2008.8.12 #MongoliaFriend David and Aude-so from France

Франц залуус Давид, Өүдсө нар
#MongoliaFriend  David and Aude-so from France

Манайд зочилсон анхны франц залуус, мужаан, оёдолчин мэргэжлээрээ Монгол гэр өөрсдөө хийж, гэрээ Францын хотын номын дэлгүүрийн эзний хашаанд барьж амьдардагаа ярихад бид модон байшингаасаа гарч Гэр барьж амьдарч эхэлсэн байдаг.

Энэ 2 залуугаасаа би дараах ярилцлагыг авч, Яруу сэтгэгч сонинд нийтэлж байсан.

Dear Begzsuren, I have write about your questions but not in the same order

This is my order :
1- Our presentation
2- We live in one Ger
3- Plan of our Ger
4- Why we decide to live in one Ger
5- How we have install our Ger
6- Why we decide to come to Mongolia
7- How we win the money for this travel
8- About the music festival
9- Couchsurfing & Begzsuren family
10- Difference between French and Mongolian life
11- How was our thinking about Mongolia
12- Our word to Mongolian youngers
13- Good and bad words about Mongolians
14- Conclusion

1.Bonjour, we are French, we live in the West of France near the sea. We are 27 years old. Actually, we are travelling in Mongolia for the first time.
Bonjour, my name is David. I had working during 6 years in one bookshop but I decide one year ago to begin studies to learn how build home in wood. I finish this professional training in June 2005 to I begin my new job in November 2008.
I decide to change my job because I want to work with my hands to build concretes things. I interesting by cartoon's books and by ecologic home and ecologic way of life.

Bonjour, my name is Aude Solene. I’m fashion designer. I have my one workshop at home. I work textile to make clothes in single pieces. I would like to work only with exhibition company to create costumes (circus, dance, theater). I can teach how to sew for everybody, who want to learn. I have study during 5 years in one art school and since I’m interesting by many form of art.

2. Since one year we live in one Ger, that we have built together. David made wood part and I made the textile part. Our ability was complementary to complete this construction successfully.

3. We draw the plans of our Ger in looking pictures of traditional Ger. Because in our country the weather is not cold but rainy we were force to made small improvement to acclimate our Ger to our country. It's why we choose one textile really waterproof and on the top of the Toono we put one transparent plastic like, this our Ger is really luminous.

4. We decide to build our Ger because we don't have enough money to buy one parcel of land and build one home. To build a Ger was cheaper, because we use local building material. This kind of habitation is suitable for us because since we live in our Ger we are nearly of the nature. In France, most of people live in flat in city, then they forgot or don't have possibility to live in connection with the nature. With this kind of habitation, it's easy to be eco aware. For example, we can use easily water of rain to wash something. And also we use dry toilets with shaving of wood. This dry toilet doesn’t use water and we can use the compost mixture to put on the garden for health of plants. Then it's economic and respect full of environment.

5. We haven't install our Ger like traditional Ger. Our fitting corresponds to fitting of French flat with kitchen, bedroom, saloon, room to eat. The bed is elevated of the floor and below we have shelf to put books or clothes.

We don't have water inside the Ger. In the garden where is install the Ger there are a small home with one tap of water. We use this home like bathroom also in our Ger we choose to haven't TV because we don't find French program interesting and also because we don't have time to stay in front of the TV, we prefer read book or play games.

6. When we begin to live in our Ger, we decide to go to Mongolia to see real Ger. For us it was really important to meet people who live in this kind of habitation. We want understand  
We decide to travel during one month and half to meet people and maybe to learn how Mongolians build Ger and how they make felt in the traditional way.

7. In France, we win not so much money. We have the smallest salary. But because we live in our ger we don't need to rent a flat. In France rent a flat is really expensive and take the most part of one month of salary. We are really lucky because the owner of the garden doesn’t ask us money to stay on his private property. Then we don't have to give each month money to live in our ger then we can economize money to travel.

8. After decide to went to Mongolia we meet French people who are organizing one music festival in Harhorin. They prepare one week with French musician and Mongol musicians. They want mix traditional music with contemporary music. They propose us to help during the week to prepare food for artists or help to manage logistic. After this week of training, musician people will show 3 concerts: 1 in Harhorin, 2 in Ulaanbaatar.

9. When we travel we use the couch surfing: Couchsurfing is website on people are registered because they are agree to give free hospitality for people who are travelling. We have send a mail to Begzsuren's family to ask if they are agree to give us accommodation for several days. They was agree and when we arrive to Ulaanbator we meet this family : Becksuren is father, Soyombo the mother, Tuguldur the son and Manujin, Gaadmaa, Mungulun the 3 daughters. During one week we have share their life in their shell in the Ger district. We have play with the children, looking for water in the spring, pick up cow pie for cook, we went with all the family to visit the intellectual museum of Ulaanbaatar, I teach for the elder daughter how to make bag to go to school.
10. During this week we can observe differences between Mongolian and French life. We have understood the education system for children is really different of our education system. In fact, in France most of children dependent or their parents. Mongolian children we meet are more autonomous and recourse full judger. When can watch one way of life is really important: the hospitality, one family with only one room give inimitably hospitality for everybody who come to visit. In France most of people live in one home with many room (often one by person). But hospitality is not as easy. The notion of private life is really different between this two country. We have also discovered one thing who are really different of France: The time.
In Mongolia everything takes more time. Because the country is really big it takes time to go from Ulaanbaatar to another city. In France you can cross the country in only one day. Also when you cook with cow pie is slower when you cook with gas or electricity. In France you push one button and few time your meal is ready.

