Эсгий гэр - байгалийн сууц Ger - natural house

Гэр нь байгаль, хүнд ээлтэй сууц
Гэр хийсэн франц залуус
Аргентин залуу гэр буулгаж, барьсан талаараа
Гэрийн эсгийг ус даадаг болгох хүсэл
Гэрт зуухаа барьсан тэмдэглэл

Монгол эсгий гэрт амьдрах нь хэцүү санагддаг үе миний амьдралд байсан.
Одоо бол Эсгий гэртээ амьдардагаараа бахархдаг болсон. Эсгий гэр нь байгальд хог хаягдал үүсгэх нь бага, хүний эрүүл мэндэд ээлтэй гэж үнэлсэн. 

Францын Бруттани мужид амьдардаг Давид, Өөдсө нарын хийсэн гэр 

2008 оны 8-р сард манай гэрт ирсэн Франц залуус өөрсдөө гэр хийж, амьдардаг тухайгаа ярихад нь модон байшинд амьдарч байсан би Монгол хүн байж гэрт амьдрахаа больсон өчүүхэн шалтаг, шалтгаанаа эргэцүүлж, Эсгий гэртээ амьдрах шийдвэр гаргаж, гэр худалдан авч амьдарч эхэлсэн.

Монгол гэрийн дулааны алдагдал, элэгдлийг багасгах талаар бодож туршиж үзэх дуртай ч, өнөөдөр аль болох байгальд ээлгүй материалиар хийсэн, химийн гаралтай зүйлсийг хэрэглэхгүй байхад анхаардаг болсон.
- гэрийн ханыг блок дээр барьж үзсэн
- шалны доор хөөсөнцөр хавтан дэвсэж үзсэнээр ингэх нь маш буруу, орчин цагийн эдгээр материалууд нь чийг татаж, хөгц мөөгөнцөр үүсгэх, хулгана үүрлэж үнэр танар ихсэх, сүүлдээ хөөсөнцөр нь үйрч, дахин хэрэглэх боломжгүй болж мөнгөний гарз болж байгааг ойлгосон.

Гэр хороололд гэрт амьдрахад зун, намрын улиралд зайлгүй хийх ёстой гэрээ дулаалах, шал, эсгий туургаа наранд дэлгэж чийгийг арилгаж хатаах гэрийн ажил нь Монгол бахархал болж хувирсан.

Kiti, an Argentinian in Mongolia

Days of no privacy and discomfort turned into a torrent of learning and reflections that still linger in my head many years later, teachings that I still do not understand, behaviors that continue to be (under the gaze of my culture) inconceivable and conclusions that do not find the Exit door.

This strange nation surrounded by two of the largest countries in the world (Russia and China) has a unique and fascinating history that would make its neighbors look small. The Mongol empire led by the famous Genghis Khan became the largest kingdom in history in continuous territories, with approximately 110 million inhabitants between 1270 and 1309, equivalent to more than 25% of the world population, it had some of the regions richer and more important as China, Mesopotamia, Persia, Eastern Europe, Russia, among others. This dynamism in its growth (as in its fall) is one of the factors together with its extreme climates that forged the nomadic and pseudonomous customs that currently coexist in this region.

The experience that I want to share with you is reduced to the smallest and most unique space that we will find in these lands, one of the reasons for which it is known worldwide: The GER or Yurka, that is, the typical Mongolian house.

Even today in their capital (which has abandoned nomadism) a large percentage use Ger as their main dwelling, this behavior is mostly for economic reasons: the cost of its construction and maintenance is very low, comparable to a traditional house and on the other hand, the design and structure allow efficient heating to withstand winter days that reach an average minimum temperature of -28 ° C.

I will tell you all my experience in Ulaanbaatar the country's capital with a humble family, for this reason you will not see the typical photos of a Ger for tourism that look neat, clean, adapted to foreign comforts and with modern materials that preserve almost nothing of traditional identity.

