2009 онд манай гэрт айлчилсан найзуудын сэтгэгдлээс

Манай зочны дэвтэрт ямар сэтгэгдэл, мэдээлэл үлдээсэн байдаг вэ

2009 онд манайх гэртээ 64 удаа зочид хүлээн авч, 25 улсаас 120 айлчин найзууд ирсэн.

- 8 хүүхэдтэй Киви гэр бүл, өвөөтэйгээ хамт манайд ирсэн нь 5 ханатай гэрт 5 насанд хүрэгч, 12 хүүхэд хамтдаа 2 өдрийг өнгөрүүлсэн маш том туршилт болсон.
- Австралийн уугуул иргэдийн тоглодог уяа гогцоо тоглоомыг хийж бэлэглэсэн Австрали залуу
- Гэр бүлийн гишүүн бүрийн зургийг авч, угааж өгсөн Австрали бүсгүй
- Үүргэвч дүүрэн тоглоомтой аялж байсан радиогийн сэтгүүлч Бельги залуу
- Гэрлэхээсээ өмнө бие биенээ илүү сайн танихаар аялж байгаа Бельги хос залуус аяллын нэг зорилго болгож залуу нь тамхи татдагаа болихын тулд чихэр өвс зажилдаг
- Нарантуул зах дээр алхаж яваад энгэрийн гадна халааснаасаа паспортаа хулгайлуулж байгаа мэдэрч хулгайчийн гарыг барьж авсан биеийн тамирын багш Канад залуу
- Ногоон хоолтон Финлянд залуус хожим нь ихэр хүүхдийн аав ээж болсон, гэргий нь хэнгэрэг цан дэлдэж, байгалийн хүчийг мэдэрдэг
- Манай гэрийн тухай Баянөлгий аймагт тааралдсан гадаад хүнээс сонсож, Улаанбаатарт ирээд миний утас руу залгаж надтай ярилцаад, манайд очсон Финлянд залуус найзыгаа цэргээс халагдахаар нь хамтдаа аялахаар шийдсэнээ ярилцаж
- 300 гаруй км замаар 2-3 уулыг давж алхаж аялсан Франц залуус
- Монгол орноор аялах төлөвлөгөөгөө өөрчилж манайд 1 сар орчим хамдаа амьдарсан Франц хос, Монголын уламжлалт эмнэлгийн бариа засал, үйлчилгээг биширч, биеийн тэнцвэрээ олж авсанаа хэлж, улмаар 1 жилийн дараа хүүхэдтэй болж, зургаа илгээсэн
- Тэрхийн цагаан нуурыг тойрч аялсан Франц хос залуус эргэн ирэхэд нуурыг хадгалан авч үлдэхийг хүссэн
- 1-р сарын хүйтнийг мэдэрч, өдөржингөө алхсан Герман залуус
- Орон нутгийн автобусанд Монгол хүмүүс архи, пивоор дайлж, согтсон хүмүүс цохиулж, Монголын аяллаа зогсоосон Герман залуу
- Нарантуул захаас буриад гутал аваад өмссөн, улны резин нь 3 хоногт салсаныг хэлсэн Герман бүсгүй
- Манай гэрт ирээд, эхнэр нь ханиаж байгаагаа хэлээд, бидэнд талархалаа илэрхийлээд тэр оройдоо хот руу буцсан Өмнөд Африкийн гэр бүл

guestbook covers at Mongolian family

Зочид ирсэн дарааллаар

Our CS's book for next CS
Зочдын сэтгэгдлийн 1-р дэвтрийн үргэлжлэл

20. Michael from Poland
21. Maxie and Felix from Germany
23. Martin from Germany
24. Pierre and Yogui from France
26. Koen and Paul from Netherlands
28. Jessica from Sweden
29. Ulle and Ross from Sweden
32. Mariel from U.K
33. Dave and Elan from Canada
34. Elise and Antoine from France
35. Jo and Ilse from Netherlands
36. Rone and De wet from South Africa
37. Remy and Delphine from France
38. Joss Ratcliffe from U.K
39. Thibaut from Belgium
40. Eddy and Lisa from U.K
42. Maria from Nurenberg, Germany
43. Sebastian and Laure from France
44. Kevin and Noelle from HongKong
45. Wilfride + Claire from France
46. Cedric from France
47. Christian and Ursula from Chile
48. Kimbal from U.K
49. Thomas and Rosine from U.K (France)
50. Alex and Nelly from France
51. Racquel from Paraguay
52. Osmo and 3 friends from Finland
53. Eva and George from Netherlands
54. Shealagh and Mat from Canada
55. Tereza and Lenka from Czech Republic
56. Ward Bergmans from Netherlands
57. Nico from France (with Alex and Nelly)

Guest book for next CSers. Volume 2. Extended version
Dear my friends, please write
- Your name, address, email
- Mongolian travel tips
- How to travel in your country?
- How was on the road to Mongolia?
- Any information to us and to our next CSers.
Thank you for your time and sharing information!
Started 8th of July, 2009

58. Ida and Susan from Denmark
59. Wai Wah from Netherlands (Hong Kong)
60. Helena and Henrik from Denmark (Finnish)
61. Edwige and Benoit from France
62. Simon and Marjolein from Belgium
63. Hyewon and Yoojin from Korea
64. Elke and Willem from Belgium
65. Aapo from Finland
66. Marcus from Germany
67. Mario and Marta from Badalona, Spain
68. Greg and Basia from Karas, Poland
69. Kai (Chinese)
70. Olivia and her 7 friends from UK+Poland
71. Claudia from Germany
72. Kevin from Germany
73. Ruben from Belgium
74. Christian Morgan from UK
75. Joseph and Michael from US
76. Julian from Colombia
77. Ada and Wolf from Finland and US
78. Antje from Leipzig, Germany
80. Azja and Alex from Poland and Australia
81. Jon and Kelvin from Malaysia
82. Adam Sheehan from Australia
83. Laura Haley from Australia

Guest 20

#MongoliaFriend Michael from Poland

ОХУ-ын Иркутск хотод сурдаг Польш оюутан залуу өвлийн амралтаараа манайд ирсэн. Польш  болон Европын газрын зураг, хөлбөмбөгийн бөмбөг, Польшийн ил захидал гэх мэт бэлэг дурсгал авчирсан нь бүгдийг баярлуулж байсан.

Guest 21

#MongoliaFriend Maxie and Felix from Germany

Couch surfers book 1
~21st guest Maxie and Felix (Germany)
Date : 16/01/2009

Muffins :
*200-250g flour
*1 egg
*80g sugar
*1 small cup of oil
*2/1 package of backing powder
*enough milk for rice proportion (you saw it, so you will know)
*300-450g fruits (also nuts or chocolate or…)
*ca.40 minutes in the oven 160 grad us

Felix : Hey clearest of all Mongolian families This winter is so cold but you gave us shelter in your wonderful home. Even more than cold feet all of you warmed my heart and soul so much!
Thank you for your advice, the energy and the warm you shared with us. I will always take your mantra  with me, it ih2s pure happiness to the lucky ones.

Maxie :We reached Mongolia our way from Russia to China and before I came I didn’t really know how to imagine people and life in Mongolia. Through conclusion we had the chance to this amazing family and got to know so much about traditions, everyday life, family values, love and happiness!
After having lived with them for a few days I feel much richer and want to come here again. There is much to discover in Mongolia and in this Ger!
Thanks so much and all the best!

Best way for crossing Russian/Mongolian border :
Bus from Ulaanbaatar to Ulaan-Ude and from there minions or train to wherever you want to go on travelling. It’s much cheaper than a train ticket!

We Maxie and Felix from Germany, arrived in UB on 16th January. Now we are looking for other travelers to build a small group which will allow us to discover the Mongolian country side and north Gobi Desert independently!
The trip will take 4-5 days from Monday 19th and will end in UB for us. We could share prices 4 minibuses and stuff
Or leave a message on this board we’ll come around and check!

Reference on CS website

Maxie Heinemann
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
i want to thank you so much! not only for staying in your cosy ger but rather for bringing mongolian life so close to us. we had very special moments and i learned a lot. see you again in mongolia!

Bee Soy Mongols
Maxie and Felix, your are one of the my younger surfers, so I helped/advised/cared you as my younger brother and sister.
Thank you for your days with my family to enjoy my daughter Gaadmaa, to taste mongolian foods by my wife, and to know Mongolian daily life.
Have a good trip around Mongolia.

Felix Heller
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Hey Begzsuren! I am glad to have spent time with you and your family is so warm and nice :) The excursion to the big golden Buddha was a lot of fun :) You are a smiley person!

Bee Soy Mongols
Felix and Maxie your are two of my younger surfers, so I helped/advised/cared you as my younger brother and sister.
Thank you for your days with my family to enjoy my daughter Gaadmaa, to taste mongolian foods by my wife, and to know Mongolian daily life.
Also I'm thanking very much for your listening me word by words.
Have a good trip around Mongolia.

Email communication

AGE: 20
LOCATION: Germany - Saxony - Leipzig
ARRIVAL DATE: 16 January
DEPARTURE DATE: 20-22 January

Hello Sir!
We are two Couchsurfers from Germany and went from Moscow to Irkutsk during the days since happy New Year 2009! On thursday Felix and me are going to achieve our Visa for Mongolia and then we hope to come by Bus from Ulan Ude to Ulan Batoor. It would be really nice to be with you and your people for a few days :) I am sure that we can exchange a lot and it would be an amazing experience to meet! I never slept in a place with a real oven, but we carry warm clothes to stand the cold.
It would be really nice to hear or read from you!
Cheers, Maxie & Felix :)
just in case, our telephone number: 

Guest 22

#MongoliaFriend Isabel from Germany

Isabel Bohn from Germany
Thank you so much for letting me stay with you! After spending some time in the countryside, coming back here feels like coming home. This is probably the liveliest family I’ve ever met, and time inside this Ger passes so quickly and you’ll always ask yourself when to find some free time for sleeping (smile)
- Pickpockets: Ok, I know you’ve heard this about a 1000 times. Watch out! 2 guys tried to pick us around the State Department Store, one if them looked like a guy in suit.
- Peace Corps Volunteers: we met 2 PCVs while traveling through the countryside, they are great people! They seem to know more about Mongolian culture than  some Mongolians (smile) Anyway, they know where to get stuff, whom to call and what to pay, so listen to their advice! *
- Kharkhorin: The city itself is not that great, we stayed at Morin Jim Cafe, it was ok (7000₮ p.night) the owner was able to get us a drives for the very next day & we went to Tovhen Khiid. It takes -2-3h to get there & one more how to go up the mountain, but it’s worth it!
- If you meet a PCV who teaches English, join him/her in one of his/her classes! It’s a lof of fun, even though the doors will probably open every other minute coz everyone will want to stare at you!
- Mongolian Boots: if you try Mongolian Boots, double-check the sole. I have had to have mine glued back on after only 6 days…
- Bus: Counting the stops helps… try to get on the back of the bus & right side, the back is not as crowded. Watch the outside, Gants Hudag is the one after the one with the police station, so you should be able to spot a police cars…
- Hitch-hiking: it’s pretty easy to get a hitch, but you’ll have to pay the driver. Make sure you agree on the price before getting in the car!
- Enjoy Mongolia!


Isabel Bohn
Feb 2009
Thank you for letting me stay with you Begs!
I had a great time in this family's ger, playing with the kids & learning how to prepare mongolian food. Begs & Soyombe are great people who made me feel welcome at once. After returning from the countryside, coming back to the Ger felt like returning home!

Bee Soy Mongols
One of the youngest surfers, Ms. Isabel is helpful and nice person. Also she loves children.
Thank you for living with my family and sharing your Mongolian traveling experience.
Your days (January 24-30, on February 5-6) with us are unforgettable. Thank you!


SUBJECT: Re: hello!
Dear Begs,
thanks for your fast reply. My blogs address is: www.isarin.blogr.de
you can find the link on my profile.
Take Care & Stay Healthy!

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Dear Begzsuren,
according to the schedule, my train should arrive on Saturday morning, 7:30. I will then wait at the
station. there is probably a room with a heater somewhere, so I will try to find it and stay warm:) If
anything changes, I will try to let you know! My phone number is +49 (but i am unsure whether it will work, and if so it will be expensive)
Best wishes,

AGE: 20
LOCATION: Germany - Baden-Württemberg - Leutershausen
ARRIVAL DATE: 24.01.09
DEPARTURE DATE: when you want me to leave or around 31st?
ARRIVING VIA: Train from Russia

I am looking forward to visiting your beautiful and to me, very mysterious country! Like so many travellers, I will arrive to Mongolia via train from Russia and leave to China later. I m travelling alone. Do you have time and space to host me for some days? I believe that your rules are reasonable, and I m
looking foward to tasting mongolian food. I will probably arrive on Saturday (I haven t bought the
tickets yet, but that should not be a problem). My plan is to stay in Ulan-Bator for about 7-10 days and
then travel a little in the countryside.
Even if you cant host me, I would be really happy if you could give me some advice about Ulan-Bator and your country.
Since I am afraid of offending Mongolian people, could you tell me whether there is something that is very impolite that I should not do?
Best wishes to you and your family,

Copy from Isabel blog

Wenn du denkst, -17 Grad seien warm, ist definitiv was schie...
Seit 5 Tage bin ich also in Ulan-Bator. Bei ca. -15 bis -20 Grad und strahlendem Sonnenschein koennte es geradezu angenehm sein, waere da nicht der viele Dunst und Rauch von Abgasen und Kohleoefen, der die Luft verpestet.

Die Stadt ist ein einziges Chaos. Es gibt in Ulan-Bator etwa 5 groessere Autokreuzungen, die jeweils mit 10 huebschen, farbwechselnden Ampeln und einem Verkehrspolizisten verziert sind. Jedesmal, wenn ich es lebend ueber eine dieser Strassen schaffe habe ueberdenke ich all meine atheistischen Ueberzeugungen.

An das Leben im Ger habe ich mich schon gut gewoehnt. Auf etwa 30qm leben wir im Moment zu acht: Martin, der Dresdner den ich schon in Irkutsk getroffen hatte, Begszuren, seine Frau Soyombe, Todo (9), Manu (7), Radma (4), Mongolchi (2) und ich. Platz wird, je nachdem wie er gebraucht wird, durch umstellen der wenigen Moebel geschafft. Waehrend ich abends beim Kochen helfen darf machen sich Beg, Martin und Todo auf eine grosses blaues Fass am Oertlichen Wasserspeicher aufzufuellen und dann den Weg zum Ger hochzurollen (min. 10% Steigung, vereist und unasphaltiert..). Ich gebe zu, dass ich mich dann nicht ueber diese uebelst traditionelle Rollenverteilung beschwere.

Wenn man mit dem ueberfuellten Bus aus dem Ger District ins Stadtzentrum faehrt, ist es schwer zu glauben dass man in ein und der selben Stadt ist. Das Zentrum wird dominiert von Apartmentkomplexen, kleinen Restaurants und hupenden Autos. Wie schon in Irkutsk sind Busse und Autos zum groesstenteil aus Japan oder Korea importiert.

Wir sind inzwischen ziemlich heiss darauf, die Stadt fuer eine Weile zu verlassen und das Land zu erkunden. Unsere erste Station wird vermutlich schon Morgen Kharkorim sein, spaeter geht es vielleicht weiter in den Nordwesten - ich bin noch voellig unentschieden, waehrend Martin schon einen genauen Plan im Kopf hat. Ob ich tatsaechlich eine Gobi Tour mache oder nicht, steht noch in den Sternen. Die kann man uebrigens in Ulan-Bator sehr gut sehen... wenigstens eine Richtung, in die man 100 Meter weit sieht.

Gestern hatten wir dann sogar noch unsere erste Begegnung mit den beruechtigten Taschendieben. Da Martin mir noch rechzeitig  "Pass auf" zurief, konnte der Herr im Jacket sich an keiner meiner alten Eintrittskarten vergreifen. Die sind naemlich nach den haeufigen Warnungen das einzige, was ich noch in meiner Tasche herumtrage. Kamera, Wertsachen und Ausweis sind sich in Innentaschen verstaut und  werden mit Argusaugen gehuetet. Auch wenn ich dadurch im Bus Gefahr laufe mir was zu brechen.

A propos Bus. Eine kleine Mathe-Aufgabe fuer alle. Der selbe Bus , der in Deutschland mit 12 Passagieren belegt wird, befoerdert in Irkutsk etwa 16 Passagiere, in Ulan-Bator 21. Jetzt wendet alle mal den Dreisatz an und sagt mir, wieviel Prozentpunkte mehr das sind.

Soweit, Teil 1.
posted by isarin on Jan 29, 2009 6:46 AM

Guest 23

#MongoliaFriend Martin from Germany

Martin Schaffer from Germany
Like many other wrote before I can totally agree. This family is wonderful. I stayed 3 nights before traveling to the countryside and now I came back. It is like coming back to your own family. Such a warm welcome. They are open minded and playing with children is funny. Try to play chess with Todo. He plays like a professional.
I travelled a long time together with Isabel so my tips are similar to her tips. We split at the end so I travelled to Erdenet too. I wanted to go to Khovsgol Nuur but I changed up my mind because of a bad experience on the bus from Tsetserleg to Erdenet.

