Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 5:28 AM
Subject: America's Digital Library Launches
two and a half years of planning, the Digital Public Library of America
(DPLA), the U.S.'s first public online-only library, opened its doors
today -- or at least was made publicly available on the Internet.
The DPLA is a free, open-source resource that makes a number of digital collections and archives across the country available in one place. Continue reading...
The DPLA is a free, open-source resource that makes a number of digital collections and archives across the country available in one place. Continue reading...
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2013 9:51 PM
Subject: Transition to RDA with Practical Cataloguing
Practical Cataloguing:
Anne Welsh and Sue Batley
book offers guidance to help catalogers make a smooth transition to
RDA: Resource Description and Access, recently officially implemented
by the Library of Congress and British Library, among others. Offering a
step-by-step guide for mapping the new standards onto existing rules
for description, Welsh and Batley cover thoroughly FRBR (Functional
Requirements of Bibliographic Records) and FRAD (Functional Requirements
of Authority Data), on which the new rules are built, and explore how
RDA elements can be incorporated into MARC21.
text provides readers with an introduction to current catalogs and
standards and examines publication formats, bibliographic elements,
access points, and headings.
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 10:16 AM
Subject: DL Consulting April Newsletter
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 10:16 AM
Subject: DL Consulting April Newsletter
In our blog posted on April 3, 2013 we added a handy guide as part of our series "Building a Digital Newspaper Archive." This step-by-step guide
covers key elements required to take newspapers or other historic
documents, turn them into digital images, and make them available online
in a highly searchable format. In the article we introduce and explain
the following steps:
Step 1 – Planning Step 2 – Scanning the pages Step 3 – Converting scanned images to digital text Step 4 – Using METS/ALTO to define OCR text Step 5 – Choosing a presentation system Step 6 – Loading the data and presenting your collection online Read the Article… |
*****Sent: Friday, April 12, 2013 7:08 PM
Subject: Still time to register - Build Community Partnerships
Your Library Needs Community Partnerships:
How to Get it Done
90-minute workshop with Paul Signorelli
Building partnerships with community businesses and organizations is an excellent way for libraries to address the increased demand for library services that coincides with current funding cuts. In this workshop, Signorelli will show you how to build productive community partnerships that will help your library engage in meaningful projects while enhancing its standing in the community.
Workshop topics will include:
Subject: Still time to register - Build Community Partnerships
Your Library Needs Community Partnerships:
How to Get it Done
90-minute workshop with Paul Signorelli
Building partnerships with community businesses and organizations is an excellent way for libraries to address the increased demand for library services that coincides with current funding cuts. In this workshop, Signorelli will show you how to build productive community partnerships that will help your library engage in meaningful projects while enhancing its standing in the community.
Workshop topics will include:
- How collaborations are developed
- How to identify economic, educational, and social needs that libraries and businesses both meet
- Techniques for bringing stakeholders together, developing a flexible plan of action and providing ongoing evaluation
Paul Signorelli has
more than 20 years of experience working for libraries and nonprofit
organizations. As Director of Staff Training (six years) and Volunteer
Services (14 years) for the San Francisco Public Library, he created,
implemented, and managed numerous training plans.
Ажилтануудын мэдлэг, чадварыг байнга дээшлүүлж байхад
- Үе шаттай сургалтууд,
- Мэргэжлийн уралдаан тэмцээн зохиох
- Номын сангийн үйлчлүүлэгчдээс санал асуулга авч шалгаруулах
гэх мэт арга хэлбэрүүдийг цаг улиралд нь нийцүүлэн График төлөвлөгөөний дагуу байнга зохион байгуулж байх, мөн
- хэрхэн цалин хангамж нь нэмэгдэхээ мэддэг байх
- тушаал дэвших нөхцөл нь ил тод байх гэх мэт олон зүйлс яригдах байх аа.
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 6:06 AM
Subject: Staff development strategies in your library
Melody Clark posted in Beyond Access Initiative
Номын сангаасаа Ногооны үр зээлж байна... Fw: [Beyond Access Initiative] A small-town library in Colorado (USA) is lending...
Hellen Muyomba posted in Beyond Access Initiative
Fw: Slideshare presentation: National Digital Library of Korea

Бид цахим уншлагыг жинхэнэ утгаар нь ойлгох цаг иржээ?
Номын сангийн хөгжлийн асуудал 2013 онд Сингапурт хэлэлцэгдэнэ Fw: [New post] 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
Тэргүүлэгч номын сангууд Англо-Америкийн Каталогжуулалтын дүрмээ солих нь ... Fw: Introducing RDA Workshop - Still Time to Register!
Public Library Innovation Program-аар нийтийн номын сангууд туршлагаа хуваалцсаар ... Fw: [PLIP-libraries] really useful resource about mobile phone services
Hi innovative libraries
More and more libraries are using mobile phones in innovative services - in
PLIP we have libraries using mobile phone text messaging (SMS) to support
farmers, to build community health and to help unemployed youth find jobs.
