2012 оны 3-р сард ИФЛА-д илгээсэн имэйл ...The provision of free public libraries is essentially a political issue, since it is concerned ...

IFLA  Library Theory and Research /LTR/

Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: greetings to the LTR Session members

Dear Jamsranjav Begzsuren
I viewed your presentation with interest.

The development of free public libraries has in most countries been the outcome of a political process in which librarians and their allies brought pressure to bear on their national governments and local authorities (municipalities) to provide services free of charge. The provision of free public libraries is essentially a political issue, since it is concerned with the distribution and use of limited resources, for which various sectors of society are competing.

In countries where the struggle for free public libraries was successful, librarians formed coalitions with powerful allies that were promoting the education, literacy, cultural heritage, and social welfare of the people of their countries. By allies I mean leaders of movements and organizations such as social upliftment, cultural and language organizations, religious groups, workers' movements and trade unions. It is also important to find some members of the national parliament who will be champions of your cause.

In many countries, the struggle for free public libraries was associated with the development of a national library association. Many national library associations advocated actively for free public libraries, and this issue also served as a binding force which brought librarians together and helped strengthen their association. Generally. libraries thrive mainly in countries with strong library associations.  IFLA has a programme aimed at building strong library associations. See http://www.ifla.org/bsla/;

The IFLA/UNESCO public library manifesto, to which you also refer in your presentation,  provides useful persuasive material, since governments have respect for the guidelines of UNESCO and other intergovernmental bodies. But a document by itself has little force.  To make things things happen you need people. The most important group that you need to support the public library movement is library users.  In most countries librarians are only a very small minority. By themselves they cannot exercise much influence, if any, on their governments. Therefore they need powerful allies and numerous supporters

I hope these thoughts will be helpful and wish you every success in your cause.
Kind regards
Peter Lor

On 2012/02/17 04:36 PM, Raphaëlle Bats wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I send you an email received for LTR standing committee after the diffusion of the Newsletter.
> Have a nice day,
> best,
> raphaëlle
> Raphaëlle BATS Mission Relations internationales International Relations Office raphaelle.bats@enssib.fr Enssib http://www.enssib.fr 17-21 bd du 11 novembre 1918 69 623 villeurbanne Cedex tel :

> -------- Message original --------
> Sujet:     greetings to the LTR Session members
> Date :     Thu, 16 Feb 2012 00:57:30 -0800 (PST)
> Dear IFLA LTR Session members,
> Greetings to you from Mongolia!
> We are going to celebrate Mongolian Lunar New Year in 22nd of February, before spring first day, I have read your newsletter and want to send this email.
> Please, I'm looking for interesting cases and historical information about how countries decided public library must be equal and free accessible to community?
> Because, in Mongolia, we are trying to release user's annually registration fee and book home loan service's daily fee.
> I want to show/tell the cases and historical information to our librarians and decision makers how other countries made a decision to be free and public access in public library.
> Here is my presentation about Ulaanbaatar Central Public Library:
> http://www.slideshare.net/jbegzsuren/copy-of-is-this-mongolian-public-library... />>
> and others
> http://www.slideshare.net/jbegzsuren/presentations
> Thank you very much for your review, recommendation, and cooperation,
> Sincerely Yours,
> J.Begzsuren
