Оролцохоор боллоо! Fw: Confirmation on receiving your application for Cycling for libraries Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn
Сайн байна уу,
Номын сангийн мэргэжлийн 100 хүн унадаг дугуйгаар Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn маршрутаар 600 км замыг туулахдаа номын сангийн өнөөгийн байдал, цаашдын хандлагын талаар чөлөөт хэлэлцүүлэг хийж, зам дагуух хот, тосгодын номын сангуудын үйл ажиллагаатай танилцах,
Cycling for Libraries 2012 арга хэмжээнд
Д.Нацагдоржийн нэрэмжит Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сангийн мэдээллийн технологийн мэргэжилтэн Ж. Бэгзсүрэн миний Монголынхоо номын санчдыг төлөөлөн оролцохоор сонгогдсондоо баяртай байна.
Энэ арга хэмжээний цаашдын мэдээллүүдийг та бүхэнтэй байнга хуваалцах ба холбоотой байхыг хүсье.
IT manager,
Ulaanbaatar Public Library
Facebook/Twitter: @ubpubliclibrary, @jbegzsuren
Online system: http://koha.pl.ub.gov.mn
IT manager,
Ulaanbaatar Public Library
Facebook/Twitter: @ubpubliclibrary, @jbegzsuren
Online system: http://koha.pl.ub.gov.mn
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mace Ojala <mace@cyclingforlibraries.org>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Confirmation on receiving your application for Cycling for libraries Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn
From: Mace Ojala <mace@cyclingforlibraries.org>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2012 3:46 AM
Subject: Confirmation on receiving your application for Cycling for libraries Vilnius-Riga-Tallinn
Dear all
The Cycling for libraries 28th July-7t August (http://www.cyclingforlibraries.org) registration has been open for one week now, and we have received so many applications we have been just baffled! Thank you all for your interest and commitment to this unconference!!
The Cycling for libraries -unconference is limited to 100 participants. The registration -process is done in two parts: the first 50 people were accepted directly (and this limit was reached in 20 hours after the registration opened). The next 50 participants will be chosen based on your applications. You all, the recipients of this email are in the latter group.
We are accepting applications for Cycling for libraries until 8th of May (IFLA WLIC 2012 Early Registration closes on 15th of May). After that we will select the 50 participants based on your applications. Then we will contact each one of you within a few days and tell you if you will be participating in the unconference. (phew the selection is going to be an extremely tough job for me and Jukka).
Again, thanks for the massive, global interest in Cycling for libraries -unconference! And feel free to contact us (mace@cyclingforlibraries.org, jukka@cyclingforlibraries.org, or Facebook or Twitter hashtag #cyc4lib) if you have anything in your mind.
On behalf of the Cycling for libraries organizers
The Cycling for libraries 28th July-7t August (http://www.cyclingforlibraries.org) registration has been open for one week now, and we have received so many applications we have been just baffled! Thank you all for your interest and commitment to this unconference!!
The Cycling for libraries -unconference is limited to 100 participants. The registration -process is done in two parts: the first 50 people were accepted directly (and this limit was reached in 20 hours after the registration opened). The next 50 participants will be chosen based on your applications. You all, the recipients of this email are in the latter group.
We are accepting applications for Cycling for libraries until 8th of May (IFLA WLIC 2012 Early Registration closes on 15th of May). After that we will select the 50 participants based on your applications. Then we will contact each one of you within a few days and tell you if you will be participating in the unconference. (phew the selection is going to be an extremely tough job for me and Jukka).
Again, thanks for the massive, global interest in Cycling for libraries -unconference! And feel free to contact us (mace@cyclingforlibraries.org, jukka@cyclingforlibraries.org, or Facebook or Twitter hashtag #cyc4lib) if you have anything in your mind.
On behalf of the Cycling for libraries organizers
-- Mace Ojala and Jukka Pennanen Cycling for libraries (http://www.cyclingforlibraries.org)