Tips: We travelled in winds. So this is the main reason has the bad connection between the cities.
I wanted to make a loop, but in winds u can’t get from Tsetserleg to Murun and to Erdenet you have to wait 1-2 days.
Try to meet Peace Corps Volunteers. You will have a great time. They can help u a lot. They are spread ones the whole country and they speak Mongolian (try to contact Zaneta in Tsetserleg due CS)
Try to visit Tovhon Khiid. It is a spectacular monastery on the top of a hill. We paid 75000₮  far jeep, drives and petrol from Kharkhorin.
Don’t drink with Mongolians especially on a bus ride. That was the reason why I changed up my mind. I had a 12h overnight ride from Tsetserleg to Erdenet. At the stop I was invited to Beer. I thought drinking 1-2 glasses is friendly but it ended up that he punched and hit me with the bottle, touched my face and forced me to drink the whole night on the bus. That was horrible. I just could say “Ugui”. At the end he took all my belongings out of the pocket of my backpack and after I stopped the car I took all my things out of his bags.
That was one of my worst experiences ever.
So try to avoid drinking with Mongolians and try to take daylight bus trips.
Belonging to the last trips. Travel in groups. Share your own vehicle with driver. You avoid many problems.
Some good webpages I recommended to Begz:
idealist.org (many volunteering organisations are registered there)
ipcc.org, .com? (research on climate change)

I forget to write you some tips and recommendations for your cs guide book.
My additional suggestions for the border (if you take the train to Erlian behind the border):
- When you come out of the train station all of the minibus drivers want to take you to Beijing for a too big price. Go to the official bus station and take the sleeper bus for 200Y. There are also minibuses for less money if you want to be faster (we took one for 250Y)
- a ATM is in the hotel 150m left of the train station
- the bus station is straight (a bit right leaning) after about 300m at the traffic lights turn right and walk for about 1000m turn left and you see the sleeper buses and the bus station in about 150m.
That’s all.


Martin Schaffer 
Jena, Thuringia, Germany
Feb 2009
I loved to stay at his ger. He has such a good character. And the whole family is just awesome. They are so lovely and the kids are laughing and smiling all the time. I challenged Todo in chess but I lost. He is the chessmaster.
Hopefully we will meet as again. Whether in germany or again in mongolia. Thank you for all your help.

Bee Soy Mongols
Dear my lucky surfer Mr. Martin,
I and my family are very glad to meet you and to host you in 28-30 January and in 8-9 February 2009.
I see, you have good energy and talent to enjoy people, you have good knowledge to talk with people, and you have a correct thinking for your life.
Thank you for your supporting our next surfers by Mobicom phone SIM card.
Please, continue to share your knowledge about World caring and volunteering with all people around the World.
J.Begzsuren and his family


AGE: 23
LOCATION: Germany - Thuringia - Jena
ARRIVAL DATE: about 26th of january
DEPARTURE DATE: 28th of january
hi begszuren,
i'm sorry if this is not your first name but i am not so familiar with the name construction in mongolia. if read on your profile that you offer your home with your family for couchsurfing. i am travelling from irkutsk to bangkok and i don't want to miss to see mongolia. i am planning to stay some days in irkutsk first. this is also the reason why i cannot exactly tell you the arrival date. but i just wanted to inform you that i would like to stay with you and your family. your past hosts wrote funny stories and it seems to be exciting going on with your kids.
do you have a possibility to stay when i arrive in ulaan baatar. i would contact you some days before
i would be glad to stay with you and your family. hope to hear from you

i forgot to write you some tips and recommodations for your cs guide book.
My additional suggestions for the border (if you take the train to erlian behind the border):
- when you come out of the trainstation all of the minibus drivers want to take you to bejing for a too
big price. go to the official bus station and take the sleeper bus for 200Y. There are also minibusses for
less money if you want to be faster (we took one for 250Y)
- a ATM is in the hotel 150m left of the train station 
- the bus station is straight(a bit rightleaning) after about 300m at the traffic lights turn right and walk
for about 1000m turn left and you see the sleeper busses and the bus station in about 150m.
thats all.

SUBJECT: back in germany
hello begz,
now i am back in germany. as you might remember i travelled through mongolia china and vietnam. i had a great volunteering project in hanoi with a lot of kids, although they were all poor. but we tried to
play and teach them warmly and hopefully gave them a good time and experiences for their future. now i have to start my studies again for the last 1 year. i can hardly realize what i did the last 3 months. when i look at the pictures everything is so strange to me, although i have been there.
when i saw the pictures with you and your family i was close to cry. it was such a great time with you. i
enjoyed the time in mongolia although i had this bad experience on that horrible bus ride. i would like to say thank you again to you. many greetings to your family. i am so glad that i met all of you. hopefully you come to europe in the future as you mentioned or maybe i go to mongolia again in the future. as i promised i will make some research on waste management especially recycling plastic garbage as you wanted to do. as soon as i have any results or papers for you i will send it to you.
many many greetings
p.s.: i saw the kiwi family pictures. UNBELIEVABLE. So many people in your ger/summer house. :-)))))))))

SUBJECT: Re: Hello, how are you?
Dear Begz,
first of all I am very very sorry that I missed to congratulate you on the right date but I will do it
now. So I wish you and your family all the best. Let there be love and luck for you.
About the solar heating system I will collect as many necessary information as you want. But what especially are you focussed on. Do you want to get more scientific informations or do you need more manuals to practically setup such heating systems ?
What for is this heating system. Heating the house or heating up washing water or maybe already heating for energy production ? You have seen such collecting mirrors for making electricity ? There is a picture at this link:
but such kind of setup are very pricy and maybe they don't fit your needs. Please tell what you want to use the heating system for and I will send you as fast as possible the necessary information.
I wish you all the best for the new year and I hope we will see each other in the future again. all all the

Guest 24

#MongoliaFriend Pierre and Yogui from France

Pierre and Guillaume from France (Bretagne!)
Tips about traveling in Mongolia
- Don’t even think about exploring everything in Mongolia - better to see less but take time to enjoy it! What we both enjoyed the most is sharing daily life of locals, like here in UB with this wonderful family, or with nomads in the countryside. So take your time to enjoy locals and the way they live.
- About traveling in winter
it is definitely double and worth of it! Landscapes and lights are just just wonderful, thought not green as it might be in summer. Still, be aware that traveling during the cold winter means,
- more time (“roads” are cut because of snow)
- less walk outside (cold and windy, even with the best thermos clothes, you just freeze, especially fingers and feet). Still we enjoyed short walks by -30 Celsius and still alive.
- less time to take pics of the beautiful landscapes (it is so cold that U think twice before going out just to take a pic)
- more difficulties to travel independently using only public transports, because there are less buses between cities and because of the weather conditions, they are less reliable (mechanical and technical problems are an usual thing on the roads) … so you need more time than ever! Moreover, you can hardly set your tent outside because of the cold.
- tour in the countryside budget we paid about 45 euros/pers/day for a 4WD Minivan (for only two of us) & 2 drivers for 2500 (apprx) kms on 10 days.
- It includes food, petrol, presents for families and money to contribute to their costs (food, accommodation) Just for you to know about the budget for a tour in the countryside.
- We went to Moron region. It is wonderful and there is (so far) no tourist at all. Nothing is done for tourists – that’s all authentic! We heard such bad feedbacks about Huvsgul lake where everything is done for tourists, that we eventually changed our plans, and stayed longer in the region aound Tsagaan Uul village (4/5 hours west from Murun)
- If you go there, just pay a visit to the Sangiin Dalai lake: such a wonderful place. Wild & preserved!
- No trace of civilization … just a few gers where you can ask for hospitality as we did.
- Don’t expect too much from Karakorum. Just a monastery.
- Tsetserleg is a charming “city”, surrounded by mountains. Worth of a one day stay. There is a nice ex-monastery overlooking the city, if you are on the way back to “civilization” of for a  long stay in the countryside, you will probably appreciate (as we did!) to have there a hot shower and some non-mutton food. In the center, you will find a nice guest-house (ran by an English couple) … we didn’t try the guest house but their rooms seem to be nice and they serve nice western style breakfast (of course, a bit more expensive than local meals but I  am sure you will enjoy it after a meat-regime while visiting families in the countryside)
- Be strict from the very beginning with your driver(s) otherwise they will do whatever they want (it will hardly meets your own wishes) So, behave as a boss with them!
We really enjoyed the time (2 days/nights) we spent with you! You are such a wonderful family and it is so great that you give us such opportunity to enjoy your daily life in the ger!
We are very happy to meet such modern thinking people like you! Wish you success in your projects and happiness for all of you!
Take care & Merci
Pierre &  Guillaume

Guest 25

#MongoliaFriend Ga-Yang, Eun-Yang, Young-Seong, Ha-lin from Korea

Couchsurfers book 1
25th guest Gia-Yong, Eun-Yong, Young-Seung Kim and Ha-lin (Korea)

Now I feel I’m dreaming!!
Around me, there are just cute children
I learned how to smile sincerely from this children
I hope those children keep their pure smile forever ~!

Young Seung Kim
I’m really happy to meet you. Thank you for welcoming us. I hope to see you again!

Guest 26

#MongoliaFriend Koen and Paul from Netherlands

Couchsurfers book 1
26th guest Paul de Vos & Koen van Nistelrooij (Netherlands - Utrecht)
Date : 25/02/2009

Dear lucky CSers!
We were really happy that we could live with this wonderful family during Tsagaan Sar (Lunar New Year). These 2 days (unfortunately only 2) changed our way of thinking about real love and hospitality in the most purest way (sharing everything).
We had only 1 day looking around in UB and saw the monastery and Zaisan Hill (for a beautiful view over the city). 
We will definitely come back !!!
And hope to see you on our couches in the Netherlands !
Greets Koen & Paul
The best time to visit Holland is from June to September. Taxi is really expensive. Public transport run well through out the country.


Paul de Vos 
Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
Feb 2009
Staying at the ger of Begzs family is a very, very special Couchsurfing expirience! It's a wonderfull family with nice kids living in a real ger! We celebrated the start of spring with them and we visited his family regarding our respect to the family members! We tasted wonderfull Mongolian food prepared by his wife, played with the children and learned a lot about Lunar Year celebrations! Begz, thanks to you, your wife and the kids for an unforgetable time in UB! You live a very special life, thanks for sharing! We hope we'll come back at your place somewhere in the future!

Bee Soy Mongols
Our Dutch surfers, Paul and Koen are friendly, smiley and children caring people.
Their Mongolian visiting days were Mongolian White Month /Lunar Year/ Celebration days, 24-26 February 2009.
So their hearts and thinking are white!!!
Thank you for your wish and visiting to Mongolia in correct time to know Mongolian Parents Regarding Tradition!
Have a nice traveling around World!
Your Mongolian Family


AGE: 25
LOCATION: Netherlands - Gelderland - Nijmegen
ARRIVAL DATE: 24/02/09 7:30
DEPARTURE DATE: 26/02/09 6:00

We are interested in surfing your couch!
Dear family,
We, Koen and Paul two guys from the Netherlands are interested in surfing your couch! We started one week ago with a 2,5 month trip from Germany, Russia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Nepal to India. We are looking forward to see Asia and to discovere the culture from Russia to (warmer) India.
I hope you'll be able to host two guys that are interested to know the people and culture as much as
possible when we are on the road.
Paul and Koen

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Dear Paul and Koen,
Thank you for your message and request to surf.
Your days in Ulaanbaatar are Mongolian Lunar Year Celebration days. So it'll be nice/useful for you.
Yes, if you agree my Couch information, you are welcome to my family in your Ulaanbaatar days.
When you arrive in Ulaanbaatar, you should visit to my work, Ulaanbaatar Public Library, to meet with me and find my home.
About Lunar year celebration days, you are visiting to my family, there is no problem.
Have a nice trip to Ulaanbaatar,
CS City Ambassador for Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

SUBJECT: Re: Dear Paul,
Dear family Bezsuren,
After a long time I logged in to Couchsurfing and I saw your message. I'm very sorry that I kept you waiting for such a long time! My apologies! How are you doing! It's almost two years ago now. How is your wife, is she fine? What about the kids are they still playing different bone games? And the chess master, is he allright? It's nice to see your new photos!
Koen and I are still talking about our trip. Mongolia was definitely one of the most memorable moments. Thanks again for that! Still having guest that often?
I wish you and your family all the best!

Guest 27

#MongoliaFriend Naj and Ross from Glasgow, Scotland

Couchsurfers book 1-27th guest
Naj & Ross (Scotland)

Many thanks for a wonderful nigth, fantastic hospitality & a true Mongolian experience. We were both incredibly touched by your welcome & kindness. We very much hope to return your kindness one day in Scotland, either yourselves or your beautiful children.
If you have found this lovely family as part of your travels you need no advice from us !! Enjoy.
Scottish carrot-cake recipe
2 llz cups self-raising flour
1 cup oil
2 cups sugar
2 cups grated carrot
1 teaspoon cinnamon
(1/2  teaspoon vanilla essence)
Mix all together in bawl for cake mixture. 45/50 mins in oven.

1 packet cream cheese
1.5 cups of icing sugar
0.5 teaspoon vanilla essence
-Mix together for icing & spread on top of the cake.


Najma DSilva
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland
Mar 2009
We spent a fantastic night with Begzsuren and his family, one which we will remember for a very long time. They were so welcoming, lovely kids who were a credit to Begzsuren and his wife. We very much hope that we will be able to host either himself or his kids in the future. A very special family who we fely privileged to meet.

Bee Soy Mongols
In the beginning my Scottish surfer, now my family's best friend, Ms. Naj and Mr. Ross love children and helpful people.
Thank you very much for your visiting to my family. My children was glad to play with you and your singing and playing a keyboard combination was heart-warm.
Your best friend,
J.Begzsuren and his family


SUBJECT: Greetings!
Dear Begzsuren,
I am fascinated by your profile, you seem like a very interesting man with a lovely family. I am a Scottish girl and a teacher at home currently travelling in New Zealand before going over to teach and climb in Nepal.
I am then meeting a friend in Beijing to catch The Transmongolian Train to Moscow. We are planning to make a stop in Ulan Baator. I know this may be too far in advance to ask you whether you would be free but we would love to come and stay for a night on the 5th or 6th of March 2009. It would be a pleasure to meet you and your family and we would hope you would include Scotland in your travel plans when you turn 40!
It would be really great to hear from you,

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings!
Thank you so much for your message. I was delighted to hear from you. Is there anything we could bring from Scotland for your children? Thanks again, Ross and I look forward to meeting you next March.
Kind Regards,

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings!
Hello there! Greetings from Nepal! I am just checking it is still okay to visit and stay 1 night with your
family on 5th march? Looking forward to meeting you very much,

SUBJECT: Re: Thank you very much for your all support to my family
Dear Begzsuren,
Thanks for your kind email and for the most fantastic night with yourself and your family. Despite being so short, for us, it was the highlight of our trip. We both hope we can do something to help your kids in the future if they wish to travel in a Europe direction in the future.
Here is a link to some photos from our trip-there are some great ones of the kids.
Many thanks again
Naj and Ross

SUBJECT: Re: Dear Naj and Ross,
Hello! Lovely to hear from you! We are both well thank you and often remember our time with you fondly :-) We have just got back from a holiday in the islands of Scotland which was fantastic and before that I organised a big charity dance/dinner to raise money for a school I was working at for street children in Nepal.
We raised 3000 pounds which we sent to the school and a Nepali orphanage which I also visited when I was out there working so they managed to get 2 more teachers, a photo copier and a merry go round for the playground.
Ross and I are moving to London in a weeks time, Ross to start work in Kings hospital in neurology and myself as a teacher.
Love to your wife and the kids, we hope to meet you again one day soon
Naj and Ross x

Guest 28

#MongoliaFriend Sandra, Jessica, ? from Sweden


Sandra Levin
Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
Mar 2009
I stayed for one night in J.Begzsurens Ger, with his lovely family and other couchsurfers. It was a wonderful experience and a good way to come a bit closer to mongolian every day life. The children are some of the dearest and sweetest kids I have ever met! And he & his wife really put in great effort into introducing us to mongolian traditions, food, and way of life. One night felt like way too short of a time, but still, it was unforgettable. Thank you so much!


