ХоостАйл. 2020 онд ирсэн гадаад, дотоодын айлчин найзууд

host family BeeSoy hosted friends in 2020

2020 оны эхээр хөл хорио эхлээгүй үед гадаад найзууд манайд ирж, харин оны дундуур цахим ангид холбогдож, намрын сард бидний эхлүүлсэн ХоостАйлд зочлох хөтөлбөрт 1 өрх айл хамрагдаж, нийтдээ 20 айлчин найзууд Монгол ахуй, соёлын бидний хэрэглээтэй танилцаж, суралцжээ.

(CS - couchsurfing, TS - traveling spoon, TSO -  traveling spoon online class, XЗ - хоост айлд зочлох хөтөлбөр, Friend - манайд зочилсон найз нь биднийг танилцуулсан)

- Шинэ оны анхны зочин Happiness (баяр хөөр) гэдэг нэртэй хүн болж байгааг бид бэлэгшээж байсан
- Монголын ноолууран хувцас үйлдвэрлэлтэй танилцахаар ирсэн Польш бүсгүй бизнес уулзалтуудынхаа завсраар Монгол айлд ирж өдрийн хоол хамтдаа бэлтгэж, идэхээр ирсэн
- Хэнтий аймгийн Чингэс хаан хот руу TEDxChinggisCity 2020 үйл явдалд оролцохоор явах өдөр манайд ирж байгаа Аргентин, Уругвай улсын залуустай Хөвсгөл нуур зочид буудал дээр нь уулзаж, учир байдлаа танилцуулж, гэр рүүгээ автобусанд суулгаад явуулж байлаа
- 2010 онд ирж байсан Испани залуусын найз гэр бүл Монголд ирэхээсээ өмнө бидэнтэй харилцсаар, энэ өдөр Туушин зочид буудал дээрээ өглөөний цайнд урьж, хамтдаа манайд ирж, Монгол дээл хувцас худалдаж авахад нь бид зөвлөж тусалсан
- Анх удаа онлайнаар битүү шөл, ороомог бууз хийхийг зааж өгсөн үйлчилгээг авсан хүмүүсийн сэтгэгдлээс харахад жигнэж иддэг хоолыг гэртээ бэлтгэх боломжтойг тэд ойлгож мэдэрсэн нь таалагдсан
- ХоостАйлд зочлох хөтөлбөр буюу гэр бүлээрээ агаар салхинд гарангаа, сүү цагаан идээ боловсруулах ажилд оролцож, Монголын хөлөгт тоглоомуудаас суралцах боломжийг сонирхон ирсэн анхны гэр бүлдээ бид талархдаг 

533. 2020.1.20 #CS Cassy and Manon from France
535. 2020.2.3 #CS Adrien from France
537. 2020.2.13 #CS Baptiste from France
538. 2020.2.13 #TS James Welch from UK
539. 2020.3.1 #Friend Nurlan from Kyrgyzstan
540. 2020.3.8 #TS Karin Beebe from US
541. 2020.3.10 #TS Ole Niemann from Germany
542. 2020.3.15 #Friend Mariame from France
543. 2020.6.17 #TSO Esme Ashia from UK
544. 2020.6.19 #TSO Andrew Riggsby from US
545. 2020.8.8 ХЗ Мөнгөн гэр бүл

2020.8.8 Мөнгөн гэр бүл
Гэр бүлээрээ агаар салхинд гарангаа Монголын хөлөгт, шагайн тоглоомуудаас заалгаж, сүү хөөрүүлэх, тараг бүрэхийг хийж үзэн, суралцах боломжийг Хоост Айлд зочлох хөтөлбөр олгодог.

2020.6.17 #TravelinSpoon #onlineClass Esme Ashia from UK
Битүү шөл, бууз бэлтгэж жигнэхийг онлайнаар зааж үзсэн. Энэ үйл явдлын тэмдэглэл

Монголоор аялахаасаа өмнө манайд ирсэндээ талархаж, аяллын үеэр танилцсан найзыгаа манайд дагуулан ирж, баярлаж талархсанаа илэрхийлэн, баяртай гээд явсан олон тохиолдлууд байдаг.

Sometimes you don't need to stay so long, to know that you've met someone you will remember, for sure! Sharing good moment. Thank you! Mariame

20 настай энэ залуу аялж танин мэдэхийн төлөө цалин, мөнгө хуримтлуулж, 3, 4 сарын өмнөөс аяллаа төлөвлөн бэлтгэжээ.
2020 оны 3-р сард ковид-19-ийн хөл хорио эхлэхээс өмнөхөн Монгол улсын нэгээхэн хэсэгтэй танилцаж, мөн Монгол айлын хоол хийх соёл, хоолны амтыг мэдрэхээр #ХоостАйл БийСоё-ийн өдрийн хоол хамтдаа бэлтгэн идэхээр ирсэн.
"Хамгийн эхлээд зан чанар (character)-аа олж таньж, мэдэж байж биднийг амьдруулж байгаа байгаль эхээ тэтгэж чадна" гэж 20 настай Герман залуу бодол, сэтгэгдлээ хуваалцлаа.