11. Before to come we imagine Mongolia with big landscape, blue sky, green mountain with wild horses and it's really true! Before to come we can't imagine so many people live in Ger even in city. For us it was incredible to see many Ger stick together around city. But like that we can understand Ger suit really for Mongolian way of life. And in the same time we can understand that the nomadic life is not as easy as in the past, and its why people need to come around city to try to live better. We were really surprise to see the mix between contemporary life and traditional life. TV in Ger in the landscape 4x4 and horses on the same road, traditional costume and fashion clothes.
12. We hope all young Mongolian can have life he chooses. In fact, if you are agreeing with your life you will be always happy. In living in one Ger in France we decide to live differently of other French people. But this kind of habitation suit for our way of life near the nature and if one day we want to change of region we can do like nomadic Mongolian, to dismantle our Ger and go to live elsewhere.
We hope all Mongolian can be like Begzsuren family: reflective like Tuguldur, creative like Manujin, funny like Gaadmaa, cute like Mungulun, good cooker like Sayombo and interesting like Begzsuren!!!

13. One thing we find really bad during our stay: Most of people throw scrap in the country side. It's not good for nature and animals. Most of people broke glass in the street. It can be really dangerous for people. Most of people put plastic to burn in the lorem, it's really bad for health of children. Maybe it's time to make reflex ion about recycling to fevers solution about scrap.

One thing we find really nice: Most of people sing all the time!
When we hear somebody singing we feel we are really Mongolia and nowhere else!

14. Now we are helping for the music festival in Harhorin. Since 1 month we are in Mongolia, and each day we are happy to wake up and to see we are always in Mongolia! We take time to discover new part of life of Mongolian people. Each day we find Mongolia wonderful!!!

Then Begz, I hope you will understand me because it was not easy to write in English. If i write too much you can cut some part. If it's not enough you can write more like you want.

See you in few days!!! I and David miss you and your family, we are hurry to come back in your place to explain you our stay in Harhorin.

I hope you can go to see the music concert!
~Aude Solene & David

CS book diary
Date 12/08/08 
France-Brittanny Bourbriac

David & Audeso-couchsurfing or hospitality club

If you read this book, if want say you are living in one wonderful family. In this ger the children are laughing all the time. Sayumbo are cooking wonderful meal. Becksuren are speaking about life. And we are learning each day Mongolian life. What can be better???

Take your time to play with the children, to watch many videos or photos in the computer with Becksuren, to prepare meals with Sayumbo and you will be happy!

With her simple life, this family will offer you__moment!!!

~David & Aude So-Ulaanbator the 4/09/08 or 6/09/08 let's know_

Date: 15/09/2008
Again 5 days in this wonderful family after more than 3 weeks in countryside!

We were in Harhorin and help for organize the Hos-Ayas festival. It was good way to stay several weeks in 7 same place to meet many Mongolian people's. We take time to work in one carpentry to help workers to build table for the music festival, we were gone by horses Ger after ger to explain and inform nomadic family about the music festival. And so many things else. After the festival we start horse track for 6 days. It was with "horse trail" French agency based in the Morin Jim Cafe in Harhorin.

It's really easy and really cheap to organize track with "HORSETRAIL". You can organize your track before to go or when you are in the place you can ask to Puujee or Tuya if one guide is free to come with you in countryside. On internet you can find price of track. It's our last night in UB and in Mongolia and in Beck and Sayombo's family.

It was really nice journey! One month and half unforgettable! And like we have talking our last time in Mongolia in Begz and Sayombo's family: We are playing with children, eating again very good meals...

We will back!!!

2009 онд Яруу сэтгэгч сонинд Давид, Өөдсө нартайгаа ярилцсанаа

Францын зочин Давид, Өөдсөтэй хийсэн ярилцлагаа мөн танд хүргэе.

