзнаж байгаад,
өөрийн дотоодод болж байдаг бодол, сэтгэгдлээ хүмүүст хүргэх, 
ЗӨВ амьдарч байгаа эсэхээ эргэн харахын тулд,
энэхүү блог-хувийн тэмдэглэлээ үүсгэлээ.

wayback machine-аар 
http://www.mcl.edu.mn/croatia_eng.html хаягаар байршуулж хийж байсан мэдээллээ хуулбарлаж нийтэллээ.

e-Riders are talking and introducing their ability, experience in Open Source Software for Citizen's Open Society.

Summer Source Camp
Island of Vis, Croatia. August 29th-September 6th, 2003
  The Summer Source Camp will bring together a focused group of stakeholders and allies working to foster Open Source software solutions for the non-profit sector across Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
  The non-profit sector has heard much about free and open source software (F/OSS) in the past few years. Many who have looked into software for their organizations are aware of the arguments for choosing an open source route. However, most of us are still using Microsoft products, and other proprietary solutions. A critical barrier in this transition is the lack of information about practical implementations, coupled with a lack of connection between implementers of open source solutions and the F/OSS developers with whom they need to work.
  Tactical Tech Amsterdam, Multimedia Institute Croatia and the Open Society Institute's Information program have pooled resources to take the Summer Source Camp forward.
  For more information: http://www.tacticaltech.org/summersource/

Facilitators and Participants:
  The Tactical Tech Collective and Mi2, with the support of the Open Society Institute and the Omidyar Foundation, are delighted and honored to present a strong ans diverse team of facilitators to direct the learning at Summer Source.

  Facilitators(20): Bako Mihaly, Candida Coronato, David Turner, Dirk Slater, Enrico Zini, Ethan Zuckerman, Henri Bergius, Jaromil (dynebolic.org), Jake Appelbaum, Katrin Verclas, Kevin Smith (martus.org), Kwindla Hultman Kramer (allafrica.com), Mako Hill, Marc Levine (martus.org),
Micah Anderson, Niels Peen (peen.net), Patrice Riemens, Robert Guerra (privaterra.org),
Tomas Krag (wire.less.dk), Vladimir Petkov.

  Participants(60): Afonso Gule Jenior (MZ), Agil Azimov (AZ), Andrius Kulikauskas (LT), Asomiddin Atoev (TJ), Bako Mihaly (RO), Bayarbat Byambadorj (MN), Begzsuren Jamsranjav (MN), Branimir Loser (HR), Caroline Meeks (US), Craioveanu Dan (RO), Damian Gajda (PL), Didim Butskhrikidze (GE), Emin Akhundov Alovsat (AZ), Emy Tseng (US), Eugeniy Lobanov (BY), Fitesa Asllani (YU),
Florian Nuqi (YU), Gabriela Hrabanova (CZ), George N. Dafermos (GR), Ian Robert Lawrence (BR), Jafar Asimov (TJ), Jan Honza Malik (CZ), Jason Diceman (CA), Jeffrey Starin (US), Jo Jo / Zaw Zaw (IN), John Bywater (UK), Jon Taylor (UK), Joselito Ranara Jimenez (PH), Katrin Verclas (US), Khodosov Evgeniy Leonidovich (AZ), Malte Sussdorff (DE), Marco Matic (DE), Matthias M. M. Masawe (TZ), Merab Tavartkiladze (GE), Milen Trifonov Nikolov (BG), Mirela Rodica Teodorescu (RO), Miroslav Olah (SK), Moses Mwale (ZM), Mugur Rus (CA), Muhammadi Ibodulloev (TJ), Natalia Bakhtadze (GE), Nicolas Raffieri (IT), Nikola Stojanovic (YU), Omar Bickell (CA), Paul Bohem (AT), Ramu Dhara (IN), Ridvan Bunjaku (YU), Rolf Kleef (NL), Rudi von Staden (ZA), Sunil Abraham (IN), Talat Numanov (TJ), Talgat Nurlybayev (KZ), Tea Kharitonashvili (GE), Teresa Bednall (UK), Tomasz Rusiecki (PL), Tsetsegmaa Khuyag (MN), Vaclav Klinkera (CZ), Valeri Chitaladze (GE), Volodja Vorobey (UA), Yuwei Lin (UK),