AGE: 22
LOCATION: Sweden - - Skelleftea
I am interested in surfing your couch!
My name is Sandra, I'm a 22-year old girl from the North of Sweden (a small town called Skelleteå, that almost noone knows or has heard about :))
In march me and two friends of mine (very nice girls from Gothenburg, Sweden) are going on a trip with the transibirian railroad. We will stop in Ulaanbaatar at the 11th of march and will go on travelling at the 12th.
We think it's so much more rewarding to stay in the home of someone who actually lives in Ulaanbaatar and can tell us things about the place, instead of just staying at some hostel with other backpackers..
Though there's 3 of us, we're able to sleep on the floor, we have sleepingbags etc with us.
We are a cheery bunch of girls and will happily do all we can to brighten up your day!
Anyways. let me know if this sounds interesting to you.
Take care
warm greetings

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Dear Sandra Levin,
Yes, I sure, you and your friends can stay with my family for 1 night.
Good trip to Mongolia,

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Dear my Sandra,
Please, write me about how was taxi service to train station, and how was your trip to China and others.
I'm very glad for your visiting to my family.
My family/children are glad/happy for your tasty chocolate and candy.
Have a lucky trip around the world with your 2 friends,
Keep the contacts, please, send me your email address for future contacts?
if you agree, your Mongolian brother

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hi Begzsuren
The taxi worked out great, we where there in good time.
The trip to China went well also, it was exiting on the border when they changed the wheels on the trains...
Today we all went to the great wall. It was quite amazing.
Thank you again for your hospitality. It was certainly a great experince staying with you and your lovely family. Give hugs from me to the kids! :)
my email is 
Thanks again. take care!
I will send you the pictures soon, right now Its a bit difficult for me however.
-your Swedish sister. :)

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings to you from Mongolia
Dear Jamsranjav,
I'm fine, I've strated studying evironmental engineering at the Uni. here in sweden and I'm very happy with that :)
At the moment I'm visiting my family in northen sweden over the Easther-hollidays.
How are you doing? And how your lvely family doing?
I took a look at herbalife's hompage. Their concept seems sympathetic, many of their products have good and relatively natural ingredients (but not all, a lot of them contain silicone and some shapoos & soaps contain Sodium Laureth Sulphate, a critisized but very common surfactant, just F.Y.I)
Overall I think the products look good and interesting.
BUT, I also googled around. You are probably already aware that there has been a lot of controversy around Herbalife.
They have been criticized for having a pyramid-scheme-like organisation. And there has been a study linking longtime use of herbalife-products with liver disease.
If you haven't checked it out yet there's good info on wikipedia with links to the study and other relevant sources.
I also found A LOT of complaints from former distributors claiming that this is a scam, most of them have lost big amounts of money because of herbalife.
My best advise to you is to be very very careful and collect as much info as possible before you make any desicion. I must say I am sceptic to herbalife, and there are many many companies out there who have a more serious way of organising their distribution.
However you decide to do; I wish you good luck and you and your family all the best!
Greetings, Sandra

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings to you from Mongolia
Dear Jamsranjav,
Sorry for my late reply. I've been spending a lot of time in Africa lately and with not a lot of possibilities of internet.
Good to hear that your family is well, I hope that is still the case since your message was more than one year ago :)
How are the children doing?
I just came back home from Malawi, a great and very friendly but immensely poor country. I did some research there and all has gone well.
Best wishes to you and your family,

Guest 29

#MongoliaFriend Ulle and Ross from Sweden


Ulle Westling
Skelleftea, Vasterbotten, Sweden
Mar 2009
Me and a travelling friend of mine had the pleasure of visiting Begz and his nice family for one day in their ger in UlaanBaatar. We had a lovely afternoon toghether, learning to make the right sound while eating noodle soup and talking. I hope to keep in touch and meet again, if not in Ulan Baatar I hope to see you when you are going out on your bike trip!

Bee Soy Mongols
Thank you for your visiting and 3 hours to my family to know Mongolian family.
My Swedish surfers Ulle and Peter are polite people. They are looks like soft running river.
I want to be your friend in gardening, to share Mongolian experience and to know your practical knowledge.
Good luck in your agricultural work,
your Mongolian friend

Peter Kloss
Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
Mar 2009
Me and my friend spend one day together with Begzsuren and his nice family. We had a good traditional dinner and from the children we learned how to play the ankle bones from goat and sheep. Begzsuren has interesting plans for their yard. Only good people care about planting trees, I learned from a Mongolian woman.

Bee Soy Mongols
Thank you for your visiting and 3 hours to my family to know Mongolian family.
My Swedish surfers Peter and Ulle are polite people.
They are looks like soft running river.
That's true word, in Mongolia "who can give your heart to your gardening, that family will be rich and happy in autumn".
I want to be your friend in gardening, to share Mongolian experience and to know your practical knowledge.
Good luck in your gardening work in your country,
your Mongolian friend


AGE: 34
LOCATION: Sweden - Vasterbotten - Skelleftea
ARRIVAL DATE: About 1 March
Hello, we are interested in surfing your ger!
We are two friends who will visit Ulan Bator and travel in Mongolia for some weeks in March. It would be nice if we could come and visit you and your family, if you have time and space. We are two friendly guys from Sweden with a great interest in nature and agriculture and hope to experience Mongolian life. We are 33 and 28 years.
Hope to hear from you. Best regards from a snowy Sweden/
Ulle Westling and Peter Kloss

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hello Begzsuren!
Me and my friend are now in Beijing, trying to arrange visa and tickets for Ulan Baatar. They said at the Mongolian embassy it's your new year holiday right now? (Happy new year in that case!)If everythings go well I think we will be going to Ulaan Bataar by train on thursday next week (leaving Beijing 2 of march).
Would it be ok if we came to visit then? I look forward to see Mongolia!
All the best/

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hey Begz,
hope you had a good weekend!
We did! Terelj was truly beatiful, now I just wish I could see more of the countryside of Mongolia. Guess it's easier in summertime.
Sorry we didn't decide for a day with meeting for the garden man. We are leaving tomorrow night now. I will be staying in the city today I think, but I am not sure about Peter. If he can go he'll give you a ring on the phone..If not, maybe we can share some ideas over the net instead?/Ulle

SUBJECT: Hello from Sweden
Hey Begz!
How are you?
Peter told me you have started up your Salix plant cultivation. Hope they are doing fine and that your cows wont eat them all. One good thing with those Salix bushes is however that once they have got a firm trunk you can cut the brancehs every year and it will just grow back more branches.
I am also working with plants at the moment, but with wild ones. Working with inventory of forest plants in south of sweden. It is good work, but it is unusally hot here and I just long to go swimming all the time.
Hope things are good with you and your family! I remember my visit in Ulan Baator and Mongolia with a happy feeling.
Best regards/ Ulle

SUBJECT: Thanks!
Hello Begzsuren!
I want to thank you for a nice and interesting meeting with you and your family. I'm interested in your life and in your plans for the yard. I hope to keep in touch with you and to hear about your salix-plants.
best wishes!
Peter Kloss (Sweden)

SUBJECT: Re: What is new? Our fast growing tree grows as a high 25 cm.
Hello Begzsurem!
I was very glad to receive a message from you. Good to here you are fine. I'm working in the botanical garden in the city Uppsala, where I live. Ulrika i working in the south part of Sweden, investigating the flora.
I have been thinking of you and your family many times.
I Was wondering about your plants so it was nice to see the photos.
In the botanical garden some plant are from Mongolia and when I was picking weeds around them I thought of you, of course.
How is the plantation working. Do your children carry a lot of water from the river?
I now a gay who is doing his examination work about using charcoal in the soil. I seems to be a very efficient way to get soils more water-keeping and biologically active. I will get a drwing from him about how a small charcoal-producing owen can be build. Maybe It could be a good idé for you to produce charcoal when cooking pasta. What do you think? How woud you describe the soil where you live. Like sand, clay, humus? Dry, wet, nutritient?
Ok, Have to sleep now.
Say helo to you family and thanks again for you hospitalty och thank to your older daughter for the snowflake made of paper and to your elder son for the paintings.
Best Regards
Peter Kloss, Sweden

Guest 30

#MongoliaFriend Ayres family - eight children and Grandpa from New Zealand

An experience not to forget
How wonderful to meet a family who let us live with them - 17 people in one ger.
Thank you for playing, talking, cooking, eating, shopping, teaching us games.
We have learnt so much about Mongolian life by spending time with you.
We are very glad to meet a family who is interested in cooking healthy food, not using plastic bags, planting a garden, and preserving old traditions.
We wish you well with your endeavors with changing Mongolian culture through the library and your newspaper.
With grateful thanks,
Robert & Rachael
Jaala Josiah Kyle Kaleisha Levi Micaiah Tessa Ella-Rose and Grandpa
Fellow travelers:
Beware of pickpockets on a busy bus.
They can get your camera out of the case even when it is on your person.
Google “Weston A. Price” to find the man who travelled around asking about old food traditions (in the early 1900s)


Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
May 2009
WOW What an amazing family - they throw you in to true MOngolian culture and teach you in a few days more than you might expect to learn in a month! What a sense of humour - they took us eleven "to see if we would all fit in their ger" And we did! Just.
Thanks so much for a wonderfulo introduction to Mongolia - come see us in NZ!!

Bee Soy Mongols
by one word,
I see my family's future is KIWI FAMILY.
I loved this well educated/disciplined family. I'll try to be like yours.
I sure, my 4 children can be friends of the KIWI Family's 8 children.
Keep a contact,
your Mongolian family


SUBJECT: Re: When you will be in Mongolia?
Thank you for telling me our message was missing! We are coming to UB at the end of March. Our children would love to stay with you, because you have children and they want to play together!
But we might be too many. We have eight children (and two parents and a Grandpa, although Grandpa can stay in a hotel)
We have our own sleeping bags and would love to cook you a meal if you can show us where to buy the food.
We would also like to help with jobs - especially milking the cow! Do you make cheese?
Our children's ages are 2,4,6,8,10,11,13,14.
Kind regards
Rachael from New Zealand

SUBJECT: Re: When you will be in Mongolia?
Dear Rachael,
My children's ages are: 3,4,8,10. We have 1 son /oldest one/, 3 daughters.
My son and my oldest daughter study in elementary school in 3rd and 1st grade.
My children like to play games, do drawing, to read picture books and to listen children's songs.
Thank you for your attention,
Good trip around World.

Excellent. We will keep in touch closer to the time.
But first I would like to ask - how old are your children and what are they interested in?

SUBJECT: Re: When you will be in Mongolia?
We have booked our tickets! We will be arriving on Thursday 2 April in the early afternoon. We will be in UB for two weeks - there is another couchsurfer we can stay with for as long as we like - but we are keen to meet your family too - would it be convenient for you if we came to you as soon as we arrive for a couple of days? If so, please give us directions of how to get to your place from the train station. Thank you. We are looking forward to meeting you and your children.

Just checking you received our answer:
We think this sounds wonderful! We are coming on train number 3 from Beijing. It is supposed to arrive at 14:45 on Thursday 2nd. I'm not sure if they run on time or not!
What good news that your children are on holiday!
we are looking forward to meeting you all
Rachael (and family)

SUBJECT: Re: How are you?
HI there....
Thanks for our time - we all loved it. However, at the moment some of the kids are not well - we think we ate somthing funny (they call it horseshoes?) last night.
Levi has been sick and some of the kids are not feeling well. We may stay here another night before our final couchsurf.
We may drop in to the library and say hello
Rob and Rachael

SUBJECT: Re: Dear Kiwi family,
I'm not sure if you got the message we sent so I will copy it below here.....
Hi Begzsuren Family! Hi from raining winter New Zealand!
How are you all? How many people slept in your ger last night?!!!!!
We are well. We often tell people to contact you when they want to go to Mongolia because you are such a wonderful family. We still talk about our time with you - it was one of our favourite times in our 15 months travelling!
We think about the great work you are doing in your community. Recently we saw this handbook online and the project that was trialled in Ulaanbataar. I think you might be interested - scroll down the page for the Mongolia story. http://humanurehandbook.com/consulting.html
Another treasure (gift) is this self-teaching handbook about growing your own food. Imagine: you could translate it into Mongolian and share it with people in your area and UB could start growing its own food. http://www.growbiointensive.org/Self_Teaching.html It is being used in Uzbekistan and Russia, so why not Mongolia?! You can do it!
How is your cow?
Please say hello to your beautiful children and your wife - I still make bread with her recipe. Now our eggshells come from our own chickens.
Are you still going to take her travelling when you are 40?
Our family news....Jaala (nearly 17) wants to learn to be a chef. Josiah (15) and Kyle (14) love playing the guitar and learning the piano. Kaleisha (12) still loves to cook. Levi (10) and Micaiah (9) are very enthusiastic about life. The little girls (Tessa:6 and Ella-Rose:5)love to play with dolls.
Rob is busy with work and I am still teaching the children at home.
Kind regards
Rachael (and all the rest of us)

SUBJECT: Re: Dear Kiwi family,
Dear My Kiwi Family,
Thank you very much for your nice words, contact and useful, interesting manuals/guideline files.
Yes, now we have 5 cows, as like as 2 mother cows, 2 middle cows and 1 baby cow.
We are very appreciate your warm words and good experiences about Mongolia and my family, I'm so glad to hear and know about your children.
In this September, Gadma /6 years old/ started a elementary school's first class, next year my youngest daughter Mungulung will start a school.
Thank you again for your contact,
Keep an touch,
your Mongolian friends

Guest 31

#MongoliaFriend Maria from Germany

Maria Nussbaum from Germany/China

This has been one of my best experiences in Mongolia. Not only did I learn much about Mongolian traditional culture from this family, but I was also inspired one how to combine the old with the new, bring new ideas into one’s home, and teach one’s children that this world is a wonderful and exciting place.
Simple Chinese Desert:
-cook some sweet black rice in extra water, add a little bit of corn, and sugar => makes a sweet, filling soup
Chinese Fried Egg w/Tomato:
- beat two/three eggs in a bowl, add salt + little bit water
- fry eggs lightly with little oil, put aside
- fry one tomato cut into medium-sized pieces 1 or 2 min
- add egg back into frying pan, fry 1 more minute
serve with white rice
Interesting websites/Internet resources
iTunes-> a free music/media program, iTunes U-> has free full university courses+lectures
www.italki.com – find friends from around the World to help each other learn each other’s languages (language exchange)
www.travelpod.com for travel blogs
Tips for traveling in China
- bring your own toilet paper
- when bargaining for souvenirs: ask the vendor its name a price, (if you are Chinese, ask for 30% of the named price)name 10-20% of named price & don’t forget to laugh a little at the ridiculous first named price … go from there, never agree to pay more than 60% of the first named price
-www.cits.net to check train times/routes
-www.8684.cn .com? for bus routes
- internet café
- things you can only experience in China: tea houses, cheap & awesome massage, luxury bathhouses (mostly found in the north, also include free food)

Guest 32

#MongoliaFriend Mariel from U.K

Mariel Stringer-Fehlow from London, England
I have just returned from a trip into the countryside and the first thing I wanted to do was visit my Mongolian home! This family is so welcoming and warm that you may never want to leave. I think that Maria’s comment about mixing the old with new is very opt: these people are very educated and open-minded however their ger lifestyle keeps traditional family values strong. I have had a wonderful time in Mongolia and will be sad to leave but here are some tips from Russia and Mongolia:
- Couchsurf, if you don’t know what this is then look at www.couchsurfing.com but Begzs will tell you all about it. Make sure you couchsurf in Moscow-their community is amazing.
- If you are going from UB to Irkutsk take the bus to Ulan-Ude and train from there. Much cheaper and faster through customs/border control.
- If you want to fly in or out of Russia it is so expensive. Instead go by bus to Estonia – Tallinn, and fly from there into Europe. Cheap.
- Teach the family new card games, they love the idea of total interchange and exchange.
- When in Russia, buy food on the street, the Pirogi are especially great.
- Mongolia (and Russia) are countries where you get back what you put in. I advise you to put in curiosity, excitement and open-minded – you’ll get it back in surprising ways!
Love Mariel
(the one that looks like Marina smile)
xoxo kiss hug

Tips continued
- Try to learn the Cyrillic alphabet before you – it also helps in Mongolia ever though some letters are slightly different 
- People cannot drive in Russia/Mongolia – if there is green light you must still be very careful, or very brave.
- If you don’t want to take an organized trip but would like to see other types of life in Mongolia, take a bus from UB’s Dragon center to an aimag center (provincial capital) e.g. I went to Arvayheer and surfed with Peace Corps Volunteers and despite it not being the most stunning of areas it was truly fascinating, and great to get out of UB.
- In summer months always wash your hands 3 times when you enter the ger
- Don’t smile at people in the street!
In Mongolia it’s better that in Russia but still provocative to the many drunks in the streets
- There are a lot of beggars and street kids in UB, if you will not get upset and have enough money ther buy from them, but they are not always satisfied once you have bought once
- Mongolian men enjoy ‘monstering’ foreigners, i.e. they throw their hand in front of you-face and watch you respond. This happens more when they’re drink but it does not normally mean they want a tight.
- When getting Chinese visa in UB you will need to pay in dollars. Also, they only work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9-12
- Visit Granville Pub, near UB Guesthouse + Sukhbaatar sq. 
OK, I am really done now,


Mariel Stringer-Fehlow 
London, England, United Kingdom
Apr 2009
My first memory of Ulan Bataar is Begszuren trying to fit my huge backpack on his bicycle- with a lot of attempts and a huge smile he did it, and this sums up his attitude to life! I had a wonderful stay with this family, and kept coming back for more (especially his lovely wife's bread and jam). Thank you so much for looking after me, you were not just hosts you were my family too :) xoxo (kiss hug kiss hug)