Ole Niemann from Germany
Honestly we have it really good in Germany, I am thankful to be born there.
But sometimes I think the people of Germany get to comfortable and selfish.
The fact that we have it good doesn't mean we are better than anyone.
It means we have a responsibility to help others and make this World a better place.
So get uncomfortable meet other people, and share your love.
We are all the same, so be nice to everybody 
Curiosity is the enemy of prejudice.
Never come out of the storm

Иогийн багш-зааварлагчаар 20 жил ажиллаж байгаа, цагаан хоолтон, 55 настай энэ ээж 1 сарын амралтаараа аялж яваа гэнэ. Португал орох аяллын зам нь эрүүл, чийрэг Монгол улсаар  дайрах болж, өчигдөр Москвад байхдаа захиалга өгсөнөөр, манай гэрт ирж оройн хоолоо хамтдаа хийж идэнгээ, шагайн тосны талаар сонсож мэдэх хувьтай, азтан боллоо.
+ Хүний биеийн эд эрхтэн, эсийн бүтцэд тос чухал үүрэгтэйг тэрээр онцолж, Монголчууд бага наснаасаа шагайны сайн тосоор биеэ тослож, эд эрхтэнээ бүтээж байдгийг мэдсэндээ ихэд баярлалаа.

Yoga instructor, Karin happily joined to cooking class of Mongolian family in 8th March, 2020 on the road her holiday trip to Portugal.
We tasted curd (aaruul), flat bread (gambir), yogurt (tarag), herb tea, bean and beat root soup, and non-oil fried dumpling (huushuur).
She is a vegetarian, but she liked to know some traditional experience on sheep's ankle bone oil and games.

TS Karin
Thank you for a lovely afternoon! The food we made was delicious I learned to play games with bones and I made my first Youtube video here in Mongolia!

2010 онд гэргий бид хоёр #ШагайтайҮүргэвч аяллаараа Казакстан улсын АлмаАта хотоос Астана хот орох замд энэ жолооч залуу Нурлан, түүний найз нартай зам нийлж, 1000 гаруй км замыг хамтдаа туулж, ярилцаж, хооллож байсан.
Энэ киргиз залуу Монголд жимс ачиж ирээд, бидэнтэй холбоо барьж, манайд 2 удаа ирсэн.
Оюундалайдаа хэлж, машинаар нь гэртээ ирүүлж, хуучилж, тэр оройдоо том машин дээр нь хүргэж өгсөн байдаг.

Захиалга өгсөн цагт нь Новотел Улаанбаатар зочид буудалд очиж, тэндээс таксигаар манайд ирсэн энэ залуугийн тухай тэмдэглэн үлдээсэн нийтлэл бий. Монголчууд гэртээ яаж амьдардаг, яаж хоолоо бэлтгэдэг болохыг өөрийн биеэр үзэж, оролцоод, автобусаар 3-р сургууль хүрч, тэндээс зочид буудал руугаа хамтдаа алхаж ярилцсан.


Baptiste BENARD 
Landerneau, Brittany, France
14 references • Member since 2018
Feb 2020
6 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Begzsuren Again

I had an experience in Beg and Soy's ger that I will remember all my life. They are so warm and welcoming people, while staying natural with their guests. In fact, I was feeling as a member of the family more than as a guest. Their huge experience in hosting makes it really easy and they speak english very well so no problem with communication. I learn so much about Mongol culture, traditions and food. Hiking, cooking, playing games... what a great week I had !

Bee & Soy, thank you so much. Bayar-la.

Begzsuren's response
Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
406 references • Member since 2008
Feb 2020
6 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Host Baptiste Again

A lucky traveler, Baptiste happily joined to our Ger life in February 7-13th, 2020 to feel as a home. He organized his time by cooking at home with my wife and helped a lot to buy cooking ingredients, because he likes to feel different taste of natural ingredients. We invited him to meeting at National Project Management Institute and hiking in Songinokhairkhan mountain and to know Mongolian games and story tales.
Here is our #MongoliaFriend Baptiste from France video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVFQg42Ta0c

Baptiste Benard (Baatar)
Bee and Soy, thank you. Bayarla. With you I was able to experience the Mongolia style to it's best, yet I could ask all the quetion I had in mind and get a nice answer.
We went hiking, Beg you brought me to a meet, Soy you taught me how to make noodle. I will never forget my stay here, and you wonderful was of hosting. I felt like I was a part of the family.
Koy koy!
Your dear friends friend,

Манайд өмнө нь ирж байсан Испани залуусын найз гэр бүл Монголд ирээд, бидэнтэй уулзахыг хүсэж, Туушин зочид буудалд нь очиж өглөөний цай хамтдаа уугаад, гэртээ дагуулж ирж, дараа нь зах руу дагуулж явж Монгол дээл, бүс авахад нь тусалж билээ.