  More details about Participants:
  - in text file: Introduction of Participants
  - in web db: http://taya.home.ge/summersource/

Participants websites:
acabnews.it aiesec.net allafrica.com/staff/kwinda/
alternatives.ca amsterdamwireless.net apc.org
appelbaum.net appropriatesoftwarefoundation.org and more

My notes

  Free software
  has 4 freedoms: to use, to study and adapt, to share copies, to release improvements

  Proprietary software - non free, closed, owned/controled locked
  Commercial - used for business, makes money, sold
  Open Source - "functional" rather than "ethical" benefits, low cost, high quality, greater customer control

  31 August. Content Management System (CMS)
  Blogging application, Wiki, Community portal, GPL, Action apps, Tiki_manual_CRTI.pdf, AegirCMS1.0RC1, routemc.org, wikipedia.org, twingle and WebDEV.
  Resources: cmsreview.com, cmsinfo.org, sydney.wilderness.org.au/docs/node.php?id=1, opensourcecms.com, oscom.org

  2 September - KNOPPIX3.2
  OpenOffice1.0.2 (www.openoffice.org), Evolution (personal information manager-www.ximian.com), The GIMP - bitmap editor, Sodipodi - vector graphic editor, http://kaladan.cult.bg/a.html, KSnapShot - screen capture, GnuWIN - http://gnuwinepfl.ch, http://linuxshop.ru:10000/linuxbegin/

  Understanding Network and Internet
  Starting point: Network physically set (RJ45), Network card configured, Assigning addresses to computers (Automatically /DHCP/ or Manually). TCP/IP protocol, Netmask Zero (0) is masking the network capacity. Gateway - like Central Postoffice, ifconfig.
  Server - software offering services. Samba server:e-Smith2, ping, traceroute, mtr, ethereal, netstat. ftp://e-smith2/ (Port21), smb://e-smith2/, smb://, ftp://vis@e-smith2, (admin, pass).

  Skill sharing: Wireless by Tomas Crag (Denmark)
  200-500 meters, Wireless PC and USB adapters (20$-30$), Link Sys Co.Ltd Accesspoint (50$), omni direct and plat antennas, directional antenna can made by can.
  He gifted me the book O'Reilly Building Wireless Community Networks. Thank you!

  Skill sharing: GIMP
  GNU Image Manipulation Program - www.gimp.org

  Skill sharing: Samba server - Nills (Netherland)
  Samba, CUPS - file and printer servers. cups.org, http://localhost:631 - CUPS. /etc/init.d/ - special directory for scripts that start services.

  Skill sharing: PHPmyAdmin.net
  after installation Quanta editor for PHP, jedit.org, Source checker - tidy.sf.net.

  Security, Encryption- Robert Guerra (Canada)
  Email software - AutoPreview - turnoff, privaterra.org, AVG-free antivirus OSS, PGP disk volume security, pgpi.com, pgpi.net. www.keyserver.net/en/, hashmail.net, hashtools.com.

  Building a website in 10 minutes - Damian Gajda (Poland)
  a. Hypertext, b. Markup then HTML, tags, Editor - jedit.org, ejava.org. JPG-photo, PNG, GIF for transparent. Homepage size should be smaller than 56kB.
  HTML tutorials: www.htmlcompendium.com, www.echoecho.com

  Streaming Audio
  for Desktops: put CD, then Restart! Audacity, Muse, icecast, MUSE/ Let's stream,
  www.sf.net, http://audacity.sourceforge.net, http://sourceforge.net/projects/audacity, Microphone-Desktop, 56kbps Internet line, Streaming server software in ISP, Radio studio-Transmitter-Radio/receiver, 24kbit/s is comportable for transmission. MP3 server is Samba.

