2013 оны Дэлхийн Номын Нийслэл Хотоор Тайландын Бангкок хот шалгарчээ. 2013FW: [IFLA-L] Bangkok designated World Book Capital 2013

Миний бие Улаанбаатар хотын нийтийн төв номын сангийн дэд захирал Ч.Алтанцэцэгийн хамт 2010 оны 5-р сард Словен улсын Любляна хотод EIFL-PLIP /Нийтийн номын сангийн шинэчлэлт/ хөтөлбөрөөр очих үедээ тус хот World Book Capital 2010 болсон юм байна, тийм ч учраас гудамж талбайд Ийм нэр хаяг энд тэндгүй Нэг стандартаар бичигдсэн, олон нийтийн арга хэмжээнүүд нь дандаа ном, хэвлэл, мэдээлэлтэй холбогдож байгааг, Иргэн бүрийг ном уншуулах аяныг өрнүүлж, тусгай номын цуглуулга бэлтгэн хэвлэж худалдаж байгаа зэргийг харж, тус улсын номын санчдаас лавлан асууж, тодруулж, улмаар интернэтээс World Book Capital-ын тухай хайж олон мэдээлэл олж үзсэн.
Энэхүү 2001 оноос эхэлсэн World Book Capital хэрхэн өрнөсөн, ямар хотууд шалгарч байсан, мөн шалгаруулах журмыг http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=24019&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html хуудаснаас уншиж мэдэх боломжтой.
Уг шалгаруулалтын журманд байгаа
Conformity to the principles of freedom of expression, freedom to publish and to disseminate information, stated by the UNESCO Constitution as well as by Articles 19 and 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and by the Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials (Florence Agreement).
энэхүү заалтыг бид ухаж ойлгох хэрэгтэй. Ингэснээрээ магадгүй Монголын нийтийн номын сангуудын үүрэг зорилт, үйлчилгээнд эрс шинэчлэлт авчирч, улмаар Олон улсын стандартад нийцэх үйлчилгээнүүд бий болж чадна гэж би ойлгодог.

2013 оны Дэлхийн Номын Нийслэл Хотоор Тайландын Бангкок хот шалгарчээ.
- Yerevan named World Book Capital 2012 by UN cultural agency : http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=35242&Cr=UNESCO&Cr1
2012 оны Хотыг шалгаруулах уралдааны зарлал ийм байжээ http://www.ifla.org/en/news/call-for-applications-for-the-world-book-capital-...
- Buenos Aires to be World Book Capital 2011 : At a meeting in Paris on 12 June 2009, the Jury of World Book Capital, a jury which includes IPA, IBF, IFLA and UNESCO, appointed Buenos Aires as World Book Capital 2011 for the quality and variety of its application file, widely and enthusiastically supported by all players involved in the book industry (publishers, bookstores and libraries). Last year, the same jury had appointed Ljubljana, Slovenia as World Book Capital 2010. As usual, the program will start on World Book & Copyright Day on 23 April 2011.
- Ljubljana, Slovenia as World Book Capital 2010.
- World Book Capital 2009 is Beirut, Lebanon

Эцэст нь Монгол улсын нийслэл Улаанбаатар хот маань ойрын 5 жил дотроо багтаж World Book Capital болохын төлөө нэгдэж ажиллацгаая.

-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Takács [mailto:louis.takacs@ifla.org] On Behalf Of IFLA Webmaster
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:07 PM
To: ifla-l@infoserv.inist.fr
Subject: [IFLA-L] Bangkok designated World Book Capital 2013
Web version: http://www.ifla.org/en/news/bangkok-designated-world-book-capital-2013
Bangkok, Thailand has been designated World Book Capital 2013. The city was selected as the 13th World Book Capital by a committee made up of representatives from the publishing world and UNESCO, which met at the Organization's Paris Headquarters on 27 June.
The committee said it selected Bangkok "for its willingness to bring together all the various stakeholders in the book supply chain and beyond, actors involved in the publication chain for a range of projects proposed, for its community-focused and the high level of its commitment through the proposed activities."
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova congratulated Bangkok "for the rich and varied programme it has prepared and committed itself to, that gives special emphasis to young people, marginalized groups and the development of reading for all.
"With its accent on cooperation and dialogue, at local, national and international levels, this programme responds perfectly to the objectives of the World Book Capital project, which is attracting the attention of an increasing number of cities worldwide."
The World Book Capital selection committee includes representatives from the International Publishers Associations (IPA-UIE), the International Booksellers Federation (IBF), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Each year this committee attributes the title to a city which has committed itself to promote books and reading, and to highlight the vitality of literary creativity. The nomination does not imply any financial prize, but an exclusively symbolic acknowledgement of the best programme dedicated to books and reading, UNESCO said.

Previous World Book Capitals were: Madrid (Spain, 2001), Alexandria (Egypt, 2002), New Delhi (India, 2003), Antwerp (Belgium, 2004), Montreal (Canada, 2005), Turin (Italy, 2006), Bogotá (Colombia, 2007), Amsterdam (the Netherlands, 2008), Beirut (Lebanon, 2009), Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2010).
Current & upcoming: Buenos Aires (Argentina, 2011) and Yerevan (Armenia, 2012).
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