Дэлхийд 2 байдаг Оюун ухааны музейн Америк дахь нь Fw: Fun for Creative Kids & Families

Улаанбаатар хотын Зүүн дөрвөн замд байрлах Оюун ухааны Олон улсын музейн үндэслэн байгуулагч З.Түмэнөлзийн музейгээ тайлбарлаж 

"Дэлхийд 2-хон Оюуны ухааны төрөлжсөн музей байдаг, үүний нэг нь манайх" гэж байсаныг  эргэн санахад

АНУ-ын Мaryland мужын Baltimore хот дахь, The Walters Art Museum нь анхны нь байж таарах байх.
Учир нь энэ музейг 2010 оны 10 сард үзэж сонирхоход, үндсэн үзмэрүүдийг төлбөр хураамжгүйгээр үзэхэд үнэхээр гайхалтай байсан.

Та вэб хуудас руу нь шагайгаарай.

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From: The Walters Art Museum <familyprograms@thewalters.org>
To: "mcl_begee@yahoo.com" <mcl_begee@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 3:16 AM
Subject: Fun for Creative Kids & Families

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Ultimate Block Party

FREE! Sunday, October 2, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Baltimore's Inner Harbor at Rash Field
Come and celebrate the art and science of play! Play in more than 25 play centers with artists, scientists and educators. Enjoy interactive musical performances, stories from around the world and more. Come and play with us!

Creative Kid Geniuses

FREE! Every Saturday & Sunday, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
All ages, the Walters' Family Art Center
Drop-in to the Walters to create innovative projects as a family. In October we'll investigate the connections between science and art. Create sculptures that balance, decode puzzles and learn how our eyes see color!

Mini Camp: Kid Conservators

Friday, November 4, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Ages 5-12, Pre-registration required
No school today? Mini Camps at the Walters offers creative kids a unique and fun-filled way to spend the day! Join our team of ace art detectives and explore the museum as never before.

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The Walters Art Museum
600 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
T: 410.547.9000
E: info@thewalters.org

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