Dear Begzsuren,
Thank you very much for the video and for the wonderful day spent yesterday in Ulan Bator!
I will share your email address with the rest of the family so they can keep in touch with you.
Wishing you all the best,

Hello Lucas,
Hello Ana family,
thank you for your interest and organize your 1 day with our Mongolian family in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Here is our talk to Maria and our friends
Make your healthy and happy day,

Энэ залуу манайд байхад амралтын өдөр таарч, бид Чингэлтэй хайрхан руу алхсан. 

Adrien Lemaître 
Angers, Pays de la Loire, France
33 references • Member since 2014
Feb 2020
3 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Begzsuren Again
By reading the 408th references on this profile you can have fear, be worried : "Is this couchsurfin will still be interesting by meeting me? Exchange with me? Will he not be tired of this adventure?" The answer is үгүй биш ! Bee, Suy and their wonderful 3 kids are the spirit of Couchsurfin. In their beautiful Ghers you will learn a lot about Mongolian traditions, Mongolian food (healthy thanks to Bee) and lifestyle. These are people for whom sharing is the key element of humanity and they're right.
Thank you for this 3 days, it was a memorable moment for me. I wish the best, have a happy and lovely life 💫. Adrien

Begzsuren's response
The World traveler, Adrien lived with us in 31stJan-3Feb 2020 to meet Ger life on his trip's 8th month. He happily joined to cooking at home, walk to mountain and make a #MongoliaFriend Adrien video talk.

Adrien from Anyers, France
(if you want to ger an idea of me, just look here)
(Age 27, height 189cm, 7:45am, 81.8kg 17.7% fat, 60.2% TBW, 63.8kg, 5, 1957kcal, 20 age, 3.5kg, 8 )

Dear Readers, this book is a spatio-temporal fault. When I was here I read texts of couchsurfers dating of more 10 years, maybe when you'll read it I will be 10 years older (hope Dolphins control the world). Anyway, by reading this it means that you are at the good place because you are meeting a fantastic family.
Bee, Soy and their kids are the perfect example of people who love to exchange, create, connect, share. I'm the CS number 535 and no matter, they welcome me like I'm the first guest: learning to cook with the chief Soy; talking Mongolian culture and playing "osselets" with the professor Bee; have for of fun in a mountain hiking with all the family and their friends (don't forger to hike with good studs on your shoes ;)
Thank you again for this perfect 3 days, I will not forget my first Ghers experience (thinking now to build one in France), and thank you to be you: people loving meeting people. Home can be everywhere with people like you.
I'emporte un peu de vous pour la suite de mon voyage, wish you the Best (heart)

Энэ залуусыг Хөвсгөл зочид буудал дээр нь очиж авч, хэсэг ярилцаад, би одоо TEDxChinggisCity 2020 үйл явдалд оролцохоор явах гэж байна, автобусны буудлын урд талын цайны газарт орж зураг авахуулаад, миний эхнэр та хоёрыг тосоод авна гээд автобусанд суулгаж өгч байсан.

Thank you Be and Soy for opening the doors of your beautiful home for us!
Thank you Soy for your generous hospitality and for sharing with us your knowledge of Mongolian traditions.
We have been traveling for some time now, and it has made us very happy to feel at home again - thanks for giving us a home so far from our own, even if only for one night!
Thank you for your patience to teach us how to make dumplings, and for not laughing at Pilar's "strange" dumplings. We look forward to sharing the recipe for the delicious soup with our family and friends, to show them a bit of your country and maybe convince them to come and see for themselves everything that Mongolia has to offer (heart)
Please keep up with your efforts to preserve Mongolian culture and it's values of respect to nature and all living things - in a time in which the world is facing many challenges because of the ambition and lack of respect of men towards the environment, Mongolian tradition is an example to be followed. Please, help your country STAY SO SPECIAL

Traditional music 
"Folklore" "Murga l'candombe (Ura)" "Chacarera (Arg)"
Travel tips for anyone doing the transiberian route to china (TransMongolian):
- Always try to travel 3rd class - it is the best way to get to know people!
- Download an offline translator of the main language of the route - for when sign language is not enough :-)
- make sure to get on the train with noodles, tea, coffee and water!
- trains from UB to Beijing (direct). Leave UB only on Thursday and Sundays. you can buy the tickets one day before at the train station (second floor)