Here is a very useful manual about using SMS. The focus is health - BUT the
same principles apply for all development areas.
The manual takes a developmental approach - first conducting community
research, then consulting experts and developing messages, then - TWO VERY
IMPORTANT STEPS - (1) testing the messages (SMS) with recipients to see if
recipients want to add anything, to check if the messages are appropriate,
use language recipients can understand, fulfill needs etc., and (2)
reviewing and revising the messages to take account of recipients'
feedback. The manual also includes valuable tips about implementation,
setting up systems, promoting, launching and eventually, evaluating the
Good project development and management!
Enough from me - here's a link to the manual bit.ly/TRVhgv.
Take a look.
Соёл урлаг ямар байдлаар хөгжсөнийг, цаашид хөгжихийг ... Fw: New report: Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 7:47 AM
Subject: New report: Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies
Ажилтануудын мэдлэг, чадварыг байнга дээшлүүлж байхад
- Үе шаттай сургалтууд,
- Мэргэжлийн уралдаан тэмцээн зохиох
- Номын сангийн үйлчлүүлэгчдээс санал асуулга авч шалгаруулах
гэх мэт арга хэлбэрүүдийг цаг улиралд нь нийцүүлэн График төлөвлөгөөний дагуу байнга зохион байгуулж байх, мөн
- хэрхэн цалин хангамж нь нэмэгдэхээ мэддэг байх
- тушаал дэвших нөхцөл нь ил тод байх гэх мэт олон зүйлс яригдах байх аа.
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2013 6:06 AM
Subject: Staff development strategies in your library
Staff Development:
A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition
Edited by Andrea Wigbels Stewart, Carlette Washington-Hoagland, and Carol T. Zsulya for LLAMA
Staff Development:
A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition
Edited by Andrea Wigbels Stewart, Carlette Washington-Hoagland, and Carol T. Zsulya for LLAMA
its original publication more than two decades ago, this book has
remained a respected handbook for supporting one of the libraries' most
important assets: their human resources. Staff development and training
are not only important but essential to ensure that libraries meet new
challenges and fulfill their missions. This new edition offers unique,
state-of-the-art perspectives on such important topics as
- Building a staff development program, and strategies for developing staff
- Tracking changes through training, including the importance of setting goals and needs assessments
- Refining the customer service attitude
Collection Development in Digital Libraries…03.18.13by lonewolflibrarian |
Subject: [New post] E-Lending for Libraries
New post on NAPLE Blog |
E-Lending for Librariesby napleblog |
since the launch of e-books IFLA has worked on the e-Lending. The
e-Lending Working Group, was created and tasked by the IFLA Governing
Board with “developing a set of principles that could guide library
professionals as they grapple with the complicated process of
negotiating eBook licenses with publishers and resellers”. In 2012 they
publish the “Background Paper on e-Lending” and now they have just
created a web page aimed to gather resources and expand the amount of
information available.
You can visit the web at this link
Melody Clark posted in Beyond Access Initiative
![]() |
New IFLA site dedicated to public libraries & development: http://www.facebook.com/l/qAQEos7PD/www.ifla.org/ict4d
Infographic: Future of Libraries
Номын сангаасаа Ногооны үр зээлж байна... Fw: [Beyond Access Initiative] A small-town library in Colorado (USA) is lending...
Hellen Muyomba posted in Beyond Access Initiative
small-town library in Colorado (USA) is lending more than just books.
Patrons can now check out seeds and farm them. After the crops are
harvested, the patrons return the seeds from the best fruits and
vegetables so the library can lend them out to others. This is really
http://www.facebook.com/l/iAQFxq93A/www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2013/02/02/1708... |
Fw: Slideshare presentation: National Digital Library of Korea

АНУ-ын нийслэлийн нийтийн номын сангаас ямар соёл танин мэдэхүйн үйл ажиллагааг 2,3-р сард явуулахыг нь мэдэхийн зэрэгцээ,
Дараах илтгэлд Digital Literacy нь ямар өргөн ойлголт болохыг тайлбарласнаас харж, буцааж бид Literacy-ийн ойлголтоо өөрчлөх, Номын сан бол ном уншдаг л газар, уншихын тулд хураамж төлж л таараа гэсэн бодлоо өөрчлөхөд ч хүрч магад?
Slideshare presentation:
Renee Hobbs gives the keynote address at the Metropolitan New York Library Council on January 15, 20...