  Video Streaming - Jaromil@rastasoft.org, dyne.org, dynebolic.org
  Linux-QuickCam to control a camera, linux-usb.org, Apple Darvin server, mp4live, Philips camera is recommendable. TV card with 3 ports. Bitrate kbps (kilobit per second), Multicast, Unicast, Stream/palantir. www.openmash.org

  Assessment Tools
  Georgian tool, Benchmark-minimum requirements, Tex survey, npower.org, apc.org, Planning assessment.
  1. Create assessment team 2. Review mission 3. Inventory infrastructure 4. Information+Communications How do you handle them? 5. Obstacles - needs to improve 6. Improvement

  Case study: Building an Open Source Office

Summer Source Camp photos


IT Online Tutorials from SSCamp

ActiveX programming with Visual C++ Apache Server Survival Guide
So You Want to Write a Book?
A Guide for New Authors Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days,
Second Edition
CGI Manual of Style
Online by Robert McDaniel
Assembler Tutorial
1996 Edition
University of Guadalajara
Information Systems General Coordination.
Culture and Entertainment Web
Learning Debian GNU/Linux
By Bill McCarty
DocBook: The Definitive Guide
By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner
THE FUTURE DOES NOT COMPUTE--Transcending the Machines in Our Midst,
CCNA Router and Switching Study Guide
Grokking the GIMP
by Carey Bunks The User Manual to KDevelop
The Reference Guide to the KDevelop Integrated Development Environment for Unix Systems, Version 1.4
Linux Administration Made Easy
by Steve Frampton Linux Network Administrator's Guide, 2nd Edition
By Olaf Kirch & Terry Dawson

(1) First CD with 120 tutorials

(2) And second CD

About Croatia

  Zagreb airport - www.tel.hr/zagreb-airport/indexen.html, Airport bus 25 kuna,

  http://free-vk.hinet.hr/lbvukovar/serv.htm - Transportation information

For more information about Summer Source Camp:
Yuwei Lin:
Perens, B. The Open Source Definition http://perens.com/Articles/OSD.html

Nata Bakhtadze:
wow, here is an article about us:)
Mugur Rus sent:
Here is a link you may find useful when evaluating F/OSS solutions for NGOs:
http://www.dwheeler.com/oss_fs_eval.html (Copy from MCLWeb)

2006 оноос хойш блогынхоо хаягийг
өөрчилсөн тэмдэглэл

Блог нээсэн өдөр.
Ээжийнхээ эхээс унасан нутаг Сүхбаатар аймгийн Наран суманд гэр бүлээрээ аялж, амарч ирээд анхны аяллын тэмдэглэлээ бичихээр jbegzsuren.blogspot.com хаяг нээсэн.

БЛОГ-ийн ЭХ ЗАГВАРЫГ өөрчлөж сурахаар оролдоод л байна ...
БЛОГ-ийнхоо хуудсанд БҮЛЭГ ҮҮСГЭХ, цааш унших холбоос бий болгохоор HELP-ийг нь уншиж байна.

Блогоо хувийн вэб хуудас болгож ашиглахаар шийдэж, өөрийн бичсэн нийтлэлүүдийг үлдээж, forward хийсэн нийтлэлүүдийг устгаж, загварыг өөрчилж байна.

Айлын өрхийн тэргүүн, өрх гэрийг гийгүүлэгч нартай харилцах, 
амьдралынхаа туршлага, мэдлэгийг хуваалцах, 
сайн гэж тооцсон бүхнээрээ үлгэрлэн дагуулах, 
Монгол "нүү-дэл-чин" ахуй, соёлыг "суу-рин" соёл иргэншилтэй хослуулсан Монголын өрх бүр HOST AIL (хоост айл) юм гэсэн ойлголтыг Дэлхийд түгээх зорилго өвөртлөн host-ail тодотголтой болгож байсан.
Блогийн хаягаа host-ail-begzsuren болгож өөрчиллөө.

Бид шинэ хоч нэр beesoy-оороо нэрлэхээр шийдэж, host-ail-beesoy болгож блогоо нэрлэсэн.

Бидний шинэ зорилт Бүтээлч байхыг илэрхийлэхээр блог хаягаа buteelch-ail-beesoy болгосон.

buteelch-ail-beesoy хаягаа beesoy.blogspot.com болгож товчилсон.
Блогийнхоо хаягийг өөрчилдөг тохиргоо байдаг юм байна.


Dulu said…
Сайн байна уу?
Таны блог болоод яруу сэтгэгч сонин их таалагдлаа, тэгээд єєрийнхєє блогийн холбоост нэмчихлээ(зєвшєєрєл аваагvйд уучлаарай).
Таны, мєн хамт олны тань ажилд амжилт хvсье!
Anonymous said…
Blog gedeg chin heterhii private bishuu?