Bee Soy Mongols
She is one of the my family's teen surfers.
My children and my wife say next words about Mariel, "she is looks like Martina, she is happy, she is cute, she is clever, she played a lot with us, when she will back to my home".
I can say next words,
"Mrs. Mariel is well educated, good girl. She is asking Mongolian everything to know Mongolia, that is really good job."
And she is lucky girl by Mongolian tradition, because she tasted my cow's first milk, first milk butter of 2009.
Good luck in your all of traveling,
your Mongolian family


SUBJECT: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
AGE: 18
LOCATION: United Kingdom - England - London
ARRIVAL DATE: 4th April 2009, not sure what time
DEPARTURE DATE: 8th April 2009, not sure what time
ARRIVING VIA: Will get a bus or train from UB station
I am interested in surfing your couch! Hello there, my name is Mariel Stringer-Fehlow and I am an English girl from London. I will be spending a month in Mongolia (all of April) after travelling in Russia for 2 months; at the moment I have no contacts in mongolia and no solid plans but I would really appreciate it if I could surf your couch for a few days once I arrive. I have my own sleeping bag and towel and will gladly help with anything you need, and pay for my food,
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon,
Mariel xx

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Dear J.Begzsuren,
Thank you for accepting my first couchsurfing request, however my plans have changed and I am hoping to arrive in UB later than I first thought. Would you still be able to host me if I arrived on the 18th of April and stayed until the 20th?
Best wishes,
Mariel Stringer-Fehlow

SUBJECT: Re: Hello again!
Dear Mariel,
If your hostel doesn't agree, you can left your bag in my library server room.
Thank you for your message,

SUBJECT: Re: Hello again!
Hi Begzsuren,
Thank you very much for the kind offer but the hostel has agreed for me to leave my rucksack here; Thank you also for the reference, I am off to Aravyheer in the morning but will write yours soon! Will hopefully be back in UB on 26th, maybe see you then?
Best wishes,
Mariel xoxo

SUBJECT: Hello again
Dear Begzsuren and family
I hope that the crazy weather here in Arvayheer did not also come to Ulan Bataar! We had a sand storm and then a snow storm and then lightning, very exciting though. 
I will get the bus back to Ulan Bataar tomorrow morning and was wondering if I could maybe stay with you or come visit in the afternoon? I will arrive and then get a bus to your ger so if you could let your wife know then I will not scare her!
Best wishes,
Mariel xoxo

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings to you from Mongolia?
Hi Begzs!!
Of course I remember you and have now written reference; Yes my travelling in China was wonderful (although I lost my wallet and all money but its ok, good friends helped me until I replaced it). I am now in Istanbul, Turkey! It is extremely beautiful here and very hot but because it is more and more Muslim now girls must cover up a little bit, which I'm finding hard :s How are your family? And the baby cow?
Best wishes,
Mariel x

Guest 33

#MongoliaFriend Dave and Elan from Canada

Begz, family,
You have made us feel like part of your family.
Thank you for your hospitality, and for sharing your culture and traditions with us. Good luck in the future and please send updates. We will do the same!
Thanks for everything!

Begz : Family,
We had a wonderful in UB with you and your family. I will never forget our time in your “ger”. You are truly an ambassador for CS and Mongolia. Good luck to you and your beautiful family.


Elan Van Wyck 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apr 2009
Begs and his family are some of the most generous and beautiful people we have met on our travels. Staying with them will enrich any trip to Mongolia. The children have amazing manners and will enjoy playing ankle bones, cards or chess with you. Good luck to your trees and family from Elan and Dave

Bee Soy Mongols
My Canadian surfers, Elan and Dav, they are good English teachers. I asked/learned many Mongolian words in English.  And they are happy, lucky people and love to children.
Thank you again for your help to work with me for CS Tree Gardening.


SUBJECT: hi, do you have room in April?
Hi Begzsuren, our names are Elan and Dave and we have been traveling for almost 2 months. We were living in Taiwan, teaching English, but decided to quit our jobs and travel back home to Canada. We will be arriving in Ulaanbaatar this Thursday at 1:30pm. Will your couch be available for 1-2 nights? If so, can you email us back.
Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you.
Elan and Dave

SUBJECT: hey Begz
Hi Begz and family.. we are now in Germany and I have been learning about my family because they used to live here.. but I never knew my grandparents so I am learning about my familys past... thank you for vouching for us.. thats great... also, when we get home we are going to put our pictures on the computer and email you the ones from Mongolia.. we have some really good ones of us, you and your family. hope all is well in the Ger :)
talk to you later
Elan and Dave

SUBJECT: greetings from Canada
Hi Begz and family, how are you doing? Dave and I are doing well back here in Canada. It is beautiful
outside, but fall is coming and then winter :O How are those trees of yours doing behind your ger? And how is your family?
I just went apple picking behind my house and I have a whole load of apples. So, immediately, what did I think of? I thought of that delicious apple jam that your wife and kids made. Do you think I could get that recipe?
Ok, wishing you all the best and I hope it is not getting too cold there. :)
Take care
Elan and Dave

Guest 34

#MongoliaFriend Elise and Antoine from France

Couchsurfers book 1-34th guest 
Elise & Anton (France)
Date : 23/03/2009

We came 2 nights here and shared to much with you all to sum up everything in a few pages. Begz, you have been the best ambassador of your city, country and culture that we could have imagine;
it is fascinating to listen all your stories and explanation. You introduced us to what we saw then when we went to Terelj (2 nights is a minimum) and to Gobi and Karhorin (we went for a 10 night trip, organized by Golden Gobi Guesthouse with 1 driver Irka and 1 guide Gotoi that we really recommend). Karkorin-no need to go there if not part of a tour with other region.
We came back to make a recipe in English and French with Mungun and her children and to say goodbye before taking our train to the Mongolian border with China. It is really nice to finish our trip in Mongolia like it started. I really hope to see you all again in Mongolia, France or anywhere. 
I recommend you to visit France in summer or better in September, don’t miss the “Calanques” near Marseille in the French rivera (often closed in august and september because of risk of fire), “les Gorges de Verdou” are beautiful also and above all the “Morbihan” and its hundreds of Islands and Nantes of course, to visit you CS’ friends!
I had a beautiful experience with you family, and really hope it to be the beginning of a long friendship. Bayarla!
Elice & Anton

If you go to France, you can also visit North of France, a region called “Nord Das De Calais”. It will be a bit difficult by bike with kind of  mountains (especially near by Boulogne) but you will rest in my house (well, my parents one!). And there, you will face the sea.
To find me : on CS.
Thanks a lot for everything.
And now, thanks to you, I love Mongolia.
Ps: we take some pictures for the recipe: ЦУЙВАН. You still have to print it. Sorry


Elise, Stephen and Nina Kean
Saint-André-sur-Sèvre, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Mar 2009
Begs was the best guide in UB, he introduced Antoine and me to his country's culture, history, issues, etc. But above all, he and his wife are wonderful persons with a great way of thinking and living. I enjoyed every second spent with this family, playing with their children or learning to cook. If you want to make them happy when you visit them, here are 2 useful presents you could do: a plant for their future garden or a chess book for their son.

Bee Soy Mongols
My family French friends are, Elise and Antoine, nice and children caring people.
They made great photo guideline how to cook Mongolian normal meal "Tsuivan". This job can tell you "who are they".
Thank you again for your starting for our gardening in the International Women's Day and others.
Best wishes in your traveling around the Asia,
J.Begzsuren and his family.

Antoine Pignon
Antananarivo, Madagascar
Apr 2009
Nothing more to say than Elise with who I was traveling. Thanks to you and your family, I am loving Mongolia. Come to France or wherever I will be when you are 40 :)

Bee Soy Mongols
My family French friends are, Antoine and Elise, nice and children caring people.
They made great photo guideline how to cook Mongolian normal meal "Tsuivan". This job can tell you "who are they".
Thank you again for your starting for our gardening in the International Women's Day and others.
Best wishes in your traveling around the Asia,
J.Begzsuren and his family.

AGE: 24
LOCATION: France - Pays de la Loire - Nantes
ARRIVAL DATE: after the 8th of february
DEPARTURE DATE: will stay #
I am interested in surfing your couch!
Hi Begzsuren,
I wish your whole family a happy Tsagaan Sar.
Would you be available to host and share some time with a french traveler who long to meet some Mongolian and discover their country, culture, language and way of life?
I'm traveling alone in order to meet the people and better discover, experience, share...
I'm a curious and easygoing person, I like to ask things and to answer questions when people want to
learn from me, I like to walk, talk, cook, laugh, visit, go out, dance, have fun and so many other
things. But must of all, I really enjoy being with kids, and as a lonely traveler, I miss the family
PS: Im coming from Irkoustk by train as soon as I get my visa to Mongolia, so I will arrive between the 8th and the 15th. From Oulanbaator, I would like to go around the country (KaraKorum probably). And if you have any advice, I'll be glad to read them.

Dear Elise,
Thank you very much for your postcard. I'm very glad to read your nice words on the postcard.
Have a good trip around Asia, and keep the contact.
your Mongolian family

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hi Begzsuren,
Im in Irkoutsk now and will arrive in OulanBataar on saturday night the 7th by bus 19h30 (I will take a
train to Ulan Ude and then the bus). The bus company is Bouriatintour and I just want to ask you if Antoine a french traveler also in couchsurfing that Ive met here can join me to your place (Ive made him read your rules and he agrees them)?
If you want to check Antoine's profile, you just have to search for : 'heptonio' in advanced couchsurfers
Thanks a lot and have a nice day,

SUBJECT: Re: Greetings to you from your Mongolian family
Dear Begz,
I just read your message. Hope all is well for you and the family, hope the winter is not to cold yet?
Yes, life went on, my travels as well. Antoine is back in Paris, still looking for a life project. We keep in touch, he met HIHA at the airport just before we left France for Australia.
I am in Tasmania at the moment, at my husband Stephen's family, so it is bed time for me.
I really hope to come back to Mongolia and visit you before you reach 40, so you can meet them. If not, you will have to come visit me!
best wishes,

SUBJECT: Address
Hi Begz,
Elise and I have something to send you. We are now in Guangzhou after a stop in Beijing.
Can you send us a direction where you will receive our letter ? Can we write it in English or can you send it to us in Mongolian ?
How is going the family ? Huge kiss to them.
How is going the library ? Still working there ?
Enjoy and take care,

SUBJECT: Re: Address
Dear Antoine and Elise,
I'm very glad to see you again on email and to know your traveling continuing successfully in Asia.
You can write my post address in English, that is OK.
My family started our gardening by 85 fast-growing trees in last Sunday with support gardening company.
Our family is good, we are waiting our mother cow's birth.
Please, see my post address.
Thank you for your attention, my post address is:
Best wishes,
your Mongolian family

Guest 35

#MongoliaFriend Jo and Ilse from Netherlands

Here a message from 2 Dutch girls, Ilse and Jo.
We came here yesterday in the snow and in the wind. It was very cold. We had a very warm welcome in the ger tent with tea, bread and self made jam. It was very good. The children are always laughing and want to play every game they know with you.
Begzsuren can very good tell story about Mongolian. He is a very good help when you stay here.
We liked it very much to stay one night with this family. Уншиж чадаагүй нэг үг are so warm. We hope that many CS have also a good experience here.
Thank you so much for everything and when you are visiting Holland you are very welcome to stay with us.
Thanks a lot and maybe we see you soon again
Ilse and Jo

Guest 36

#MongoliaFriend Rone and De wet from South Africa

Rone and De Wet Soth African
Dear CS’ers
We stayed in this awesome home!
The family showed us what a home grown family should look like.
Ask the children to sing/play a game of chess / or just play soccer outside. Help if you can (dishes (happy face)).
We will treasure this experience forever!
Black market: Don’t go too early in the morning at 11 am everything will be padded out.
Travel the streets: See what the city vibe is like!
(We only stayed a day)
Have an awesome time, and the fact that you are reading this means you’ll get the most out of Mongolia! This family is Mongolia!
Peace from South Africa
De Wet and Rone!

Guest 37

#MongoliaFriend Remy and Delphine from France

Remy and Delphine (France)

This extraordinary family offered us all we hoped of Mongolia and more!!!
After this 4 days with them we should leave Mongolia…
What can we expect more?
Bergs and his wife are so kind, they take time to explain, show and share. Their 4 kids are so smily, curious and cleaver!
Thank you so much!!!!
- Walking in Mongolia it’s a very good idea!!
Kharakorin – Bayankhongor 15 days (map). It’s a good way to meet a lot of nomads people.
For more information reviendrareviendrapas.kazeo.com

250g flaveur
3 eggs
½ l milk butter
(10ml) beer or water
Tarte a la motarde
Pate=flaveur, water and butter
+tomatos slices

Pate=flaveur, water and butter
+ 5 eggs

This is a participation for your future shower. We spent 4 marveillous days with your family. Thank you again!!!
Delphine Remy


Remy Bouix
Bordeaux, Aquitaine, France
May 2009
Wouah ! Wouah ! Wouah !
Begszuren and all his familly are so kind and generous persones that they offer us in 4 days more than we expected in one month in Mongolia.
Thank you again for all the good time spent together.
We really loved to spend time playing with Toodoo, Manujin, Gaadmaa et Mongolon, cook typical dish with Soymboo and learn so much about Mongolian life style with Begszuren !!!

Bee Soy Mongols
Dear my French friends,
Thank you for culture / knowledge / experience sharing with my family:
- paper art
- French meal cooking adapted into Mongolian
- presents to my children.
- maps of Harhorin and Bayanhongor provinces.
- sapling planting in my CS Tree Garden
I sure, you are warm hearted people and very polite and helpful. So your walk-trip around Mongolia was finished successfully.
Your walk-trip from Harhorin to Bayanhongor more than 200 km in 15 days was great experience for our next surfers and for me. Congratulations!
Now you know, who are Mongolians, why nomadic Mongolians are polite people and how their labor/everyday work is not easy, but enjoyable and nature friendly.
Best wishes,
Your Mongolian Family


AGE: 29
LOCATION: France - Aquitaine - Bordeaux
ARRIVAL DATE: around the 23 april 2009
Hello Begzsuren Family
We are a couple of french wondering around the world.
We will go to mongolia from Beijin with the transmongolian (around the 23 april) and we are very excited to discover your country.
We would be very happy if we could have a couch in your family for one our two nights the way that we could share about our cultures and maybye better understand Mongolian way of life.
So if we could meet us we would be very happy.
delphine and remy

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hello Jamsranjav
We have finaly our Visa for Mongolia, we are very happy. Normaly we will have our train tiket tomorrow morning and we will arive on sunday (26 april around 13H00).
So, if you are still ok we will be very happy to share time with your familly and food (acording to your couch information... "we can share our tasty dinner and breakfast by 7000 tugriks per night" and we also have sleeping bags...).
see you soon
delphine and remy

SUBJECT: Re: Come Back in Ulan Bataar
Dear Remy and Delphine,
I'm glad to read your nice message.
My family is waiting you!
See you in your Mongolian home.
your Mongolian family

SUBJECT: Re: Hello
Dear My family friends Remy and Delphine,
Thank you for your message.
My family wish you lucky trip around the World!
We are also very glad all of your things are welcoming
to my family,
games and presents, support money, French cooking,
Korean lunch, and your wonderful walk-trip.
I want to keep our friendship!
Best wishes from your Mongolian family,

SUBJECT: Re: Request to Surf your Couch in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia!
Hello Jamsranjav
We have the train ticket for UB since this morning. It's ok !!
After UB, we plane to go near the Orkhon to do a trek during 20 days (maybe from Karakorum to Bayanhongor).
If you known this region you can tell us about it.
See you on sunday !!!
Delphine and Remy

SUBJECT: Come Back in Ulan Bataar
Hello Berz
How are you ?
We hope your are still fine and your familly also.
We are arrived yesterday in Bayankongor and we had a very good time walking in the countryside. We met a lot of very nice people and see many Gers...
We are comming back to Ulan bataar tomorrow afternoon but we do not know if we will have a lot of time before going back to China. 
We will be very happy to invite you for the lunch in a restaurant. We could pick up you at your library for example monday or tuesday when you want. So we could tell you our trip in the countryside...
Bye bye see you soon
delphine and remy

SUBJECT: Re: Come Back in Ulan Bataar
Hello Begz
We are back in Ulan Bataar, so we will come to see you and pick up our bag this afternoon if it is ok for you.
We still would like to invite you in a restaurant for a lunch, but we could talk about it later.
We are sorry but we will not stay in your home again...
we think that there are a lot of people who have to meet you and share with you !
see you soon
delphine and remy

Hello Begz
So sorry but we could not come to see you again this afternoon. We are leaving tomorrow for ZaminUd at the border of china, and we still have a lot of things to do before...
We were very happy to know you and all your familly.
As we will publish the photos of Mongolia on our blog we send you a message.
We really hope to see you and Soymboo one day in France and share about french culture !!!
Bye bye
delphine and remy