Орон нутгийн онцлогт тохирсон мэдээллийн үйлчилгээний жишээ ... Fw: [Beyond Access] Regional conference on advocacy in Macedonia
АНУ-ын нийслэлийн нийтийн номын сангаас ямар соёл танин мэдэхүйн үйл ажиллагааг 2,3-р сард явуулахыг нь мэдэхийн зэрэгцээ,
Хандивлагч-membership нартаа зориулсан тусгай арга хэмжээ
Сайн дурын туслагч-volunteer болж хэрхэн хамтран ажиллах боломжтой
Board of Library Trustees -ийн уулзалтаар номын сангийн ямар асуудлыг
хэлэлцэж шийдэж, түүнээс нь үндэслэн үйлчилгээний журамд болон юу юунд
өөрчлөлт ордог зэргийг
нарийвчлан судлаж, Монголын номын сангуудад байхгүй удирдлага, зохион байгуулалтын системүүдийн ач тусыг ойлгож авцгаая.
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:02 AM
Subject: DC Library eNews
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 7:02 AM
Subject: DC Library eNews
Монгол хэлэнд Literacy гэдэг үгийг бичиг үсэгт тайлагдах гэж
орчуулж, улмаар уншиж бичиж чаддаг болсон л бол энэ чадварыг эзэмшсэн
гэсэн байдлаар зарим нэг нь ойлгодог байх гэж боддог?
Дараах илтгэлд Digital Literacy нь ямар өргөн ойлголт болохыг тайлбарласнаас харж, буцааж бид Literacy-ийн ойлголтоо өөрчлөх, Номын сан бол ном уншдаг л газар, уншихын тулд хураамж төлж л таараа гэсэн бодлоо өөрчлөхөд ч хүрч магад?
Slideshare presentation:

2 favorites
2 favorites
Орон нутгийн онцлогт тохирсон мэдээллийн үйлчилгээний жишээ ... Fw: [Beyond Access] Regional conference on advocacy in Macedonia
Орон нутгийнхаа
иргэдийн мэдээллийн хэрэгцээ шаардлагад нийцсэн Үйлчилгээг бий болгосон
туршлагаа Серби-Макадено-ийн номын санд байна.
Public Library Radislav Nikčević (Serbia) is presenting their AgroLib-Ja service for farmers;
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 4:07 AM
Subject: [Beyond Access] Regional conference on advocacy in Macedonia
***** Subject: [Beyond Access] Regional conference on advocacy in Macedonia
Бид цахим уншлагыг жинхэнэ утгаар нь ойлгох цаг иржээ?
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 2:45 AM
Subject: [New post] First American Bookless Public Library…01.14.13
Subject: [New post] First American Bookless Public Library…01.14.13
As I mentioned on Twitter this past weekend from The Verge, San Antonio, TX will be home to the first bookless public library:
"Bexar County, Texas says that it will open the
first 100 percent digital public library system in the country,
unveiling plans for its first location this past week. The plan has been
in the works for a while, headed up by Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff,
who says he was inspired to create a digitally native library while
reading Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs.
you want to get an idea what it looks like, go into an Apple store,"
Wolff told the San Antonio Express News. Called BiblioTech, the library
system plans for several locations, starting with a first one in the
fall of 2013 on the south side of the county. Wolff says this system
won't be a replacement for the County's City library system, but an
enhancement to it. They plan to save money by using buildings which are
already owned by Bexar County, and have estimated that beginning costs
are around $250,000 to secure the first 10,000 titles for the
Номын сангийн хөгжлийн асуудал 2013 онд Сингапурт хэлэлцэгдэнэ Fw: [New post] 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly
IFLA is celebrating its World Library and Information Congress that will be held in Singapore from 17-23 August 2013.
Call for papers of every section are being published here, check it often as it is being constantly updated. |
Тэргүүлэгч номын сангууд Англо-Америкийн Каталогжуулалтын дүрмээ солих нь ... Fw: Introducing RDA Workshop - Still Time to Register!
Номын сангийн хөгжлийн асуудал дэлхий нийтэд тасралтгүй яригдаж, хэрэгжсээр байна.
Өнгөрсөн зуунаас хэрэглэж эхэлсэн Англо-Америкийн каталогжуулалтын дүрмийг халж,
Description and Access (RDA) гэдэг шинэ каталогжуулалтын стандартаар
солих ажлыг АНУ-ын Конгрессийн номын сан тэргүүтэй, зарим үндэсний номын
сангууд 2013 оны 3-р сараас бүрэн нэвтрүүлж эхлэх нь ээ.
Resource Description and Access is the new cataloging standard that is
replacing the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR).
The March 2013 full implementation by Library of Congress and other national libraries ...
----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 3:54 AM
Subject: Introducing RDA Workshop - Still Time to Register!