In order to understand the reason for its famous use, we will need to delve into its framework, it is made up of four important parts that also fulfill certain roles based on myths, legends and ancestral customs that they still conserve.
Ger or yurka coating

Coating: It is covered by several layers of wool canvas and on the outside a plastic canvas (here white). Previously it was made with straw and the strips that bound all this were made of leather. In the photo the only entrance door is seen, when sleeping inside, the head can never point towards the door since this position is the one used to sleep of the dead. Upon entering the Ger you will see a handsaw above the door, designed to protect the family from evil spirits.
Ger ring

Ring: Wooden ring located in the central part of the roof, supported by two wooden pillars that supported the load at the inner end of the beams; at the same time, it allows smoke to escape and light to enter the room. These pillars represent Dad and Mom, for this reason if you are inside the house you can not spend money between these pillars or discuss since it offends the parents.

Jana: They are the walls of the store and are formed with a framework of woods that extends and contracts. It is responsible for supporting the weight of the outer end of the beams, without the need to use tension ropes. All the furniture is next to the Janas to leave all the central space free.

Beams: They form the roof and a large percentage of the weight is distributed in them, forming a kind of cone they rest on the ring at the top and extend to the ground. Regardless of the size of the Ger there are always eighty-eight, not one more or one less. And it is surprising that they are not glued, nor joined together. On colder nights the ring is completely covered, for this you have to climb the roof supporting it with the weight of a person plus all the layers that cover it. Being inside right now is scary at first!

The Ger requires it to be completely disassembled twice a year, yes completely! Can you imagine that? In one day take apart your house, take out everything and leave it as it was before? The reason is to adapt it to the hot and cold seasons. When winter arrives, the floor must be resting directly on the ground, preventing air from leaking, while in the summer the floor rests on wooden blocks to generate air circulation. With my traveling companions (Gastón Belano and Eugenio Lima) we were lucky to have to help this family prepare the Ger for the arrival of winter, so I am going to tell you step by step this incredible event of completely dismantling a house and reassemble everything in one day:

The first thing we must do is remove the layers of covering that shelter the entire skeleton (ceiling and walls). To our surprise, these kind of wool fiber tarps were very heavy and gave us perspective on how much weight this particular structure supports.

Once all that remains is the wooden frame (rockrose and beams) and its door, start by removing all the braces that connect the walls with the central ring. Do you see the furniture inside? There is the main "stove" that would be like a salamander where it is cooked and heated at the same time. Believe it or not, at the time of the horse meat soup, the temperature difference with the outside becomes almost 30 degrees. The soup in the sauna, we said!

Now we have to remove the central ring along with its pillars (be very careful with mom and dad). Our friend, the father of the family called Bee, considers this moment delicate, so he helps us to lower the central ring and its pillars. Only specialized carpenters make this ring, it is very expensive. Stay tuned for the front door!

The walls (rockrose) are attached to the door, so we simply untie the door and as if it were an accordion, we compress the walls when removing them. You will be surprised to know that the walls are super light, and they stretch (and shrink) easily, surrounding it they give the curved shape to the Ger, only four panels are used. Look at the next photo, do you see the bottom panels supported?

Now that the house no longer has a roof, door or walls, removing the furniture, the refrigerator and the sink is a very simple task. Yes! Very simple! If you lived in a Ger you would not worry about the size of the bed, or how to enter the piano in your living room. Inside the Ger the family has a fridge, folding table, a stool, the salamander and a sink that works with water in drums. Everything you see there!

The floor is made of wooden panels that are removed to clean them and place them without the space between them and the ground (in this case because winter is coming). amazing, right? Up to the floor of the house we have raised. END.

To reassemble it is as simple as starting the whole process in the reverse direction. Our smiles mark how happy we were to have finished the job since the cold was treating us very badly.
If we had participated in a tournament we would clearly have come out last, which took us (with help) almost ten hours, a Mongolian family can do it in three or four at most. A soup and a warm warmth await us inside. Let's go in!
Curiosities and details!