SUBJECT: Re: How are you?
Dear Begzsuren,
Yes, we are travelling in China we are in Xiangfan, after visiting Xian (and the big army of terracotta warriors) and we want to go to Fenghuang (old village)
it's raining a lot today...
we are late with our blog but we have to put in line our first article about Mongolia, about you and your family with photos if it's working today it will be ok we still think about our meeting with our mongolian family and about our trip in Mongolia : very very good experience in Mongolia !!!
sure, we keep in touch
bye bye
can you say hello to your family
delphine and remy

SUBJECT: Re: How are you?
Hello Begz
Cool to hear about you, we hope that you are fine !
We are leaving tomorrow for India (last trip before to go back in france) ans we hope it will be good.
We have finished on our blog about Mongolia (4 articles), we still keep in mind this great adventure
and a very good time with you and your familly !
We have some picture (not published on the web) that we could send you but we do not know how to proceed ? Do you have an email adress where we could send some picture ?
Say hello to your familly
we keep in touch and hope to see you again (maybe in france)
bye bye
delphine and remy

Begzsuren Har Uhert Jamsranjav Wrote:
Dear my friends,
How are you?
Are you OK? I think, you are in your France, are not?
I browsed your articles and photos in your web page.
Nice to remember your days with my family.
Keep a contact,
With best wishes,
your mongolian family

SUBJECT: how are you in Mongolia ?
Hello Begz ! and our Mongolian family !
We are also happy to tell you that we have finished our trip without any problem (finally back in France after India since the 20 of jully...).
Since we are back we spend a lot of time with our respective family to explain all we have done and all the wonderful peoples we met during this one year trip and especially YOU in Mongolia !!!!
We also found a new flat in the main center of Bordeaux and we had to deal with all the administrative forms...
Now it is a bit difficult (this is the end of the french holidays) Delphine will start working on next Tuesday and I am looking for a new job ! But we are still motivate and happy to start a new way of life.
It is a good new to hear that you finally have a shower... is it working now ? or soonly ? Please send us some pictures if it possible...
We are also happy to know that all your family is ok.
Give a kiss for all your children and tell to Toddo to train playing chess and next time we will meet us he will win easily !!!
Take care of you and of all your family !!
Best wishes
Delphine and Remy your French walkers :-)
ps : we try to send you some picture in your yahoo email address

Guest 38

#MongoliaFriend Joss Ratcliffe from U.K


Joss Ratcliffe
Hamilton, Waikato, New Zealand
Apr 2009
Begzsuren Is a great guy and his family is so freindly and genourus, he is genuinely interested in meeting people from different parts of the world. Staying in his gerr is a great experience and I would recomend it to anyone, hope to met him and his family again soon if they couchsurf in the uk

Bee Soy Mongols
Thank you for your 1 day visiting to my family.
Mr. Joss Ratcliffe, I see you are lucky traveler, because you successfully traveled in Mongolia and visited to my family.
Please, what you learned from my home/my Mongolia, if you share your Mongolian experience, that will be great job.
Thank you again.
Best wishes,
your Mongolian family

Guest 39

#MongoliaFriend Thibaut from Belgium


Traveling with games will you is an easy and wonderful way to communicate with local, even if you don’t speak the language!
Living 2 days with this wonderful family was an awesome gift of life! How unforgettable it is too have share day 32th birthday with this full of love and happy family. I wish I could stay stay much more as I received too much in 2 days. They shared me everything. Every single minute gave me something to learn, (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) with Mungulun, Gaadmaa, Manujin, Tuguldur, Mungunsoyombo abd of course Begzsuren! Thanks to everyone of you. Thank you for sharing games with such interest I had so many pleasure to be with you. I really wish I’ll see you again. Welcome in Belgium. Hope for couchsurfing you’ll be ambassador for life!
Lots of love
(Flower drawing) and … don’t worry (happy face)


Thibaut Quintens 
Oret, Belgium
May 2009
I`ve been so lucky to be hosted by Begszuren and his family ! They really put me into the mongolian culture, games included :-) and shared their happiness every moment. With Begsz, you never have to worry, he always has solution :-) Mungulum, Gaadma, Munjulin, Totor, Soyomba and Begszuren are definitely my mongolian family. I wish any couchsurfers to get the chance to meet them. Thank you so much. I'm waiting for you in Belgium

Bee Soy Mongols
I sure,
Thibaut and his family love to play games,
And My family love to play games,
Also the world families love to play games.
Mr. Thibaut, my family's first Belgian surfer, bring us intellectual 3+3 days by his games and positive thought.
Thank you very much for your all attention, especially for your birthday was full of joy with my family, my youngest daugther Mungulun's cold sick treatment and your friendship.
You need me, I need you to create better world.


SUBJECT: Could the family Begzsuren wants to discover my games ;-) and/or couchsurf me ?
Hello Mr Begzsuren and his family,
My name is Thibaut and I'm from Belgium.
The 29th of march, I've started a 6-months-travel by train, looking forward to meet people... simply. I'll take train most of the time through countries (Russia, Mongolia, as its a good way to meet people. I've just spent a month in russia and I write to you from Irkoutsk. I don't speak any russian, mongolian, nor chinese...but I have some board games in my backpack as a means of meeting. That would be a means to discover other board and traditionnal games from people and countries I visit too. I'll make some reports (photos and sound) from it.
In Russia, I met lots of people thanks to my games and I already have some good friends with couchsurfing.
You can see some references.
Tomorrow night I take the train until the mongolian border. I don't know exactly when I'll arrive in Ulaan Baatar but I plan it for tuesday I guess (depend on the trains).
As I looked at your profile, it makes me feel good to ask you If you could couchsurf me on tuesday 28 ? I`ll be happy to share some games with your family.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Anyway I wish you the best.
Thank you for reading.
Thibaut (a belgian in Siberia)

SUBJECT: Re: Could the family Begzsuren wants to discover my games ;-) and/or couchsurf me ?
Hello, thank you very much for your response. I just arrived this morning and did not received your message, though I m now in Gana guest house. I'll call your or come to your work today and I'll be happy to visit your family next. Have a very nice day.

SUBJECT: Re: Dear my friend, how are you?
Hello my friend,
I noticed I forgot those games. I hacve only few second of connection. PLease send me your direct email to
Sorry for this very quick message.
I think everyday about the chance I had to meet you and your family
I have nice pictures to send to you.
Take care and see you soon

SUBJECT: Hi my friend !
It was really hard to leave your Ger this morning... I even cry ;-)
First time I feel deeply sad to say goodbye since I started my trip. I wish I could stay more. I hope to see all of you again. I don't know what happened in your Ger but positive energy was so strong being with you. I 'll visit you on monday. Thanks for your open heart, Begsz. I'm waiting for you in Belgium...I have a wardrobe full of games :-)
PS: Send me your mail to 

SUBJECT: Re: Hello!!!
Dear Thibaut,
How are you?
I'm sorry for my late reply.
We are GOOD. In Mongolia, person with H1N1 virus is increasing last 1 month, so all school temporary closed, then my children playing and joking all they at home with my wife.
Now my children is practicing for dance using a dance pad, connected to PC. I'll upload some photos to my Facebook photo.
I received your email with Belgium newspaper article image, but not yet printed and translated to Mongolian :-).
Soonly, you can download my CS Guestbook for your reading.
Good luck in your work and life,
Keep a contact,
your MONGOLIAN family

SUBJECT: Dear Thibaut,
Dear my family friend,
Greetings to you HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!
We are just celebrated Mongolian Lunar year days, which is in 13-16th of February, 2010. So in Mongolia, warm is coming.
We are, my family members, cows and dog, all good.
How about you? I see, your life is luckily continuing in China. If you send us some present of magic games from China, it'll be fantastic to our collection and to all family and CSers.
I decided to buy a VOICE recorder from our experience with you. If you send me more practical advice for choose a Voice recorder, it'll be helpful to know that technology.
I sure, in next time, when I visit to my grand parents, they words will be recorded for my children and for historical and generational information reference.
Have a good health in 2010, then everything will be good.
With best wishes,
your MONGOLIAN family

Hi Begsz!
I supposed you're very busy.
I just have to know if you'll be able to send me some information about mongolian games I asked you as the french newspaper as to receive my report for tonight, thursday before 10 pm.
Let me just know if you can send me something or not.
TAke care my friend

SUBJECT: How is your traveling in China?
Dear my friend,
How are you? I sure, Beijing is huge and cultural city. Chinese people how they interest for your games?
My younger brother, sister and their club organized a game show in 1st of June. They published 100 copies of the Jungle speed and Digit. For the Totem, they are using 1 ankle bone. :-).
Good journey,
your Mongolian family

SUBJECT: Have you met with Tain Min square?
Dear Thim,
How are you?
I see you are arrived in Beijing successfully!
We are really good. Yesterday was international dinner, Maria's salad, Chinese dish with Mongolian bread, and Mongolian yogurt :-).
Please, keep a contact,
sorry, I prefer to use CS email?

SUBJECT: Re: Dear Thibaut,
My dear Begsz!!
I'm sorry fo not writing backl sooner, I've been really busy those last weeks.
I'm living in China now, with my girlfriend (from Canada) and I just came back Belgium for 2 weeks because I'm exhibit pictures from my first trip with games. I'm playing a lot those mongolian games your offered me, people like them ! :-)
Hope everything is alright for u and your family. Please hug everyone from me ;-)
For a voice recorder, the best is to choose one which record in .wav, no compression of the sound and excellent quality. It might be a bit more expensive but it worth if you want to use it later.
I wish you and your family all the best too for 2010...and really hope I'll see all of you once again.
I have very deep and happy souvenirs from you and your family. You have a wondeful family.
Take care my friend !

Guest 40

#MongoliaFriend Eddy and Lisa from U.K


Eddy Vallance 
Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
May 2009
Begs and his family are without doubt among the nicest people i have ever met. Staying in their ger was one of the highlights of our time in Mongolia.

Bee Soy Mongols
Dear Eddy,
Thank you for your visiting to my family.
I know, you are really enjoyed/rested with my family.
I see, you are great people, because you are traveling to know Mongolian north and west lifestyles.
Best wishes in your 1 month traveling in Mongolia and see you again.
Монгол орны хойд, баруун бүс нутгуудад зочлон очих, Англи залуу, Орос бүсгүйд Монголчууд бид бүхэн ёс заншил, уламжлалаа зааж сургах үүрэгтэй билээ.
Тэдний аян замд ерөөл дэвшүүлье.


Eddy Vallance Wrote:
Hey Begzsuren! Me and my girlfriend will be coming to Ulan Bator next month and would love to stay with you and your family if it is possible! I can't tell you the exact date we will arrive because we fly to Shanghai on April 2nd, then we need to get a train to Beijing, then to Erlian (on the China / Mongolia border) then cross it then get another train to Ulan Bator. We will probably arrive in Ulan Bator on the 6th or 7th of April.
Please let me know if your couch is available on these dates!

SUBJECT: Re: Request to surf your couch
Thank you very much. Reading up about Mongolia and its climate we decided to delay our trip a little. We will in fact be arriving in Ulan Bator on May 2nd. Would it be OK to stay with you then?
Thanks again

SUBJECT: Re: Request to surf your couch
Hi! Sorry for the late reply.
Normally we should arrive in Ulan Bator around 8:30am on the train from Zamyn Uud on May 2nd. But there's a problem - we've just heard that the Mongolian / Chinese border may be closed on May 1st for the holidays. If so, we'll have to wait until the Saturday train passes through, meaning we'll arrive on Sunday morning. I'm very sorry but we just can't be more exact at the moment and we can't find out any definite information about the border. Maybe it's better if you accept some other surfers instead of us. We'd still love to stay with you and your family, but we just can't give an exact date.
Sorry again and we're hoping to see you in Ulan Bator!

SUBJECT: hi Begz!
sorry but we cant come and visit you again although we would love to. I got very sick in the north of Mongolia with malaria which I got in China. Luckily i had travel insurance and they paid for an airplane to take me to a hospital in thailand where i am now.
I just wanted to say thank you so much for having us to stay and if you're ever in England or Russia, please contact me!
All the best

SUBJECT: Re: How are you, Greetings to you from your MONGOLIAN family?
Hi Begz! It's great to hear from you! I'm so sorry I didn't reply earlier, I've been traveling for three months in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Although I sometimes checked my emails there I somehow did not see yours.
I see you've started your travels already? That's great news. It's earlier than I thought. You're not already 40, are you?
I'm fine, now back in Russia and working as an English teacher again. Where are you going to next on your trip?
Best regards

Guest 41

#MongoliaFriend Eva from France


Eva Dawa
Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark
May 2009
I had great time with Begzsuren and his family, they are very helpfull people, I hope to be beter at ches game next time I will be in Ulaanbaatar!

Bee Soy Mongols
I sure, she is brave women.
She wants to travel/cross to Mongolian north west border by hitch hacking.
Mrs. Eva happily played ankle bone, chess, card games with my son and daughter, this means she is friendly women.
Good luck,
her Mongolian host


AGE: 29
LOCATION: France - Brittany - Rennes
ARRIVAL DATE: 25/04/09
I am interested in surfing your couch!
I have just find a vonluntary teaching job in UB, I am looking for a place to stay from tomorrow for 2 nigths, will you be able to host me ?
Hope to hear from you soon !
Eva D

SUBJECT: Hello again !
I am still in UB, I think I will stay here at least 10 more days because I have to wait for my passeport at the immigration office and then asking doe my russian visa.
So I ask you again if you will be able to host me for fews days soon...
Anyway, if you can't I would like to meet you for a drink or coffee because I would like to know few things about Mongolia culture and I just had a not so good experience with Couch Surfing in UB.
Hope to hear from you soon !
Eva D

SUBJECT: Re: How was your trip to Mongolian countryside?
Hello Begzsuren !
After leaving UB, I reached Karakorum, the day after, everything was full of snow, I make new friends there and we went for a trip of few days together, the country side was so beautiful !
Today, I am back to UB, just came back from the Russia embassy, yes I got my visa, going to leave UB tomorrow, I think going to take the road to Irkutsk by hitching, hitching through the west seems a bit complicated...
Anyway, just wanted to wish you the best for you, your wife and your children and thanks for your hospitality again !

Guest 42

#MongoliaFriend Maria from Nurenberg, Germany

Dear Couchsurfers,
I hope you enjoy your stay at this ger. At least for me this place was always an island of friendliness, commitment and good food. In an ocean till of visa burau-cracy, strange trips with did not work and stolen cameras.

As I haven’t slept for 3 days (hand drawing) I only write some short advice
bus and camera ! bad idea
I was always warned of this situation, but this didn’t help. I had a big backpack and a money belt bag. Going on the bus somehow in a big crowd. My beltbag went back. As soon as I was in the bus I realized that it had been open and empty. Tooo late. So be careful going on the bus
Russian visa
Lonely Planet writes that it is possible to get one (30d tourist) by getting an invitation from the Legend Tours office. Not anymore. Rules changed in Nov. 2008, since then people from most countries can apply for a Russian visa only in their country of origin so you can get a transit 7 days visa or send your passport back to your home country.
Visa needs without express 5-10 days so apply as early as possible
Volunteering on a UB vegetable farm
In the district Zuun salaa is the women farmers project, an organic model farm where they educate families to make family farming. They often look for people helping and/or teaching their staff English.
Bus 23, 2nd busstop in Zuun salaa
Mongolian Women Farmers Association
P.O. Box 25/59
Songinokhairkhan Distr.
25th  khoroo
Khairkhan street 1/19
UB, Mongolia
Bye and See you Hopefully Again
Big Hugs, Maria

Guest 43

#MongoliaFriend Sebastian and Laure from France

19/05-11/06; 24 days;
Un mid ... a des relations ... humaines ...

