Доорхи нийтлэлийг Монголын бүх номын санчид уншиж,
Олон улсын номын сангийн холбооны 77-р хурал дээр Солонгос улсын Үндэсний номын сангийн Хүүхэд Залуучуудын тасгийн гүйцэтгэх захиралын илтгэлийг англи хэл дээр гэж бодолгүй толь бичиг барин уншихаарай.
Эх сурвалж: http://conference.ifla.org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ifla77/114-lee-en.pdf
Korean National Strategy for Library Development and
Reading Promotion for Children and Young Adults
Sook Hyeun Lee
Director General
National Library for Children and Young Adults
Seoul, Republic of Korea
In a knowledge based society where not only individual but also national competitiveness is
sharpened by information and knowledge, libraries take heavy responsibility for raising
national competitiveness. Libraries should provide desirable reading environment for users
who visit libraries and those who have difficulties accessing libraries so everyone will have
equal access and foster their dreams and envision their futures at libraries. When a book titled
‘Miraculous Learning at Library’ was published in 2005, it came as a surprise to Korean
society where families spend a huge amount of money on private education. The author was
talking about her experience how successfully she educated her children without any help of
private education but by taking advantage of libraries.
Эх сурвалж: http://conference.ifla.org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ifla77/114-lee-en.pdf
- Нийтийн номын сангийн ач холбогдлыг харуулах зоригтой алхамуудыг дор бүрнээ эхлүүлж,
- Дэлхийн стандартад үйлчилгээгээ нийцүүлэх арга хэмжээг яаралтай аваасай хэмээн хүсэв.
Олон улсын номын сангийн холбооны 77-р хурал дээр Солонгос улсын Үндэсний номын сангийн Хүүхэд Залуучуудын тасгийн гүйцэтгэх захиралын илтгэлийг англи хэл дээр гэж бодолгүй толь бичиг барин уншихаарай.
Эх сурвалж: http://conference.ifla.org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ifla77/114-lee-en.pdf
Korean National Strategy for Library Development and
Reading Promotion for Children and Young Adults
Sook Hyeun Lee
Director General
National Library for Children and Young Adults
Seoul, Republic of Korea
In a knowledge based society where not only individual but also national competitiveness is
sharpened by information and knowledge, libraries take heavy responsibility for raising
national competitiveness. Libraries should provide desirable reading environment for users
who visit libraries and those who have difficulties accessing libraries so everyone will have
equal access and foster their dreams and envision their futures at libraries. When a book titled
‘Miraculous Learning at Library’ was published in 2005, it came as a surprise to Korean
society where families spend a huge amount of money on private education. The author was
talking about her experience how successfully she educated her children without any help of
private education but by taking advantage of libraries.
Эх сурвалж: http://conference.ifla.org/sites/default/files/files/papers/ifla77/114-lee-en.pdf
IT manager, Ulaanbaatar Public Library: http://www.pl.ub.gov.mn
head, Library and Information Technology Association
CS Family Ambassador: http://www.couchsurfing.org/blackcow_jbegz
Member on HospitalityClub.org and WarmShowers.org
eIFL.net Co-Ambassador for Mongolia
BizNETWORK member : http://biznetwork.mn/profile/jbegzsuren
Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/begzsuren.j.haruhert
Twitter page : http://twitter.com/jbegzsuren
Skype: jbegzsuren