Attentive readers like meticulous people will have noticed that significant details remain to be clarified:

Isn't the white canvas you had at the beginning missing? Great watcher! in the winter it does not have the white insulating canvas because all the walls must be allowed to breathe, thus avoiding the condensation that is damp inside, which then due to the freezing weather creates a layer of ice inside the Ger, making it a super freezer. Everything thought!

How do they sleep? Did you find it strange not to see a bed among the furniture? The answer is they don't use a bed, they throw insulation on the floor and we sleep there.

What about privacy? easily generated, one room builds in 10 seconds, hanging dividing fabrics from braces, check out our beautiful room!

And the bathroom? You will have to travel to Mongolia to find out, I'll just tell you that there is no shower, and sometimes snow falls on your face while using it.

And so it was our passage through the capital of Mongolia, we shared more than two weeks with eight people living together, the three of us plus the mother, the father and their three children in a studio apartment, getting up early to do exercises together, learn games, go out to walk, look for drinking water away, etc. I will always be grateful to this beautiful family who has treated us like their children. We have stolen many learnings, as they are part of our hearts.

Of all my experiences traveling this has been one of the ones that has marked me the most; leading to think and reflect on the things we accumulate and what is really necessary. I propose you an exercise, imagine that you are an inhabitant of Mongolia and you live in a Ger with all your belongings inside and you have to disassemble it completely since summer has arrived. Do you remember how the floor is going? Could you do it in one day? Would you save everything again?

And now think of yourself, how many fears, frustrations, grudges, complexes, social pressures are there within your walls? It's time to start getting a little more Mongolian, because after all, the simple, flexible, and lightweight structure of a Ger is just what makes it tough.

Photographs: Kiti Ferrero

Эх сурвалж: https://blog.nuestroclima.com/kiti-un-argentino-en-mongolia/

2012 онд бие даасан сэтгүүлч манайд зочилж ирж, Ger Necessities ярилцлагыг хийсэн

Ger Necessities from Pearly Jacob on Vimeo.

Гэрийн эсгийг ус нэвтрүүлдэггүй болгох хүсэлт
Жил бүр зун, намартаа гэрийнхээ цагаан бүрээсний доор гялгар уут тавьж борооны ус нэвтэрч гоожих, эсгийгээ норгож муудахаас хамгаалж сурчээ. Энэ нь гялгар уутны хаягдал үүсгэх, мөн өвөл гялгар уут шиг амьсгалдаггүй, чийг гадагшлуулдаггүй материалтай бүрээсээр гэрээ дулаалах нь эсгийг цантуулж, мөстүүлж, улмаар хавар чийгтүүлснээр эсгий амархан муудах, илжрэх, хорхойтоод байгаа.

Buyant Ger фасебуук хуудас: 
"Хонины ноос зунгагтай учир эсгий ямар нэг хэмжээгээр ус даах чанартай, бас эсгийг ямааны тосоор тосолж бороо нэвчихгүй болгодог, эсгийний өнгийг цайруулахын тулд ясны гурил, шохойгоор өнгөлдөг.
Гэрийн мод дунджаар 35, эсгий 15 жил хэрэглэдэг." 

дээрх мэдээллээс харахад өнөө цагт эсгий үйлдвэрлэж байгаа үйлдвэрүүдийн технологитой танилцах, эсгийний 15 жил хэрэглэгдэх, ус даах чадварыг алдагдуулахгүй байх, хэрэглэгч бид чанарыг алдуулахгүй байхад анхаарах хэрэгтэй байгаа.

Гэрийн зуухаа барьсан талаар
Хүүхэд байхад зуны улиралд хөдөө гэр нүүж ирээд, гөеө маань шороо, үхрийн баас хольж зуухаа барьдаг байсаныг санаж, одоо зуух барьж үзэж байна.
