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Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2012 10:23 PM
Subject: [New post] How to involve the new blood

New post on IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group

How to involve the new blood

by deichel
NPSIG Convenor Sebastian was part of the MLAS panel at the first BSLA mini-congress that took place in Berlin from February 23 - 24 2012 and shared best practices and strategies for recruitment and succession planning in library associations.

TIPS for recruitment and succession planning

Make conferencing an integral part of the early career experience of every LIS student.
Enable access to conferences and other professional events for New Professionals (discounts, grants, awards).
Foster recruitment of new librarians through:
  • informal contacts
  • outreach, online and on-site (return of investment)
  • institutionalized programs (leadership, mentoring etc.)
Support the creation of a group for and by New Professionals.
Provide enough time and space for them to organize themselves effectively and to try things out.
Include new librarians in important bodies of your association and in decision-making processes.
→ actively shaping the future of your association!
At the first-ever IFLA BSLA mini-congress in Berlin Germany February 23-24 2012, representatives of IFLA BSLA country projects from Botswana, Cameroon, Lebanon, Lithuania, Nepal, Peru and Ukraine shared their success stories, and solutions to challenges that cut across borders. Strategies to engage with politicians, stakeholders, and to sustain associations into the future were discussed by all association representatives and their trainers.
IFLA NPSIG convenor Sebastian Wilke at the BSLA mini-congress 2012 in Berlin
ichel | March 11, 2012 at 3:23 pm | Categories: blog, conference | URL: http://wp.me/pM3Xt-ux
