Валентины өдөр /Valentine's Day/-өөр Гадаадын номын сангуудад

Валентины өдөр /Valentine's Day/-ийг гадаадын номын сангууд номын сангийн үйлчилгээндээ Хайр гэсэн үгийг өргөнөөр хэрэглэж, энэ чиглэлээр төрөл бүрийн үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байна.
- Австралид 2-р сарын 14 өдрийг Номын санд дурлагсдын өдөр болгож үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байна
Forget Valentines Day, 14 February has been re-named library lovers day!
Take the opportunity to celebrate those who love and support
us and to remind decision makers how loved we are.
- Жиргээнд #lovedcpl, #prattlove гэх мэт hushtag үүсгэж, номын сангийн таалагддаг үйлчилгээнийхээ тухай бичиж, мэдээлэх боломжийг олгожээ

Thanks to @TommyWells for celebrating Valentine's Day by spreading the @dcpl love! Why do YOU #lovedcpl?
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Andrea Snyder @alsnyder02
Reading the #PrattLove tweets is a great way to remind myself why I do what I do @prattlibrary. Maybe I should post them all over my desk!
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Pratt Library @prattlibrary
RT @amazingbetty Why love #prattlove ? I'm new to Baltimore City and I'm really impressed with the variety of programs that are offered!
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Pratt Library @prattlibrary
RT @jpnholler  I love the library because it feeds my kid's love of books and reading! #PrattLove
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Pratt Library @prattlibrary
RT @lizdecoster  I love the Pratt because of the super-helpful circulation staff, especially at Roland Park. Always friendly! #PrattLove
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- Блог болон вэбүүдэд номын санчдыг сонирхол, хийдэг ажлаар нь танилцуулж байна.

Erin Downey Howerton @hybridlib
A big Valentine's Day thanks to everyone contributing to http://t.co/Vbuo6QKR Keep your awesome photos & stories coming :) #lookslikelibsci
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This is What a Librarian Looks Like
Not always buns and sensible shoes, librarians at various types of libraries have different styles (and dress codes). Check it out here or submit your own.
- Хайрын тухай номуудыг сонгож танилцуулах болон олон нийтийн бусад арга хэмжээг зохион байгуулж бна

Your #ValentinesDay #BookoftheDay is Love in a Nutshell by Janet Evanovich t.co/uXUgGbsN

Library Event: Honey I Love: A Celebration of African-American History on Valentine’s Day t.co/Y4OD0BQI
Tuesday, February 14, 2012 - 3:30pm
Celebrate Black History Month with poems, songs and stories of history and love.
Children’s Room/Lower Level Meeting Room.

Library patrons share Valentine's Day with others
People made valentines for those who don't get out of their homes much in Glen Rock.
Valentine's Day Craft
This craft program is for children ages 3-5 years of age. Registration is required. Please register at 708-345-1325, or by going to the main desk of the library.
- Бусад
LearnLiberty @learnliberty
"The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves." William Hazlitt. Happy Valentine's Day!
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