Enjoy the trip and, most important, TRAVEL SLOW
Pilar and Andres

Ази, Австрали тивийн улс орнуудаар 8 сар аялахаар төлөвлөж, аяллын замдаа Унаган байгаль, ан амьтаныг ямар мэргэжлийн байгууллагууд хэрхэн асарч, хамгаалдаг, мөн иргэд нь байгалиа юу гэж ойлгодгийг нь 3 асуултаар тогтоож яваа Франц аялагчид

Haeronwen Nienor
Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
6 references • Member since 2019
Jan 2020
3 nights
 Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Begzsuren Again
Une famille formidable avec l'envie de partager. Gentils, attentionné. Un très bonne Acceuil, cours cuisine local et e jeux traditionnel.
Un très bon séjour qui restera pour moi l'une des plus belle rencontre.

Begzsuren's response
Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
406 references • Member since 2008
Jan 2020
3 nights
 Confirmed Stay - Would Host Haeronwen Again
Wild animal preserver, Cassy and Manon luckily discovered Ger life and Mongolian some traditions with us in 19-20th Jan, 2020. I inspired by their traveling into Asia with study of wild life and human interaction next 8 months. Good luck. Our #MongoliaFriend interview about their traveling at https://youtu.be/yDF4CMXsL2M

Guestbook No.8
Manon & Cassy, French, La Rochelle & Tours
Dear family,
Thank you so much for your warm welcome. You are so interesting and funny. We had a wonderful time. All your explanations aboit Mongolian way of life were priceless and the food was delicious . We enjoyed our stay with you and to be a part of the family for a little while.
For the next couchsurfers, be prepared to cook, lick your bowl, and expose your buttocks to the cold air :-)!
Here are some tips if you want to travel in France without being looked at the wrong way:
- Always say "Bonjour" (Hello) when you are entering a shop
- if you have a question about something, don't forget to add "s'il vous plait" at the end of your question
- Always say "Merci" (Thank you) and "au revoir" (Goodbye).
French people may seem rude but we are actually very polite and if you try to say a few words in French you will always get a smile and more nice people afterwards!
Apart from that, train and airplane are very expensive in France so try to look on "Blablacar" to get from point A to point B.
Anyway, if you do have questions about France, feel free to ask about it by sending an email to emailaddress.
Parisians don't represent the entire France, go in the South. You should check out Montpellier, this part of France.
In France, we like to have "aperos" so be prepared to drink a bit.
If you have the occasion, try out the alcoohol "Ricard", best thing ever for me (Manon)
Love from France, (heart)
Manon and Cassy

Монголын ноолууран бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэгч нартай бизнес уулзалт хийхээр ирсэн Польш бүсгүй, найз залуутайгаа аялж байна гэж бид ойлгосон.
Тэдний тухай тэмдэглэл-ийг блогийнхоо өөр нэг нийтлэлд бичсэн.

2020.1.5 #MongoliaFriend Deli Happiness from Germany

Deli Happiness 
7 references • Member since 2015
Jan 2020
3 nights
Confirmed Stay - Would Stay With Begzsuren Again
I spend 3 nights with Bee and his family and really enjoyed it:) It was a cool experience for me to stay together with a Mongolian family in a ger. But what made this experience unique was Bee and his family!
Bee is funny, intelligent , creative and interested person. Soy welcomes me friendly, cooked enjoyable meals and was always thoughtful for example prepared for me special stuff against my cold. Both care much about healthy food and are very active person.
His daughters are active and happy people too who like to laugh😂
If you are lucky you might get some small equipment for playing Mongolian games with:
a special homework 😜

Begzsuren's response
Full of Smile, Deli Happiness lived with our family in 2-5th Jan, 2020 to feel Ger life and to taste home made healthy meals.
She loves to travel with locals and support us by her knowledge sharing and contribution by cooking ingredients.
Here is our #MongoliaFriend interview video at https://youtu.be/XIu8ysc2EiE

Гадаад, дотоодын ХүнНомтой жам ёсны амьдралын 
#ХоостАйл хэв маягийн тухай
Host family BeeSoy

ХоостАйл гээд бидний нэрлээд байгаа нь Гэртээ гадаад, дотоодын жуулчдыг ирүүлдэг мэргэшсэн айл гэсэн утгатай. Жуулчин гэдэг нь бидний ойлгодогоор өөр ертөнц, өөр амьдрал байдгийг үзэж мэдэх хүсэл зорилгоор аялан ирж байгаа хэн бүхэн юм.

Гэртээ жуулчдыг яаж ирүүлдэг талаар, жуулчдыг гэртээ байлгахад юу анхаарах, ямар боломж ач тус тухайн айлд бий болж болохыг 12 жилийн туршлагаасаа ярьж, санал солилцох бид дуртай.