***** Subject: Introducing RDA Workshop - Still Time to Register!
Introducing RDA
A 90-minute workshop with Chris Oliver
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
2:30pm Eastern|1:30pm Central
12:30pm Mountain|11:30am Pacific
A 90-minute workshop with Chris Oliver
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
2:30pm Eastern|1:30pm Central
12:30pm Mountain|11:30am Pacific
Resource Description and Access is the new cataloging standard that is
replacing the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR). The March 2013
full implementation by Library of Congress and other national libraries
is coming up fast, and libraries are working intensively to familiarize
staff, whether they’re going to be simply interacting with records
created using RDA or doing original cataloging themselves.
In this workshop, Oliver, author of the best-selling Introducing RDA, will give an overview of RDA and look at the key aspects that make RDA different from AACR2. The workshop is designed to provide background for catalogers before they begin RDA training but will also serve as a refresher for those wanting to brush up on their understanding of RDA.
In this workshop, Oliver, author of the best-selling Introducing RDA, will give an overview of RDA and look at the key aspects that make RDA different from AACR2. The workshop is designed to provide background for catalogers before they begin RDA training but will also serve as a refresher for those wanting to brush up on their understanding of RDA.
Chris Oliver
has worked at the McGill University Library since 1989, as a cataloging
librarian and cataloging manager. Her current position is Coordinator
of Cataloging and Authorities. She received her M.A. and M.L.I.S.
degrees from McGill University. She is the Chair of the Canadian
Committee on Cataloging and has been a member of the Committee since
1997. This has given her the opportunity to be involved with the
evolution of RDA from its beginning. She served as a member of the Joint
Steering Committee’s Format Variation Working Group and as Chair of the
RDA Outreach Group. She has given presentations on RDA in Canada, the
United States, and internationally.
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:53 AM
Subject: [Beyond Access] Take a look at "Big Talk from Small Libraries," a...
Subject: [Beyond Access] Take a look at "Big Talk from Small Libraries," a...
![]() |
a look at "Big Talk from Small Libraries," a conference that will focus
specifically on small libraries. The one-day event will be broadcast
online. http://www.facebook.com/l/QAQFY4YiJ/nlcblogs.nebraska.gov/bigtalk/about-the-c...
Public Library Innovation Program-аар нийтийн номын сангууд туршлагаа хуваалцсаар ... Fw: [PLIP-libraries] really useful resource about mobile phone services
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 5:46 PM
Subject: [PLIP-libraries] really useful resource about mobile phone services
Subject: [PLIP-libraries] really useful resource about mobile phone services
Hi innovative libraries
More and more libraries are using mobile phones in innovative services - in
PLIP we have libraries using mobile phone text messaging (SMS) to support
farmers, to build community health and to help unemployed youth find jobs.
Here is a very useful manual about using SMS. The focus is health - BUT the
same principles apply for all development areas.
The manual takes a developmental approach - first conducting community
research, then consulting experts and developing messages, then - TWO VERY
IMPORTANT STEPS - (1) testing the messages (SMS) with recipients to see if
recipients want to add anything, to check if the messages are appropriate,
use language recipients can understand, fulfill needs etc., and (2)
reviewing and revising the messages to take account of recipients'
feedback. The manual also includes valuable tips about implementation,
setting up systems, promoting, launching and eventually, evaluating the
Good project development and management!
Enough from me - here's a link to the manual bit.ly/TRVhgv.
Take a look.
Соёл урлаг ямар байдлаар хөгжсөнийг, цаашид хөгжихийг ... Fw: New report: Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies
Sent: Friday, January 4, 2013 7:47 AM
Subject: New report: Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies
Arts Organizations and Digital Technologies
organizations are even finding that technology has changed the very
definition of art: 77% of respondents agree with the statement that the
internet has “played a major role in broadening the boundaries of what
is considered art.”
“For most
of these organizations, technology suffuses their operations and their
engagement activities with their communities,” noted Kristen Purcell,
research director at the Pew Research Center’s Internet &
American Life Project, and a co-author of the report. “They are using
the technologies to expand their offerings, grow and diversify their
audiences, and bring technology users into the act of creating art
Some 1,244 arts
organizations that have received funds from the National Endowment for
the Arts (NEA) in recent years took this survey.
Read or download the full report: http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2013/Arts-and-technology.aspx
We are glad to invite you to Kaliningrad for a new event of NPSIG
IFLAcamp Library Creative Laboratory for New Professionals!
geo-location of Kaliningrad makes this region an international meeting
point of different cultures. So let's meet in this little "island" of
Russia in Europe, a city of Immanuel Kant (by the way who was a
librarian too!). This place has a special spirit for creating of new
ideas and sharing the inspiration!
We want to create an international platform for exchange of information, experience, ideas and elaborating innovative projects. It combines both theory and practice and gives more freedom for creative expression. It's kind of a "fair of ideas" initiating a flow of library activities and knowledge sharing in a dynamic mode.
main aim is to strengthen the international New Professionals community
and raise the professional interest of its participants to elaborate
and implement innovative projects.
The participation and accommodation in IFLAcamp Library Creative Laboratory is free of charge!