- Өөрсдийгөө танилцуулна уу?
- Bonjour. Бид нар 27 настай франц хүмүүс. Францын баруун бүс нутаг, далайн эргийн хотод амьдардаг. Монголд анх удаагаа зочилж байна. Миний нэр Давид. Би 6 жил номын дэлгүүрт ажилласан. Сүүлийн 1 жилд модоор байшин барихад суралцсан. Би энэхүү мэргэжлийн сургалтаа 2008 оны 6 сард төгссөн ба 11 сард шинэ ажилд орно. Би өөрийн гараар бодит зүйлийг бүтээхийг хүссэн тул ажлаа өөрчлөхөөр шийдсэн. Байгаль орчинд ээлтэй амьдралаар амьдрахыг зорьдог.
Миний нэр Өөдсө. Би хувцасны загвар зохион бүтээгч. Би гэртээ ажлын байраа бэлтгэсэн ба төрөл бүрийн хувцас оёдог. Цирк, театр гэх мэт урлагийн байгуулагуудын жүжигчин, бүжигчдын хувцасыг оёх дуртай. Мөн би оёж сурахыг хүссэн хүн бүрт хэрхэн эсгэх, оёхыг зааж өгдөг. Би 5 жил урлагийн сургуульд суралцсан тул урлагийн бүхий л төрлийг маш их сонирхдог.

- Францдаа та хоёр монгол гэрт амьдардаг гэсэн. Энэ тухай?
- Бид өөрсдийн гараар хамтарч бүтээсэн гэртээ 1 жил орчим амьдарч байна. Давид модон хэсгүүдийг харин би даавуун хэсгүүдийг бүтээсэн. Бидний ур чадвар гайхамшигтайгаар нэгдсэн нь монгол гэрийг өөрсдийн гараар бүтээж, амьдрах нөхцөл болсон. Бид эхлээд зурган дээрээс монгол гэрийг харж, хэрхэн бүтээхээ зурж, төлөвлөсөн. Манай франц улсад цаг агаар их хүйтэн биш боловч далайн эргийн хотод бороо орох нь элбэг байдаг учраас ус нэвтэрдэггүй материалаар цагаан бүрээс хийж, тооноо гялгар уутаар битүү бүтээсэн.

Захидал харилцаа

Хожим энэ залуус машины осолд орж, нөхөр Давид нь нас барсан эмгэнэлт мэдээ бидэнд имэйлээр ирсэн цагаас Өөдсө-өөс хариу имэйл ирэхгүй байгаа. Бид Өөдсөтэйгээ дахин уулзах хүсэл мөрөөдөлтэй байдаг.

SUBJECT: Re: two french traveller who really want discover Mongolia

we are one gay (david) and one women (aude-solene) from France who decide to come to Visit Mongolia.
We live in one ger .we have build this home together and we want discover true gers of Mongolia.
we want really meet people with them we can share real life of mongolian people. when we see your profile in couch surfing we have hope to meet you and your family. We read you are building another part in your home, maybe do you need help. we will be happy to help you.
we are in this moment in Russia for severals days and we think arrive by train in Oulan Bator the 06/08 the morning.
we think stay severals days in the capital and after go to Kharhorin to help in one festival of music.
we hope have an answer of you
aude solene and david


dear family,
this day is a big day because first it s the first day of school for manoudjinn et tugdur!!!! have a well school year !!!! learn many things!!!! and the second thing is the first concert will this night in Harrorin. We hope it will be a wonderfull concert.
the 4 september in oulan bator will be the same concert. With David we decide to present for you and Soyoubo 2 tickets to go to see this event. We hope yo will be avalaible this night. it s in the UB palace.
I receive your question. but it s to long for me to write on the computer the answer then i decide to writte answer on one paper and give this paper to one friend who will bring you the 4 september in your laborie. this people will bring also the 2 tickets for the concert.
i hope your are agree with this solution.
in two days we will begin one trip in horses with david and Nico, one french gay we meet in harrorin. this journey will be during 8 days .
we hope we can take a mini bus to come back to UB the 11 in the evening.
and we will stay 3 nights in your place before leave Mongolia.
is it possible for your family to give us hospitality for this 3 night?
i would like also ask you if it s possible to come this 3 nights with our frienf Nico. We speak all the time about your family and he hope really meet all your children and you and soyoubo. He is cow farmer. and maybe he can teach to your wife how to prepare french cheese. and your wife will teach how she prepare cream and butter and mongolian cheese.
we hope you will be agree about that.
have always a nice day

and also Nico our friend have a digital camera then he can show you our life in Harrorin.

Dear family
every thing is good for u but we miss you so much.....
we are already in moscwa after 1 day of autobus until irkutsk and 1 night in irkutsk and 4 nights in the train.
Tomorow will be already time to take another autobus to go to Riga and Pragua. Our travel is not finish but already on the end.
We are in hurry to meet our family amd friends to explain our mongolian journey.
Every body in France will know you!!!!
Give us news about you and send us picture about your new ger and the time when you decide to kill the cow....
always the best for you
aude so and dav

over 10 years ago
SUBJECT: Sad news

Dear family,

I have a really sad news to tell you. We had a really big car accident, and David did not survive. I am at the hospital since 2 weeks, I start to be better. I think it will take a lot of time for me to be at the best of my abilities. It is important for me to tell you that you really were in the heart of David. each time spend with your fammily was unforgettable. I don't know how will be my future, but I hope to get news from your family


