2008.7.8 #MongoliaFriend Andrew from US

ankle bone guessing


#MongoliaFriend Andrew from US

2008 оны 7 сарын 8-ны өдөр, миний ажил дээр Америк залуу Андрью ирж уулзаж, бид танилцаж, түүнийг гэртээ би дагуулж очсон байдаг.

Энэ залууг дагуулан, би унадаг дугуйгаа хөтлөн Баянзүрх захаас Сансарын колонк хүрэх замд алхаж байхдаа, замын хажуугийн явган хүний замыг заагад үүнийг англиар юу гэж хэлдэг вэ гэж би асуухад sidewalk гэж хариулж байсан нь надад өнөөг хүртэл санаанд байдаг. 

Энэ залуутайгаа тогтмол харилцаатай байгаа, 2017 онд TEDxUlaanbaatar үйл явдалд илтгэл тавихдаа түүнээс манайд авахуулсан зургаас нь авч хэрэглэж байсан. Мөн хог хаягдал бага гаргаж амьдрах, аливаа зүйлийг дахин ашиглахад хүүхэд залуусыг сургадаг Trash for Peace байгууллагын үйл ажиллагааг нь анхаарч, ажиглаж, мэдээллээс нь түгээж байдаг.

Андрью блогтоо It's a Library in Mongolia, Don't Forget to Pack a Raincoat! нийтлэлээ бичихдээ надад имэйлээр first draft нэртэйгээр илгээж уншуулж, санал бодлыг асууж байсан.



Begzsuren, or Begs for short, is a software engineer working at the Ulaanbaatar Public Library. We chatted for a bit and after having cleared his decision with his wife, Mungunsoyombo, he agreed to take me in for a couple nights.

Begs, 32, and his wife, 31, have a gorgeous family consisting of one son named Tuguldur, 9, and three daughters, Manujin (her name means "our daughter"), 6, Gaadmaa (her name means "clever or smiley woman"), 3, and Mungulun, 1. The youngest child's name translates to something of an implication. It implies that she will bring the family money. And consistent with Mongolian law, that's just what another child does.


My Mongolian hosts welcomed me with smiles and curiosity. The kids giggled and laughed when I made eye contact with them and they could barely stand it when I tried to tell them hello in their own language. The entire truth be told, though, the youngest daughter cried when I entered their home. I scared her. I don't think the kids have ever seen a foreigner before. Begs told me that when someone arrives and brings rain with them, they're good luck! I told him I must be super lucky then, because I could see a storm moving in from the mountains. About an hour later I saw a lightning bolt strike something across the valley and ignite a fire that burned for a good long while. Shortly after that we lost electricity and spent the night playing traditional Mongolian games by candlelight.

Блог хаяг: http://www.andrewjudkins.com/2008/07/its-library-in-mongolia-dont-forget-to.html

... My host, Begzsuren, happens to be working at the Ulaanbaatar Public Library on a major project at the moment.

Begs, head of the department for information processing as well as library automation and computerization, is working on a project for the library to make it the first of it's kind in all of Mongolia. The project is to open the public library to the public! Sounds simple. Traditionally, the way the library worked was you walked up to the counter and asked the librarian for a particular book. The librarian disappeared and, if you were lucky, they returned with that book for you to check out. Not anymore.

What Begs is creating, is a more Western style library with loads of books on shelves for the public to peruse through and check out if they like. The Ulaanbaatar Public Library's slogan is "Knowledge Bank" and beyond cataloging some 80,000 books to be shelved and accessible to the public by September 1st, Begs is also trying to create an atmosphere of interest in libraries.


There are three people I've met in my life that truly inspire me to be better than I think I can be, and Begs is one of these people. I know he'll succeed, because that's what he does. If not on the first time, he'll learn from each step and eventually conquer the mountain of development. 

Манайд зочилсон сэтгэгдэл

Андрью ингэж бичсэн

Andrew reference


Begs and his family are AMAZING!

My experience with Begs was magnificent. I'll not be able to write my appreciation in words. I've met three people during my life who have truly inspired me to try and be better than I think I can be. Begs is one of these people. He's extremely hardworking and progessive about his life and community. He's open to new ideas and concepts that could further his development and that of the people around him.

And the people around him, his family, are great! Four smiling and happy kids with a great curiosity of foreigners. And one happy wife trying so hard to make you feel comfortable.


He worked in Bulgaria as a Peace Corps Volunteer. So he has good understanding, nice attempt, good relation to any person. 

I sure, he can write his good travel book with many cultures.

TEDxUlaanbaatar 2017 үйл явдал

Зочны дэвтэрээсээ дэлгэж, манайх гэртээ гадаад аялагч найзуудаа ирүүлснээр ямар өөрчлөлтийг амьдралдаа хийж байгаагаа  жишээ татан танилцуулсан.

2017 оны энэ илтгэлд Андрью-ээ анхны зочин байсаныг мөн, түүнээс энэ илтгэлдээ зориулж зураг хүлээж авсанаа дурдсан.

My family has been hosting travelers since 2008.
We'll do it forever.
I'm here, because to open pages of guest books from my traveler friends.

In 8 years, we met 530 people from 50 countries. We regard them, because they come to tell their different culture, lifestyle and meet my Mongola and my family daily life.
When, I had a work-home rhythm, back home very late in 2008, luckily this unhealthy lifestyle changed by my foreign friends.
And my wife has responsibility to care 2-11 years our 4 healthy children, works with grace-feed cows, make home-made milk products, so receiving help hands of them.

This possibility is not normal, it's by wish or maybe luck.
When I was a child, my father invite his Russian 2 friends to his home, they gave us sweets and rare Russian candys. I hope, my this internal memory push me to easy understand and to use hospitality websites. 
So I started this hosting possibility, it's gave to my family, growing 4 children and my wife to learn from travelers and was a great idea of traveling to the World at home.
My first guest was Andrew Judkins, he is always on our warm memory, we keep contact, so I received 2 photos for this presentation.

2020 оны 1-р сард TEDxChinggisCity 

үйл явдалд оролцож, хэрхэн Андрьютай уулзсанаа тодруулж танилцуулсан