Guest 44

#MongoliaFriend Kevin and Noelle from HongKong

Kevin and Noelle (Hong Kong)

It was a great experience to both me and Noelle to stay at your ger. Not only because that you and Soyombo are really helpful, knowledgable and easygoing person, but also that your children are all of different personalities.
Without the time staying at you ger, this trip will be totally different. To be very honest, Mongolia is not the best place I have been to. Although this is a country of (уншиж чадаагүй 3 үг) its special nomadic cultural (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) The country’s (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) is not nothing well. I will further (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) it though email when I get back to Hong Kong. But my point here is that you family instead of Mongolia itself provided me the happiness and enjoyment in the last two weeks. Noelle and I are really glad I meet you and your family and have the chance to stay at your ger.
Tips to travel:
- Don’t spend all your time going after one and another tourist spots. Instead, spending some more time with Begz’s family (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) much more. Firstly it is a good way to explore into the life at a Mongolian family. More importantly, this family is unique and hard to be found elsewhere in the World.
- Really aware at pickpocketers. They can be very aggressive. Somebody attempted at mine and Noelle’s (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) at the front door of the Central Post Office light at noon. Being discovered, and (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг)they stayed at the (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) spot and try on the often people without (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг) at all. They even wanted (уншиж чадаагүй 4 үг). So really take care and hold your waistbags a pockets tight.
- Ger To Ger. In case (уншиж чадаагүй 3 үг) about this tour operator. You may find (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг) and useful. For Noelle and I we find the Ger To Ger somewhat different from what we expected (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг)  and what advertised. The idea at Ger To Ger is very good; but the implementation is not as good. Instead of staying at (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) who are very (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг). The families just use their children to play with us and  (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) just lie in their own gers (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг). The activities (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) in the intelligency here not implemented at all. (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг), we did some interesting activities, like herding sheeps and goats, collecting cows shit. (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг), please do not (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) expect the (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) at the families, esp. when you compare (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг) Begz’s family. Also, it is even (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) when you do not (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) good Mongolian (I think it is (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) in Mongolia, given the difficulty in the langiage and the (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) of the people. Check Lonely Planet if you don’t know Ger To Ger but interested, Begz has the copy.
- If you travel to Hong Kong, you can fly  (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг) from Beijing. While (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) train is somewhat (уншиж чадаагүй 1 үг) (if (уншиж чадаагүй 2 үг) from UB to BJ is not one already.) It costs as much as the flight tickets. On flight tickets only cost is about USD 170 for round trip and it is China Southern Airline. So you can make your decision.
- For Terelj, we took bus from UB and you need to beware of the people on the bus. We initially wanted to go to MIRAGE ger camp and there was a lady on the bus telling us that she know where is MIRAGE and she could take us there, but finally she took us to her own ger. We refused to live there and she just pointed to the ger camp which was far away and we needed to walk there. This was a bit dangerous as her dogs were chasing us at that time. So I think you should ask the bus driver for direction rather than asking people on the bus.
- For ger camp in Terelj, during May to June it is the off season, So the service is not that good and there were few people in the camp. But you can still eat your meal in the ger camp’s restaurant. MIRAGE costs USD12 per person per night, without meal. Different staff may tell you different price, you should ask clearly before you paid.
- We were luckly that we met some guys who were going to the Terelj village when we were leaving, so we can go the village by their car. I think hitch-hike is the only method to go to the village. It’s better to so to the village by car rather than by walk…
- In the village, we live in the UB2 hotel. We were living in the ger of the hotel. It costs USD 35 with 20% discount as it is off season. You can have hot shower in the hotel even you live in ger. The food in their restaurant is quite nice and the price is not very expensive. There are some stores nearby you can buy water or snacks. Outside UB2, there is a grassland with lots of horse. You can have horse riding, it costs USD 4 per hour. If you need a guide, it costs another 4$ per hour. The guide will not teach you how to ride horse. They will just lead you by holding the string of your horse, but it’s fun to ride horse there as you can enjoy the beautiful scenary in Terelj.
- In countryside, it’s very cold during night time. You should bring enough clothes otherwise you’ll get cold easily.
Hope you enjoy your time with Begz’s family!

Guest 45

#MongoliaFriend Wilfride + Claire from France

Dear Everybody,
Begz become busy: He and his family
Welcomea lot of couch-surfer, and always with smile and love! So nice!
You will appreciate his hospitality, the friendship, and his warm ger. You will have a great time with the 4 children playing and playing again. And you will cook with Begz’ wife, try new receipt. (Ask her the “gralin Dauphiroi”)
For us, we travel 23 days in Mongolia: we went to the Khovsgul lake with public transport: 20h . . . to Moron + 3h with mini bus. We stay in the 1st Ger camp in the right side. Good owner and you can organize horse trip: cheap one but the guide didn’t speak english at all (5 days)
After we went to Tariat, near the great lake (nice place), Tsetserleg and Kharkhorin. We went hitchhiking and the bus. Really good to visit Central Mongolia: nice steppes, very green and not to far from UB.
We went also to the takhi National Park: good to see this horse, and in the East NP: closes to UB, more people and more polutate but still good for camping and walking.
So: Mongolia =  wonderful country
Begz’ family : amazing people who love life and human
Our trip: 1 month in a World tour: A really good experience, never forget
Thank you Begz never forget.
Claire & Wil from France

PS: I successed on your metalic game!
We arrived this afternoon. We was thinking to find your wife here (We played with the kids) We will try to call you on our way to go in the city.
We have a dinner in a restaurant with friend and we expect to sleep in your ger if you are OK.
We saw anothers bags from couch surfers. If there are too many people we could put there tent or find a guest house.
See you this evening (not too late around 10)
Thank you Claire & Wil (France)

Guest 46

#MongoliaFriend Cedric from France

Guest 47

#MongoliaFriend Christian and Ursula from Chile

Guest 48

#MongoliaFriend Kimbal from U.K

Kimbal Bumstead (UK)

So where can I begin? I’ve been here only two days but I feel totally at home, as if I have been here for much longer than that. From the moment I arrived I was welcomed and immeditely Toodoo invited me for a game of chess, which he tried to teach me but I lost miserably. Together with Cser Sebastian + Begz we made a compost toilet for the children. All the kids are so much fun and really know how to be happy. There is obviously so much love in this family + its so interesting to see how couchsurfing is such a big part in their lives. I would go so far to say that this is an inspiration for me.
On the second day, I made a performance in the ger as part of a performance project I’m doing while traveling. This was the first small performance I have done but I think also the best with the most responsive audience. For this I am very gratefull and I think can help me with my performance work. 
Two days is not enough, but long enough to feel welcome and gain some incredible experience.

Guest 49

#MongoliaFriend Thomas and Rosine from U.K (France)


Rose & Thomas from France
To other Couchsurfers (lucky you!)
We have spent 10 days with Begs, Soyombo, Todo, Manuja, Gadma & Munglun. It was an amazing and exceptional experience. You will enjoy the love, laughter & good advise from this family not to mention the delicious cooking (best in Mongolia – Khovsgol & Gobi could not compete!)
How to go to Khovsgul lake – (Moron & Khatgal)
Buy your ticket at Dragon centre – 20 min from Sukhbaatar Sq, bus #26 – Pers to Moron costs 24500T – leaves every other day at 5pm from Dragon Centre
Get ready, the journey is tough – 20h on a bus overpacked (people sitting on bags and on people’s lap)
You will be proud to have done it but will be very tired!!
Once in Moron, get a mini van to Khatgal ₮10000. It should take 3h if the bus did not break down or stopped to pick up his family!
We stayed at MS Guesthouse – very good – and they organise horse riding / jeep trips – the guide does not speak good English we met an independent guide – cheeper (T6000 horse & 11000 for guide w/horse) He was not available but spoke English & seemed nice – He is driver from Moron to Khatgal – His details – BUYA 98609861
We did 4 days. it’s enough as sore bruu & knees!
Gobi desert
We were advised that traveling south was more difficult so we got in touch with guest houses – they are cheaper than tour operators and the grades are usually the same.
We ended up taking a 7 day tour to Gobi South (Khongorin Els, Yolin Am & Bayanzag). We met some very nice people and we discovered a lot about Mongolian culture through the guide – hard to do when independent if you don’t speak Mongolian. Good guest house – Golden Gobi (which we used) & Khongor guesthouse.
Very good metro express – just behind the (уншиж чадсангүй 1 үг) – 1 load washed, ironed & folded ₮7600 (we asked for no softener!)
Free internet
At Begs’ library there is an american centre with computers & free internet 9-6pm
Traditional hospital
If you want a true experience in “medicine” ask Begs about the hospital (opposite librarie Papillon, in a side street) Nara the doctor will diagnose you by just feeling your pulse! Then you can do treatment with vacum massage, acupunture – quite good!
Waxing (for girls)
If you are looking for a beauty salon, with waxing = New Skin not far from Michele’s Bakery (best crossant & pair an chocolat, so good!) Quite cheap and very clean.
Shopping supermarket
Right next to Metro express (see washing) – good supermarket, cheaper than dpt store!
Good & cheap local vegetarian restaurant in front of the Japanese Garden – it’s called Luna Blanca – we tried also pizza della Caza on peace avenue, reasonable prices!
Also Grand Khaan – Irish pub where you can have reasonable burgers (big size) They also do English breakfast!
And Michele Bakery do good (уншиж чадсангүй 1 үг) as well as pastries
For more information email 
Blog address
To Begs & Soyombo
Thank you so much for welcoming up in your family. We have had an amazing time – unforgetable moments!
We are looking forward to welcoming you in the UK when your trip starts
Take care of yourselves and some time to relax.
Lots of love xx Thomas & Rosine

Guest 50

#MongoliaFriend Alex and Nelly from France

Nelly and Alex from France
Dear Begs, Soyombo, Toodoo, Manujin, Gaadmaa, Mungulun
Here we are again in your wonderfull family, after two weeks of travel in Mongolian countryside. 
We are so happy to visit you again, especially to see your smily children and to eat the great vegetarian food of Soyombo!
Thanks a lot for the hat you have to Alex. It will be very usefull when we will work in the farms in Japan!
Receipe for Soyombo: little dried biscuits
3 eggs, 320gr of sugar, 320gr of butter, 630gr of flour, +you can add ginger powder or lemon peel …
1. Mix sugar and egges until it becomes a bit white
2. Add little by little the flour. And then the mix will become like sand
3. Add the butter in the peaces and mix with hands
4. Spread the pasta on a table or plate and then cut round with a glass
5. Pur in the oven 10-12 min Th7
You can eat these biscuits with fruit salad!
Tips to travel in Mongolia
First we went to Kharkhorin to do horsetrack with a french mongol agency = Horse trail website, phone number
They offer may kind of treck, and explain very well how to ride horses. Good agency when it’s your first time with horses!
After we have trecked around the white lake: Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur near Tariat city
We made the round in 3 days. There are many gers with nomads people. They will often offer you tea or dinner.
If you want to trek around the lake, you have to know that you will need to cross by feet two rivers! Don’t try to find bridges, there is not! It’s better if the weather is good, because water is quite cold!
You will see many animals like yaks, goats, ships, birds … and wonderfull mountains!
Then to go back to UB, you can reach first Tsetserleg city. Around 150kms from the lake. You can do hitch hiking or find a minibus. Be carefull they will ask first a big price and be prepared to be many people in the car…!
From Tsetserleg there are bus everyday at 8am to go to UB.
Tip to travel around the World
If you want to see, to kow how is lifestyle in countryside, you can do WWOOFING. It’s to be a volunteer in an organic farm. You are not paid but you can eat and sleep for free and you work around 6 hours a day with the farmers… We are going to do it in Japan in August 2009.
Our website http://nellyalesc(уншиж чадсангүй 1 үг).uniterre.com

Guest 51

#MongoliaFriend Racquel from Paraguay


Nanduti = Nandu – spider, ti – web
Guarani word, traditional Paraguayan art

Chipa Guazu
2 cans if sweetcorn
200grs cheese
6 eggs
1 onion
- Chop the onions, then add the sweet corn and cheese. Beat the eggs lightly then add to the other mix.
- Bake in oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees
Hope you enjoy this
Raquel G.

Guest 52

#MongoliaFriend Osmo and 3 friends from Finland


Osmo Timonen, Maiju Mikkonen, Voli Huotari and Oskari Wanhanen from Finland
Dear fellow Couchsurfers, backpackers, random walkers and Bergzuren family. Our Finnish group spent 3 wonderful nights in this warm Ger. We loved our time here. It is amazing how comfortable and homely we felt ourselves here after only couple of days with Bergzuren’s family. The children speak very good English, and Todoo will probably beat every supercomputer in chess after couple of years – he certainly beats all of us :-) 
We came to Mongolia from west. Our trip started in Helsinki, and from Moscow we took the Trans-Siberian train to Barnaul, south of Novosibirsk. From Barnaul we came by buses and taxis to Bayaan Ylgii, a small town in western Mongolia. The border was easy to cross from Russia, even thou the roads were occasionally in very bad shape. In Bayaan Ylgi we arrived at a bad time, because immidiatedly after our arrival the town was put in quarantine. There were marmot plague infections in the town. As a great sign of true hospitality, our taxi drivers family accomodated us in their ger for the qarantine days.
From Bayan Ylgi we went to Khovd, which was a very nice, small town. We ended up staying a whole weeks in Khovd. In that town we meet an english performance artist Kimberley, who gave us Bergzurens phone number. That was a lucky strike, because our time here in Ulan Bator with Bergzurens family has been the crown jewelry of our trip in Mongolia. From Khovd we came to Ulan Bator via Kharakorum, using local buses.
Some tips for travelers to the west:
- The roads are more an illusion than a real route. 200km in west can take up to 8 hours of driving. If you use a taxi out of towns. It should be a jeep (UAZ)
- The cheapest way to go from one place to another is a local bus. They leave from (in some places very unofficial) bus stations, and they are very crowded.
- Taxi prices in the west should be negotiated before hand. Start with the price of gazoline and with an idea about the distance you are traveling. After the gazoline price, setup the award for the driver. An instructionary price list in the west (Max, prices bit too high):
1 person 1 kilometer -> 80₮
1 person 100km        -> 8000₮
4 persons 1 kilometer -> 320₮
4 persons 100km        -> 32000₮
Ulan Bator – Khovd   -> 70000₮/person

Berzurgen family, thank you. If you ever come to Finland, please contact us. We wish you good future and success to your plans.
Osmo, Unelsson, Oskar, Maik

“Rice-pies” also known as “Karelian pies” Traditional Finnish recipe
1 litre of milk
2 dl of porridge rice
2dl of water
1 teaspoon of salt
make a porridge. Boil the water, add rise and salt. Boil 2-3 minutes. Then add the milk step bystep. Let boil for 30 minutes or when its ready. Stir! Let it cool.
1dl of water
enough of flour
little of salt
Make the dough!
Instantly after making the dough, take little pieces of it and flatten them to circles. Diameter about 12 cm. Put some porridge to the center of circles. Then fold the edges to the center (Picture). Then bake the pies in the oven in 250 C for 15-20 minutes, when they are ready.

Guest 53

#MongoliaFriend Eva and George from Netherlands

Dear Begs & family
Thank you for your hospitality. You and your wife and 4 wonderfull children made our 3 nights in your Ger a pleasure. We hope all goes well for you and all the changes in your lifestyles. We leave now for our trip so no traveling tips from us but for the cookies
1 cup of cream
1 cup of flour
1 cup of sugar
you mix everything and leave this rest for 10 minutes. Preheat the oveb at 225C. After 10-15 minutes you put small amounts of the mix (about a spoon) on the oven plate. Cook them 3 min on one side and 3 min on the other side.
All the best!
Eva & Gregoire

Guest 54

#MongoliaFriend Shealagh and Mat from Canada


1st C.S travel advice for Korea
We just spend 2 years working, living, and traveling in Korea. Here are some tips:
- Learn the alphabet – it’s so easy & will save you a lot of time & open your experience – you can learn in 1 hour because it’s phonetic e.g.  (солонгос үсэг)=”G”  (солонгос үсэг)=”K” sand (approx)
- Koreans can yell a lot and seem unfriendly, but this is just their style – talk to them and they pop open & are so hospitable.
- Bus system is great to go to countryside & fairly cheap, Renting a car is also easy if you can share the cost it’s worth it!
- Go to a public spa! You have to get naked (w same gender only..) but it’s such a great experience. So cheap ($4 us for as long as you want to stay)
- You can sleep at the spas in a hot floor-heated room called Jimjilbang overnight (солонгос үг) alt. to “love motel/hotel” it’s only $4-$10 and open 24/7 you get a spa and free place to sleep.
- Go hiking in the mountains! This way our favourite activity. Many random temples and friendly people and clean drinking water in the mountains.
- Markets are everywhere and cheap for veggies, (fruit but beware of opened cans) damaged goods, etc. Learn how to say “Gaka juseyo! (солонгос үг)” discount please.
- Korea is safe. I was never worried about theft etc. Of course nowhere is crime free, but please feel comfortable ever if Koreans put on a hard exterior.
Thank you for welcoming us & fostering so much learning around you. We were honored to participate in your lives here, if only for a few days.
You are vert kind to have us in your home. Thank you for all your help and hosting us. To other surfers: watch out, Todo is very good at playing chess!!
Shealagh & Mat

Guest 55

#MongoliaFriend Tereza and Lenka from Czech Republic

Guest 56

#MongoliaFriend Ward Bergmans from Netherlands

Guest 57

#MongoliaFriend Nico from France (with Alex and Nelly)

Hello everybody!
I subscribe to couchsurfing but after 2 times connect, my account had seen an informational problem and it is not possible to got an access on it.
But with friend I met in guest house, I did meet this wonderful family with who it is so good to share information and knowledge!
Yeah, welcome to this family, bliss might be with you.
I'm happy to discover this place, were same ideas made their way; I did have this choice to assist the construct of maybe the just compost toilet in Mongolia! 
Don't worry if you can sit, i believe that this way is better for health, far from our vulgarious way.
I'm thinking about a clean way to warm house here, because I'm (уншиж чадсангүй) if you get idea to share:  email address

I come from (уншиж чадсангүй), where you could see the (уншиж чадсангүй) of the was skill now in the forest, in France.
I been to this traveling in Mongolia, this is a basic - trip that is very good UB-Gobi-Orkhon valley-White lake-Kharkhorin-UB for the big lines
In my country you can hitch-hacking, some region are more easy that other ones but still possible. The road in Mongolia is better in the south, and maybe you should not think that you nice go quick in asphalt road, on drive was going more slowly in it. I believe it is because this road "can (уншиж чадсангүй)", (уншиж чадсангүй) can face down and suddenly, a whole car broke the car.
I think there is a philosophical application of it, like if you use the prevention to always be (уншиж чадсангүй), people will believe you, and one time be shocked to assist to a (уншиж чадсангүй)that is necessary for you to live and (уншиж чадсангүй) because you broke a trust, you will feel (уншиж чадсангүй) maybe that's why we have to (уншиж чадсангүй) it easy! everybody's takes a dump!
anyway ... this country is marvelous, it help to be in peace I think.
The recipe I like in (уншиж чадсангүй):
Mongolian noodle, with any vegetable and meat of dry soup, without the (уншиж чадсангүй) (this is a very dangerous product) and salami.
Have a nice trip!!

