[DIGLIB] Putting developing country research online

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Миний бодлоор,
2005-2006 оны үед байх, Монголын хэвлэлийн хүрээлэнгээс Английн номын сантай хамтран хуучины сонин, сэтгүүлийг тоон хэлбэрт шилжүүлж, онлайн болгосон байсан. Харин одоо ямар байдалтай үргэлжилж байгааг асууж сураглаж, хамтран ажиллах гарцыг хайх хэрэгтэй болов уу.


From: Helen Rehin [mailto:H.Rehin@ids.ac.uk]
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:04 PM
To: diglib@infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [DIGLIB] Putting developing country research online
With apologies for cross-posting – please see news story below.
New BLDS Digital Library is helping research from developing countries enjoy a wider global readership
With so many library users now expecting to access information through search engines, developing country publications tend to get overlooked in favour of the wealth of research available online from American and European academic institutions.

The British Library for Development Studies (BLDS) has the largest collection of economic and social development materials in Europe and over half of it originates from developing countries. But until now, much of the BLDS physical collection has only been available to visitors to the library or users of its Document Delivery service. BLDS is hoping that its newly-launched Digital Library will help redress the situation by making developing country research more accessible and visible online

The new service, funded by the UK’s Department for International Development, has been created to help decades of research from developing country institutions enjoy a wider global readership. BLDS is working with partner research institutes in Africa and Asia, to digitise their printed publications and host them online so they can be easily found through search engines. Nearly 600 papers have been digitised so far from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and India, with more to be added in coming months as BLDS continues building partnerships with research institutes. The publications in the BLDS Digital Library are being made available through a Creative Commons licence which enables future sharing and dissemination of this content by others.
For more information on the BLDS Digital Library, contact Henry Rowsell
or visit the BLDS Global Projects webpage at http://blds.ids.ac.uk/global-projects


Helen Rehin
Deputy Librarian
BLDS (British Library for Development Studies)
Institute of Development Studies
at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE

Tel: +44 (0)1273 915660
Email: h.rehin@ids.ac.uk
Website: www.blds.ids.ac.uk

BLDS is funded by DFID (through the Mobilising Knowledge for Development Programme) and IDS.

** NEW ** The BLDS Digital Library gives you free online access to decades of research from research institutes in Africa and Asia.

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