Microsoft Software Donation Program-д хамрагдаж, $85,009 өртөг бүхий програм хангамжийг төлбөргүй ашиглахаар боллоо #ubpl

Д.Нацагдоржийн нэрэмжит Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сан нь уншигчдийн буюу нийтийн зориулалттай компьютеруудынхаа үйлдлийн системийг албан ёсны лицензтэй болгох зорилгоор,

Microsoft Software Donation Program-д хандаж, хүсэлтээ гаргаснаар
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional - 70ш лиценз
Microsoft Office Standard 2007 - 70ш лиценз
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - 2ш лиценз
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Microsoft SQL Server 2008
програмуудыг ашиглах лиценз, инсталл СД, ДВД-г DHL шуудангаар өнөөдөр хүлээн авлаа.
Уг илгээмжийг хүлээн авагч Хотын нийтийн төв номын сангаас төлөх гаалийн татвар, болон гаалийн бүрдүүлэлттэй холбоотой гарч байгаа 60000 гаруй төгрөгийн зардлыг хүртэл Microsoft компаниас төлөх нөхцөлтэйгээр шуудан илгээсэн байсан нь үнэхээр сайхан санагдлаа.
Ийнхүү нийт $85,009 өртөг бүхий програм хангамжийг төлбөргүй ашиглахаар боллоо.

Microsoft Software Donation хөтөлбөрийн дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг доорхи имэйлээс уншина уу.

IT manager,
Ulaanbaatar Public Library
Facebook/Twitter: @ubpubliclibrary, @jbegzsuren
Online system:

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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:19 AM
Subject: Microsoft Donation - #6491009 - Ulaanbaatar Public Library

March 26, 2012 Ulaanbaatar Public Library Seoul street-7, Ulaanbaatar 28 Ulaanbaatar, N/A 14251 MN Reference ID: 6491009 Dear At Microsoft, we believe technology can do amazing things. That's why we partner with thousands of organizations like yours around the world to help each one achieve its mission. Through our Corporate Citizenship efforts, we provide technology tools, training, and resources that can help create opportunities and transform communities. Congratulations on being part of our global community! Microsoft is pleased to make a donation of $85,009.00 in Microsoft software to Ulaanbaatar Public Library in support of Renew public computers operating system.
Important details about your Microsoft donation and information for accessing your software license keys and benefits are included in this email. We recommend printing this letter for your license and tax records. This letter serves as the official record that Microsoft has issued licenses to the organization named above. The address listed above is the official address for your organization in our records; please disregard any inaccuracy in your organization's address that may be displayed through the Volume Licensing Service Center website. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Microsoft Corporation is the party that has made the software donation to your organization by issuing this license grant letter and is the licensor under the Charity Open License Agreement (or Open License Agreement) and the addendum thereto included in this grant letter.
In addition to this donation, we also offer other resources, tips and tools to help you work more efficiently and effectively to achieve your mission. You can find these resources at We have also created specific guidance on what to expect from a partnership with Microsoft at, including resources to help you communicate the benefits of our partnership, and connect with other organizations.
We invite you to join our global online community to have access to the latest news and resources from Microsoft. Join the conversation by liking the Microsoft Citizenship Facebook page, following @msftcitizenship on Twitter, and contributing to our Microsoft Citizenship Blog. Share the #SocialGood we all accomplish at Microsoft!
  • "Like" our page and engage in discussion
  • Tag the Microsoft Citizenship page in relevant posts
  • Mention @msftcitizenship in tweets
  • Stay up to date on the latest news and offers
  • Read the latest stories about Microsoft's work to serve communities and work responsibly
  • Comment and let us know your thoughts
Beyond donations to nonprofits, Microsoft also offers a discount program that allows nonprofit organizations to purchase Microsoft software and licenses at a substantially reduced cost. For information on this program, please visit Microsoft's Charity Open License Web Site at
If you have questions regarding this donation, please contact Marija Ralic at For more information about Microsoft, our Citizenship efforts and investments in communities around the world, please visit
Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director, Microsoft Community Affairs
Akhtar Badshah
Senior Director
Microsoft Community Affairs
Microsoft Corporation