Guest book for next CSers. Volume 2. Extended version
Started 8th of July, 2009

Guest 58

#MongoliaFriend Ida and Susan from Denmark 

Dear Begz & Family!
Thank you very much for a wonderful stay. We really enjoyed playing with the children, taking to you about Mongolian traditions, eating, your extremely good food and just to be a part of this experience it is to couchsurf with your family. We will definitely recommend you to other people if they decide to Mongolia.

To other couchsurfers:
This family is great. It's much fun to talk to them and play music and games with the children.
We went to Tsetserleg by local bus which is really an experience. It's fun and inspiring to ride with local people even through it's a long trip. Tsetserleg is really beautiful because it's located in a valley with mountains around the town. It's great for hiking or horse trekking (which is pretty hard if you're not a trained rider!!)
And about Mongolian roads: there's hardly any paved roads in Mongolia so beware of many holes in the roads and uneven terrain.
About the Naadam Festival
it's really worth it to go to a smaller towb instead of UlanBaatar. You can get a lot closer and talk to the contestants about wrestling and archery.
In Denmark you should of course come to our capital Copenhagen which is a cozy little city.
There's a lot of good music spots and venues, the art and theatre scene is also really interesting. Also remember to visit Christianion, which is a freetown inside the city where the people have another way of living. Sort of an experimental place. The countryside in Denmark is also worth a visit. It's very beautiful to either drive or in summertime bike through a part of the country. I would recommend Ero, Langeland, Djursland og Western Jutland if you want a biking trip in Denmark.
Once more thanks for your very kind hospitality and all the smiling faces! You have  made our trip to Mongolia just wonderful!
All the best,
Susan & Ida

Guest 59

#MongoliaFriend Wai Wah from Netherlands (Hong Kong) 

by SOPHIE888
I am happy that Begzsuren and his lovely wife welcomed me in their ger. They both took good care of me. I really love his delightful children. Just watching at them puts a big smile upon my face! Thank you for sharing your life with me during these days. One day I will pick you all up in my flying car and bring you to all your cs'friends all over the world! Wish you all the best for the future! 

by Begzsuren
I see, she is a really lucky traveler!
How she can do a contact with many local people, it is great.
Good luck in your life and please, share your traveling great experience by your blog site?
your Mongolian host

22 July 2009
Dear Begzsuren and family!
I truly enjoyed meeting you, your wife and delightful and cheerful children. Staying in your Ger with your family was a very nice experience and showed me the authentic and real ger life. I hope that one day 'flying car' will be invented which can bring you and your whole family to all your courchsurfer friends all over the World.
Thank you all for your kindness, hospitality and that you took care of me!
Wish all of you all the best in the future!
Wai Wah Man from The Netherlands / Hong Kong

I rented a Russian van with 5 other travelers for us USD per day excl. petrol, so around 7.5 USD p.p. We went to the Gobi and came back via Kharhorin. It was a nice days tour. We slept in tents, which we bought by ourselves and gers on the way. The ger was 5000 p.p incl breakfast and dinner. Our driver's name is Dorj.
I celebrated Naadam in the 9th and 10th in Zuunmod, which was much nicer since you're closer to the gers and you have more contact with the people there. If you buy a ticket for Naadam, you can buy me for the local price at the ticket offie in Sukhbaatar Square.
If you do it through a guesthouse or tourist office they charge you around 20/25 USD, whereas the local price is max. 12000 MNT for 3 tickets.

The roads in Mongolia are very bumpy and dusty.
If you go to Beijing the cheapest way is to buy a train ticket for the local train to Zamyn-Uud. It departs at 16.30 every day, arrival time next morning 07.00 am. Sleeper ticket is 27300 MNT, seat 9600 MNT.
Then cross the border to Erlian in China. A jeep is 30-50 yuan or a bus for 40 yuan. It takes around an hour to cross it, maybe an hour and a half, incl. passing the two immigration offices.
In Erlian you can take a sleeperbus to Beijing for 179 yuan. It takes around 12 hours.

Traveling in the Netherlands
Since the Netherlands is so flat it's good country for cycling. We have bike lanes all over and it's safe for biking. I'm from Amsterdam and especially love the city in the spring and summer. In the summer we have festivals and also performances in the Vondel Park. There are great museums like Van Gogh museum, Stedetyle Museum, you can do a canal tour, see the wind mills in traditional cities, you can see the traditional Dutch culture in Enlihuizen museum, etc. If you want to go out in see a concert you can go to De Melliweg, Parachiso, Arena. for example. The Albert Cuyp market is a market where they sell clothes, food and practical stuff. Is a very local market. At Waterlocplein there is a market where they sell second hand clothes, hippie clothes and other interesting stuff.
Again, thank you so much for your hospitality!
Just looking at your wonderful children puts a big smile in my face!
Wai Wah

Guest 60

#MongoliaFriend Helena and Henrik from Denmark (Finnish) 

Thank you for opening your home to us, and showing us your beautiful family.
Thank you also for the inspiration to have an open mind and heart.
I've learned so much from you and your children.
I wish you all a long life and a quick death and a lot of happiness on the way.

Tips: If you haven't had a shower for a week or so, and need to wash your hair, it was a nice experience to go to a local hairdresser. A hair wash and a little hair cutting was about 2-3 euro, and no appointment needed.

Copenhagen, Denmark

Dear Bengzuren and The family,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
No words can express how wonfer this experience to be hosted by you. It has been a big priviledge to be parts of your ger-network for these 3 days. I am suer, that our UB experience has been so positive thanks to your beautiful family. I look forward to us to stay in contact and keep sharing experiences. You have the cutest children we have ever met and will miss you when we leave.

Tips and comments about traveling:
* train no.5 from UB to Irkutsk does not go on Tuesdays. Only another daily train available. We bought tickets 4 days in advance, but could not get tickets to the same cabin.
Service at international ticket office was staff, so we recommend to book for example a guest house as something. Trans-Mongolian railway is a fantastic experience though fabulous and emerged landscapes.

July 2009
by Henrik
Staying with Begzsuren and his beautiful familiy leaves an overwhelming feeling of gratefulness. Playing with his open hearted children, listening to Begzsurens many interesting stories and experiencing his wifes warm hospitality is without a doubt one of the warmest experiences in my traveling life.

by Begzsuren
My Danish new friends Henrik and Helena,
Thank you for your visiting and living with my family your 3 wonderful days of your life. All day we shared our smiles and I feel warm energy from all of your smiles and happiness.
Also, really glad for your all of questions, successfully starting a project "A postcard via couch surfing", 2 days walk-trip in the Bogd mountain, and all books to my family. </p>
See you again in anywhere,
Best wishes,
your MONGOLIAN family     

Guest 61

#MongoliaFriend Edwige and Benoit from France 

by Benoit
we spent 5 days in this ger and it was 5 days of playing with the 4 smily Begzsuren`s children, eating marvelous Soyombo`s vegetarian dishes, being with them in a peaceful harmony and happiness. You really fell in your home but with a lot to discover together. Thank you so much for these moment and Edwige and me hope that your shower will be made soon and your trees will grow up as faster as Gaadmaa and Mungulun !!
See you in France.

by Begzsuren
Thank you for your welcoming to my family and you showed us to do a camping in my garden and in the south mountain Bogd-uul.
You was our first surfer, who slept in their tent in my garden :-). 
Also congratulations for your new account on CS.
Best wishes,
your Mongolian family

Edwige and Benoit
We hope to see you again in Marseille!
*Just to complete Benoit's words:
From Manzushir Khiid (the museum) the way is very good to TsetseeGun uul but after you will have to go with compass. Take your tent and lot of food but be careful all the afternoon from TsetseeGun is inside the forest.
How wash your clothes: go near the Circus, on the right side of, one street after you will find, Metro express.

*Thank you very much to Soyombo and Begzsuren and their children who permit us to have a very good and pleasant trip in  UB.

NB: We haven't use museum ticket...

CS (new) login: Agapit
Dear Begzsuren & Soyombo
These words are not enough to say 'Thank you' and how much we feel very well into your family ger.
You and your 4 cheerfull children was a really amazing and peaceful meeting!
And now, it's not a Mongolia ger that you have for us but a friend one (bad enlgish I guess)

2 days little trekking around UB:
Go to Zuunmod by micro-car or raxi and then walk to the Manzushir Khiid (an old monastery in the mountain). You can have a walk to the highest point near UB (Tsetsee Gun uul) and go to UB by the forest. Just be careful of storm!!

Guest 62

#MongoliaFriend Simon and Marjolein from Belgium 

7th of August 2009

The first part of Simon's and Marjolein's World tour
Begz, Soyombo, Manujin, Todo, Gaadma and Munglun
And their Ger, and the dog, and the rabbits, and the flowers and fast growing trees, and the cows
Dearest family,
How wonderful were our days at your home, in the warmth of your company and laugher! You gave us a true home in a strange country and we are grateful for that. We loved your food and intensive cooking energy. We enjoyed the things you told us about Mongolian traditions and customs. And of course we love your joyful, special, hilarious children. All 4 of them and their little characters.
Thank you for all these things, you inspired us for the following traveling. Let's just keep in touch and don't say goodbye.

Tips for traveling in Mongolia
- smile! you will have contact with Mongolians everywhere if you smile
- use a good dictionary or phrasebook and use it by pointing on what you want to see, or let them point it in Mongolian (then, at least try to say the words once)
- try as many new things as you can, ask anything about what you want to learn from Begz and family
- tell as many things that could interest them in return
- It's possible to make your own trekking through Mongolia, use a good map, follow rivers for water, use a filter or "steripen". There are many gers and it's easy to make contact or ask them for help. Use a compass and don't try to do crazy routes if you are not prepared.
We just took a bus to Tsetserleg and started to walk from the city into the countryside and camped wherever was convenient. We saw beautiful nature and had interesting encounters with Mongolian people.
- If you do trekking and camping, carry your luggage and garbage back to the city.

Tips to travel Belgium
-take your time with the people, in a while they will get friendly. Don't try to undestand Belgian structure
- try as many kinds of beers as you can and enjoy every one of them, don't ger drunk before 2pm
- Enjoy going out in Cafes and restaurants, we love it.
- visit the magilte-museum in Brussels to understand our surrealist view on life and learn about our greatest artist.

onion soup: onions, butter, cloves, wheat flour & stock
fry onions until brown, add cloves and wheat flour to make a "roux", add stock, salt & pepper.

mayonoise: one (egg yolk from a) fresh egg at room temperature, whisk and especially at first slowly add oil up to 0.5 liter per egg. season with white wine vinegar, salt & pepper

tratiki: grate dexaded cucumber, add salt and press to remove water. add yoghurt, pepper, salt & a bit of olive oil if you want.

Guest 63
#MongoliaFriend Hyewon and Yoojin from Korea

Guest 64
#MongoliaFriend Elke and Willem from Belgium

Guest 65

#MongoliaFriend Aapo from Finland

Aapo Lempinen
address: I'm actually homeless right now

Tips for Mongolia/UB
- take care when (уншиж чадсангүй) on any surface, it's bound to be loose (уншиж чадсангүй)
- eat yoghurt it keeps you going

Tips for Finland
- A    s I was living there I didn't pay that much attention to tourist things. You could always check out adalia's CS profile for things in Helsinki.
- For transportation in Finland, buses fo to pretty much every town, trains to, well, not that many. Both are expensive but (уншиж чадсангүй) on time and are safe and clean. Don't expect much interaction with other passengers, we just don't start to talk to strangers.
- For biking try "King's Road" or Ahrenanmaa, both easily accessible from Helsinki.
- Turku and the archipelago are really worth visiting in summer.


Guest 66

#MongoliaFriend Marcus from Germany 

August 5th 2009
Marcus from Germany

Dear Begz, thank you so very much for hosting me and sharing lots of experiences with your beautiful family (happy face)
I had a really great time and learned much about Mongolian traditions!
In the beginning it was very difficult for me to ger around because I did not understand Mongolian, but now I know some words to get around (happy face)
I hope you and your family will stay healthy for a long long time and you will meet many great people from Couchsurfing.
If I have any travel tips for Mongolia, I'll write you after my journey.
Many hugs for you and your great family!!
(happy face)


Guest 67

#MongoliaFriend Mario and Marta from Badalona, Spain

August 5th 2009
Mario & Marta from Catalonia
(Badalona and Barcelona)
Thank you very much to you Begzsuren and your family for your hospitality and for showing us Mongolian traditions and way of life. For sure we will play ankle bones with our friends!!
We are very happy to be your 2nd Catalan guests and we will contact your 1st ones, Cristina and Roger and to give them your present and play together ankle bones!
We're really liked being here, thank you again.
We arrived here from our way from Moscow to Beijing... so we are just seeing some spots of Russia, Mongolia and China, but whoever who reads this feel free to contact us for any information on this trip by train. For sure, contact us too if you want to travel to Barcelona, you're welcome there for any help we can offer and to show our tradition, instruments and games too.
We're leaving now, thank you again, we will be in contact through internet
"Una abraxade!" (a hug!)
Marta & Mario
See you!


Guest 68
#MongoliaFriend Greg and Basia from Karas, Poland

Guest 69
#MongoliaFriend Kai (Chinese)

Guest 70

#MongoliaFriend Olivia and her 7 friends from UK+Poland


The Trans-Sib crew consisting of:
Mana, Madria, Olivia, Evi, Krys, Max, Damian, Gosia

We would like to thank you very much for all the help we received from you during our stay in Ulaanbaatar. We weren't sure what kind of a person to expect when we came here, we only had your phone number and your name (which, to tell the truth, we couldn't even pronounce).
And then, as soon as we met you, we realised you were the most amazing couchsurfer we'd ever met and were totally impressed by your openness and kindness.
Say a big 'thank you' to your kids as well, who taught us (what is Max and Olivia) some useful Mongolian.
It's a shame we couldn't have stayed longer but we're feeling very lucky to have met you. 
Best of luck to all future couchsurfers.

A few things we were struck by:
- Mongolian isn't as easy to pronounce as the Cyrillic would suggest
- Everyone in Ulaanbaatar can all of a sudden become a professional taxi driver for a few minutes (and as for August 1 2009 fpr MNT500 per 1km)
- a ger is actually a huge space (9 pi m2)
- eggshell may serve as a perfect ingredient for home-made bread
Best wishes, love and happiness to your family
Max (Poland)
Olivia (England)
Evelina (Bulgaria)
Damian (Poland)
Maria (Poland)
Magda (Poland) smile
Krzysiu (Poland)
Gosia (Poland)

To the future couchsurfers:

If you lose your passport, DON'T WORRY!
(personal experience)


Guest 71
#MongoliaFriend Claudia from Germany

Guest 72
#MongoliaFriend Kevin from Germany

Guest 73

#MongoliaFriend Ruben from Belgium

Ruben Peeters
In Mongolia from 05/09/'09-14/10/'09

To Begz & Fam.
Thank you very very much to make me feel @ home so far away from home.
These 9 days were a wonderful exchange.
Children you are the best!!! Thanks for all the playing with me. It had been a long time that I played like this. You two are great parents I hope to be a couchsurfing father one day.
Eternal Blessings!
Hope to see you on my doorstep one day.

How to extend your visa
1. go to immigration office
2. on the left side of the building you can get the photo and photocopy of your passport which you will need enter
3. enter through main entrance. Get a green form at the desk on the right hand side.
4. fill in the green form and write it letter addressed to the immigration service with who you are, what you want -> extend with X day, & why you want it -> trip to the west
5. go to the desk on the left hand side. Give her the -letter, - green form, -photocopy
She will write receipt for you to pay at the bank in the same building. 15 days was 21$ + 5000 MNT
6. go back to here with receipt from bank, Leave your passport. Get it paper in return.
7. 4 days after Pick up passport
8. you successfully extended your visa!

