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From: IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group <donotreply@wordpress.com>
To: mcl_begee@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 8:20 PM
Subject: [New post] IFLA Journal Vol. 38, No. 1

New post on IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group

IFLA Journal Vol. 38, No. 1

by deichel
You can find some interesting articles from last years WLIC2011 in San Juan in the latest  IFLA Journal: Volume 38, No. 1 (March 2012).
  • Professional development, values and strategy - the means for building strong libraries for the future!
    • Catharina Isberg, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    • page: 35
    • Abstract: The library and information sector is undergoing massive change. In a changing world we must create environments that promote strong development to ensure a viable future and a library that provides benefits to all our customers. Professional development is an essential component of this environment. It must be in line with the organization’s strategy and values. Changes in customer expectations, behavior and technological development make it even more important to form the library’s identity and prioritize our activities. Values, strategy and professional development go hand in hand with the development process. Staff participation in the development process produces a climate that is creative and a means of ensuring success in the future. At the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences University Library we have worked with professional development, strategy and values as well as the concepts of staff empowerment and leadership. This effort has included all staff members and the results have been excellent.
  • Developing leadership competencies in librarians
    • Mary Wilkins Jordan, Simmons College
    • page: 37
    • Abstract: What makes a good director? How does a librarian know she has the competencies needed to be an effective manager-leader? How does the library board or community know what to look for in a director? What should the library profession look for in their rising managers? There are not clear answers to these questions right now. But development of a set of research-based competencies will give answers to these questions, and will give a foundation for other research-based ideas to be developed to assist manager-leaders in the library. The research objective for this study is to refine a set of competencies, identified from the literature, through the opinions of current public library directors. The development of manager/leaders in the library world is too important to be left to chance. Using a research-based set of competencies as a foundation should help in the development of training opportunities for librarians who wish to be successful in their positions as directors.
And many more. Have a look.
IFLA journal
deichel | March 19, 2012 at 1:20 pm | Tags: IFLAjournal | Categories: blog, publications, reading | URL: http://wp.me/pM3Xt-wz
