2020 онд #ХоостАйлд хэн хаанаас ирж байна вэ

Гадаад, дотоодын айлчин найзууддаа бид аль болох
-  цагаан идээ, арвайн гурил, гэртээ хийсэн талх, гамбираар идээ тавьж,
- Монгол өвс ургамлаа хандалсан цайгаар дайлж,
- ногоо махтай бууз, тосон хайраагүй хуушуур, жунзтай шөл зэргийг Монгол нутгийн амт шимт борц, хөмүүл, 2-р гурил, нуурын давс, шүүсэн ус, шар тостой хийж,
- сурч мэдэхийг хүсдэг зочиндоо аягаа долоохын ач тус, шагайг тайлбарлан танилцуулж, 4 шагайгаар бэлэг барьдаг.

Айлчин найзууд

531. cs. Deli from Germany
532. ts. Aneta and Anders, Poland and Denmark
533. cs. Cassy and Manon, France
534. ab. Pilar and Andres, Uruguay and Argentina
535. cs. Adrien, France
536. dr. Ana family 5 members, Spain
537. cs. Baptiste, France
538. ts. James, UK
539. dr. Nurlan, Kyrgyzstan
540. ts. Karin, US
541. ts. Ole, Germany

CS. Deli from Germany
I spend 3 nights with Bee and his family and really enjoyed it:) It was a cool experience for me to stay together with a Mongolian family in a ger. But what made this experience unique was Bee and his family!
Bee is funny, intelligent , creative and interested person. Soy welcomes me friendly, cooked enjoyable meals and was always thoughtful for example prepared for me special stuff against my cold. Both care much about healthy food and are very active person.
His daughters are active and happy people too who like to laugh😂

If you are lucky you might get some small equipment for playing Mongolian games with: a special homework 😜

TS. Aneta and Anders, Poland and Denmark

cs. Cassy and Manon, France

Une famille formidable avec l'envie de partager. Gentils, attentionné. Un très bonne Acceuil, cours cuisine local et e jeux traditionnel.
Un très bon séjour qui restera pour moi l'une des plus belle rencontre.

ab. Pilar and Andres, Uruguay and Argentina

cs. Adrien, France
By reading the 408th references on this profile you can have fear, be worried : "Is this couchsurfing will still be interesting by meeting me? Exchange with me? Will he not be tired of this adventure?" The answer is үгүй биш ! Bee, Suy and their wonderful 3 kids are the spirit of Couchsurfing. In their beautiful Ghers you will learn a lot about Mongolian traditions, Mongolian food (healthy thanks to Bee) and lifestyle. These are people for whom sharing is the key element of humanity and they're right.
Thank you for this 3 days, it was a memorable moment for me. I wish the best, have a happy and lovely life 💫. Adrien

dr. Ana family 5 members, Spain

cs. Baptiste, France
I had an experience in Beg and Soy's ger that I will remember all my life. They are so warm and welcoming people, while staying natural with their guests. In fact, I was feeling as a member of the family more than as a guest. Their huge experience in hosting makes it really easy and they speak english very well so no problem with communication. I learn so much about Mongol culture, traditions and food. Hiking, cooking, playing games... what a great week I had !
Bee & Soy, thank you so much. Bayar-la.

ts. James, UK

dr. Nurlan, Kyrgyzstan

2020.3.8 #MongoliaFriend Karin from US
Иогийн багш-зааварлагчаар 20 жил ажиллаж байгаа, цагаан хоолтон, 55 настай энэ ээж 1 сарын амралтаараа аялж яваа гэнэ.
Португал орох аяллын зам нь эрүүл, чийрэг Монгол улсаар дайрах болж, өчигдөр Москвад байхдаа захиалга өгсөнөөр, манай гэрт ирж оройн хоолоо хамтдаа хийж идэнгээ, шагайн тосны талаар сонсож мэдэх хувьтай, азтан боллоо.
+ Хүний биеийн эд эрхтэн, эсийн бүтцэд тос чухал үүрэгтэйг тэрээр онцолж, Монголчууд бага наснаасаа шагайны сайн тосоор биеэ тослож, эд эрхтэнээ бүтээж байдгийг мэдсэндээ ихэд баярлалаа.

Yoga instructor, Karin happily joined to cooking class of Mongolian family in 8th March, 2020 on the road her holiday trip to Portugal.
We tasted curd (aaruul), flat bread (gambir), yogurt (tarag), herb tea, bean and beat root soup, and non-oil fried dumpling (huushuur).
She is a vegetarian, but she liked to know some traditional experience on sheep's ankle bone oil and games.

ts. Ole, Germany