How to go to Ulgii
buses go on Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
Adviced is to buy your ticket 3 day in advance. Price 65000MNT
duration between 40 & 60h
Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride with limited less space.

Horse riding
Ask Bayra as a guide. He is 43 y. knows everybody in the valley is very communicative and always laughing
Greet him from us 2 Swedish girls & Belgium boy

Belgium travel tips -> Check out GETIT!
Contact me, I will be in Begz friends list. Start with one beer try to taste all 500 or don't
Stuart if you ever let here: Love you
Wish you all the best & enjoy yourself


Guest 74

#MongoliaFriend Christian Morgan from UK 

9th September 2009
Christan Morgan (UK)

Mongolian travel tips
- As I had limited time I spent 2 days in UB seeing the sights, (уншиж чадсангүй) in the atmosphere. Beware of traffic!
- A fellow CSer recommended Khongor Guest House Tours to hire a driver so for $45 + petrol. We went to Hustai Park (100km west)
- We saw countryside, ride horses and saw wild horses and elk. It took a while to get there but was worth it.

In U.K. I wales travel by many means is possible!
I favour bike / motorbike / car but trains are pretty good (if expensive)
Wales is great for mountain biking so come and enjoy the hills!
The road to Mongolia for me was the iron house (уншиж чадсангүй) Swansee with a bus from Vilnius (Lithuania) to Riga (Latvia). I have improved my attitude towards people as so many generous people has crossed my path so far.
It is important to make up you own mind about therap - of course listen to other peoples views but ultimately from your own experience!
Above all, thank you Begz and your family for your hospitality & generosity.
Good luck with Aboriginal puzzle!
Best wish,

Guest 75

#MongoliaFriend Joseph and Michael from US

10 Sept. 2009
Joe Manguno

Dear Begz & Seyumbo, Todo, Manujin, Gaatma & Monglong
What an amazing and wonderful experience it has been to stay with you all in your family gher (I write "gher" so that you do not read "jer").
Thank you so much for the hospitality, the delicious food, and for providing for me in my illness with ginseng tea, mutton soup, and onions by my med. I have learned so much from your family and way of life, and have been much refreshed to see a family in the modern world with such great priorities. The world has much to learn from you all, one couchsurfer at a time.

Dear surfer,
In being chosen to surf Begz's gher (see above re: spelling), you have come upon a true white pearl in the landscape of Mongolia. The worst thing that could happen to you us to squander this opportunity to learn, grow and love.
In the grand scheme of life, you will be here a very short time, but if you even approach your stay halfway correctly, you will never forget the lessons learned here.
While in UB, and for that matter everywhere else you travel, be mindful not to busy yourself with miscellaneous "affairs". If there are things you must do, such as buy tickets onward, just ger them done and leave the rest of your time to soak up the experience.
- Lick your bowl clean. With your tongue.
- Play the mind games/puzzles.  Patiently. Then again with your eyes closed.
- Try to find Copernicus, Ho Chi Minh and V.I. Lenin. They're all in UB.
- Help out: at the gher, and anywhere help is needed.
- Talk to strangers.

Visiting "my" country:
I most recently have been living in the US, and many would consider me American, so I'll begin there:
- Public transit in the U.S. us poorly organized and inconvenient, especially when it comes to inter-city travel. Car rental, however is much easier and cheaper than in most other countries.
- Hostels are not as available as elsewhere, so CS is your best bet 
- The US drinking age is 21!! Do NOT go to jail ...
- THC in the blood is considered "possession". Again, do not go to jail.

- If you're not surfing, the Flowering House Hostel Beijing is great staff, great guests, and not fancy: +86-1084-043-490, booking@floweringhouse.com
- Not all Chinese food is the same. Eat Cantonese, Tibetan, Manchurian, etc
- China is controlled chaos. It's okay, don't worry too much.
- Make local friends

I've taken enough of your time ... good travels to you all, and again, many thanks to Begz & his family!
13 Sept. 2009

p.s. -if you go horseback riding for more than a day or two, and don't have experience, bring baby powder. Seriously.

Michael (Mike) Lantagne

Dear Begz, Seyumbo, Todo, Manujin, Gaatma, and Munglin,
Thank you for giving Joe and I an opportunity to experience the true Mongolia - the day to day life of it's wonderful people. I enjoyed all the time we spent together, even losing so many times at chess to Todo!
We have a long journey ahead, but I am sure, when it is over, it will be our stay at your home that we remember best.
Perhaps, someday, we'll be back. And, when we're back, I'm anxious to see how well the  kids will be playing piano, singing, and dancing! They are very talented, and I'm honored to have met them. Thanks, again, and I will miss you.

To future guests: I am lucky enough to be the second to write, so I'll simply ask you to look over what Joe wrote on the last two pages. It is good information and some great advice.
Travelers, soak up all of Mongolia that you can.

Begz and family, thanks for your gift of Mongolia.

Guest 76

#MongoliaFriend Julian from Colombia 

Julian Virguez

Open message:
Clearly it is difficult to add something original to the great compliments previous CSers have left to this amazing family.
I loved my experience in this family who all have welcomed me (and many offers) and taught us a different side of Mongolia that you can't see in UB guest houses/
My favourite part was playing with the kids, and tasting Mongolian butter that tasted very similar to my grandad's one.

Travel tips
- Well, don't have many tips right now. I have been here 2 days and still I'm trying to gear up with some other people for a tour down to the Gobi.
- Beware of an old white head man that (уншиж чадсангүй) telling your things on the bus, he was drank and didn't like tourists much so he dealed it was ok to kick me a pantries before other Mongolians pished him out the bus.
- Organize your trip asap!! I made the mistake to take it slow in UB and I'll spend more time here than I wanted.

Colombian travel tips: (stick to the safe areas)
- There is a conflict in Colombia that persuades lots of people to go there. On the other hand, it is a very amazing and (уншиж чадсангүй) place and not overly packed with tourists. Colombian spanish is very easy to understand and people are very very friendly. I'm not saying it because I'm Colombian but lot's of people have told me so.
- Boyota, the capital is a bit difficult to like, especially compared to other cities but it is a vert splecial place once you get to know it. 
to Bergs and his family

Guest 77

#MongoliaFriend Ada and Wolf from Finland and US


Wolf Price - Palo Alto, California, USA
Tips: only been in UB so far not much to say
Besides ... nice to chill at the "Stupa cafe" - they have free movie nights and meditation.
But if you come to Cali...
Get a bike (cycle) and hit the coast Canada, Mexico along the ocean.
Best trip ever camp and couchsurf and cook food on a stove. Wholefoods has cheap backpacker food in the bulk section. Aslo ... A tip: drive across USA like Jack Keruac but don't use so many drugs.
Keep traveling and follow your dreams ...
Death comes at anytime.
With love,
To the begz FAM: Thanks for the amazing CS experience. will NEVER forget it ...!

Ada Blomgvist
- Aland islands, Finland
it's been very nice and cozy living with this family. So nice people! Thank you

Tips for Finland:
if you want to experience an arcipelago with thousands of island Aland Islands is a great place for it. The arcipelago - ferries are for free and the north place (Geta) is very beautiful by the "Geta bergen" (Geta "mountains"). You cam camp almost wherever. You want in Finland and Sweden!

Also: now that we are back from the Countryside:

- Fairfield hosted us up with  (Fairfield cafe, by the bus stop)
A really cool nomadic homestay ... for us vegetarians it was only 6000 tugrik (including food) per night plus 15000 tugrik taxi each way. The couple whose yurt we stayed in was really nice.

- Suvd guest house / ger camp was cool. We got to see a great folk concert for 5000 tugruk each. to sleep is $7 per night each but to get take own ger and a stove ... pretty cool.

- try the chocolate that looks like this (hand drown image) comes in different flavors but go for the red colored are
(its the only one this size. its only 500 tugrik and really good)
- don't be afraid to try fermented horse milk, it's pretty good...
Wolf and Ada


Guest 78

#MongoliaFriend Antje from Leipzig, Germany 

Antje from Lepzig

During my month in ... it's already the ... time in this wonder... Баярлалаа!!!

First time here in Mongolia & only for 14 days.
(уншиж чадсангүй):  that time is much too little (that's nothing view, of course!)
But (уншиж чадсангүй) also: Mongolia is really a very nice & lovely place, despites maybe of its cold. And that, first of all because the people is really nice & lovely at the one hand loving its country & customs & proud of it (what has its reason because the countyside is quite pretty and as Mongolia is one of the few former Sovietic countries that has successfully done its move towards democracy and not ended in 20 year long presidentships of one the same person as elsewhere).
But the people at the same time is open & modern thinking, keen on learning about others & adapting what is convenient. And they love to laugh. That makes them very sympathic.
Beks, Saim-ba & the kids where one of the ones, who made me think that way. For that really like to thank them.
It was a pleasure to get to know you and to stay here. 
I would hope, not for the last time?! (or to meet in Europe than again - contact me!) when u go there! to Leipzig or somewhere esle in D
wishing u all the best!

TIPS for Germany
+ if travel low-cost, use www.mitfahrgelegenheit.de
that is a platform to share cars, either as driver or as "guest". Works also sometimes europe-wide.
+ a similar project to couchsurfing is the german www.hospitalityclub.org Check it out as well!
+ nice region in south of Eastern-Germany. Sachsische Schweiz for hiking, rock climbing (!!!) and with good accomodation possibilities - even without tent in dry spares beneath the rocks there. ("Bofen"). only fire's not allowed.

TIPS for Mongolia
+ Beware of really bad roads!! & long drives
+ Buy bus+train tickets one day in advance (domestic's)
+ Don't take the train to | from Russia. It's much over-priced & stays at the border flat least 8 hours. There are much better, faster & cheaper buses.
+ While trekking, always have some bonbons and cigarettes with you to offer, when the locals living in the ger "next" to your tent come to visit you to check, who's around

TIP for Russia
+ volunteering (building trails) with Great Baikal Trail.

Guest 79

#MongoliaFriend Hermine and Tom Vermeir, Van Goethem from Gent, Belgium

Hermine and Tom
In Mongolia from 27/10-8/11

Begz and Family!!
First of all, thank you very, very much for the incredible hospitality we've experienced during our stay at your family. It's something we'll never forget and you are both more than welcome if you travel our country.
Your children are lovely, well educated and cheerful! I'm sure they'll grow up being wonderful people.

For the coming CS's:
Reading this, you'll be as lucky as we were to be hosted by this wonderful people. Here's some U.B-Tips:
1. There's a good Indian place on the square by Begz's library
Don't ask your Vindaloo to be 150% spicy the... It hurts on the way in and out.
2. Forget about all the pickpocket and mugger warnings. UB is soooo safe
3. Enjoy the Mongolian hospitality!

Tips to travel Belgium!
1. forget about Bruges Brugge
It sucks ... if you're 2 young and dynamic traveler
2. Ghent is the coolest city in Belgium!
3. Forget your diet and try for sure:
a. food -> stoverij, frieten, mosselen, steak bearrzise
b. beers -> duvel, judas, Orvalm Westmalle, Hoegzarden, Verboden vrvi
4. Check www.use-it.be -> great info on belgium bars and nightlife

Guest 80

#MongoliaFriend Azja and Alex from Poland and Australia

Joanna Kulpinska
Poznan, Poland
Alex Brown
Tasmania, Australia

Mongolian camels are special, they have two humps instead of just one like the camels in Australia and the Sahara and the West Gipsland animal park.
The Mongol camels are called Bactrians, but no one remembers this, so to avoid embarassment when meeting these noble beings of the Gobi, note this short poem:
The Dromedary has one hump,
the Bactrain has two.
It's easy to forget this rule, 
so here is what to do:
Turn the first initial over, 
on its flat behind
The D romedary is different
from the B actrain kind!

1. I don't know much about Mongolia yet, UB is my first city. I guess if you came all the way here you probably know what you came for and have a lot of splendid ideas about exploring this extraordinary country. Good luck!
You'll certainly meet go helpful people on your way, if you're reading this. it means that you're already lucky to be staying with this family.

2. It's best to visit Poland in the summer or early autumn. We used to have beautiful winters with lots of snow, but in the recent years the temperatures rarely fall below 0 so we end up with grey sky for five months and mud-snow on the ground-yuk!
Hitch-hiking is usually easy, some older people might not speak English though. 
If you like cities Krakow is worth recommending. it's a cultural capital of Poland, you'll find culture everywhere & lots of things are available in English.
Aubbing is good to: go to Piskny Pies or Cavyca. If you go to Warsaw don't be disappointed with the first impression - it's not all grey and ugly. Good places to have fun are well hidden though & spread all over the city- you'd better ask locals. Gdarisk-beautiful city by the seaside, Torun - you must see it, Poznan my city can be boring but maybe I'm not very objective it has one of the best bows-soups in Poland, Onagon w.Tamkowa just off the Old Market Square.
If you like the nature go to the mountains, preferably Bieszady or Beskid Niski (south-east) or to the lake region called Mazury (north east).
Don't be put off by rude officials, particularly ladies at the train station. For vegetarian food look for a chain bar GREENWAY you'll find it in every bigger city, it's cheap.

3. I arrived to UB from Beijing. You'll save some money if you don't take a direct train but go from Beijing to take border town Erlian, spend one night there and in the morning take the bus across the border to ZamynUud and catch a train from there to UB.

Train Beijing-Erlian 150 yuan (15E) takes 13h, hard sleepers
Train Zamyn-Uud - UlanBator 16800 tugrik (8.5E)  16h, hard sleepers
Bus across the border 40 yuan (4E) 
be careful taking taxis or reps across the border - I heard a sad story of a guy who got scammed by the drivers and he had to pay 100$!!
1 nigh in Erlian - depends what you find and if you bargain, we got a double room in a high standard hotel for 50 yuans.

4. DEAR BIG FAMILY: Begzsuren, Sayumbo, Todo, Manujin, Gadmaa, Monglong!
Hosting seems so natural to you, as if you (уншиж чадсангүй) had it in your genes.
I think everyone who got a chance to stay with you received a great gift. You get inspired me too! Now I want to try building one as well. You have all very good karma :-)

save ego!

Please read:
In Beijing, Shanghi, and many other places many CS'ers have been ripped off severely through this scam: one or two nice young pretty Chinese girls or guys will come and speak to you on the street, and tell you that they like practicing English. You will walk and talk with them for a bit, and then they'll say: "I', thirsty, why don't we have some tea here in this teahouse"
Of course, you will agree and then be hit with a 1000 yuan bill for your cups of regular Jasmin tea.
The same goes for offers to visit restaurants and art galleries and what not.
So you can walk and talk with them DON'T GO FOR TEA!
Please spread the message! we met three couchsurfers in a week in Beijing, all had paid over 50 euro for the experience.
Some didn't even know they had been scammed, they just thought it was a real expensive teahouse!
of course, you will be more clever.

Gandan Monastery:
The ticket price is 3500, worth a visit. Please note that you must pay $5 for photos, $10 for video cameras, but only inside the main temple building, I think.

Don't worry about your diet in UB! Almost everything is available including soya product, wheat protein: tofu etc, fruit & veg might be a bit expensive in the winter though.
There's also great variety or vegetarian restaurants & cafes in the city, try to find your favourite ones.- I liked LUNA BLANCA (someone recomends it at the first page of the book) and HOME- a small cafe at Peace Avenue opposite of STATE DEPARTMENT STORE, this place also has a collection of second hand books in English.

How to travel in my Country?
This is my island, Tasmania, part of Australia (sort of).
This island is well worth a visit, not so populated as other popular parts of Australia, and not so visited either. So you can usually find a few kilometers of beautiful white sandy beach with waves for surfing or reefs for diving, as you wish, all to yourself. Try the yellow bits for this. The green bit is all world heritage forest & rain forest & mountains, so you can't get here easily, you have to trek a lot or take a raft down a river. The blue bit is my city, Hobart. But you wouldn't come to Tasmania for cities!
A car is the best way to explore, hitchhiking is good too. Bicycle Journeys also. Public transport is limited, for the remote (special) places.

Guest 81

#MongoliaFriend Jon and Kelvin from Malaysia

Guest 82

#MongoliaFriend Adam Sheehan from Australia

Adam Sheehan
- Australia Mat!
Visited 15/11/9 - 19/11/9

To Begz, Seyumbo, Todo, Manujin, Gaatma+ Mungun
WOW!!! What an amazing, unforgetable experience it has been staying with you all Thank you all for welcoming me into your home with open arms. I can't wait to go home and show off my new Mongolian cooking skills and introduce my friends to ankle bones with. I could say the same my 'dance dad' moves, Todo and Manujin, you two make it cook so easy. Good luck with the farming + greenhouse Begs. I'll be eagerly awaiting the photos. Take care and be good everyone. I hope I will have the pleasure of seeing you all again one day

Mongolia travel tips
Well if I here, that's a good start! Winter has been an incredible time to visit. The white scenery is beautiful and you don't have to contend with crowds of tourists. Other than that, give yourself as much time as possible here. I wish I had more time! 

Guest 83
#MongoliaFriend Laura Haley from Australia
