Mongolia friend Martina from Switzerland
Энэ бүсгүй БНХАУ-д суралцах тэтгэлэгт (Chinese Government Grant to study in China) шалгарч, суралцахаар явахдаа Транс сибирийн төмөр замыг сонгож, мөн Монгол улсад зогсохоор төлөвлөсөн байсан.
Couchsurfers book 1
5th guest Martina Kunz (Geneva, Switzerland)
Date : 31/08/2008
Dear future couchsurfers,
I can only agree with what previous couch surfers said about this wonderful family - I preferred to stay with them one week (even a bit more) rather than going 2-3 days to the countryside. Especially if you don’t speak Mongolian it’s great opportunity to have their habits and culture explained by Begz in English!
I love this family!
As for travelers advices, the cheapest way to cross the border is probably always a 3rd class train ticket to the Mongolian border (e.g. 6400₮ to Zamiin-Uud and 12860₮ ~300R to Sukhe-Bator in 2nd class (kupe) and then cross by taxi and (or buses) (I paid 400R for 3 taxi’s from Naushki in Russia to Sukhe-Bator in Mongolia so from Irkutsk to UB I paid about 1300 Ruble’s instead of 3000 for a direct train but of course the direct train is a lot more comfortable and easier if you don’t speak the language.
By the way, you can cross the Russian border by any means of transport (even bicycle) but you’re not allowed to walk.
As for the Chinese border a biker just told me that it’s almost impossible to take your motorbike into China and the taxi’s would ask 40$ to drive you with your bicycle over the border so probably it’s better to pay 50600₮ (~50$) to Elian - the Chinese border city.
To buy international tickets you have to go to the international ticket office which is 3 min walking distance from the train station (cf map on railcom - building in front of train station) - take enough ₮ with you because they don’t accept Visa and I didn’t find any Maestro ATM near there (but there’s a Visa ATM in the train station)
If you want to take a hot shower, Ganas Guest House (www.ganasger.com) is really nice. Last but not least, don’t underestimate the traffic jam when you want to catch a train!
Enjoy Mongolia!
Martina Kunz
Энэ оюутан бүсгүйтэй couchsurfing вэбээр харилцаж, Улаанбаатар төмөр замын өртөөнд оройн 6 цагт тосч авч байсан.
Энэ бүсгүй БНХАУ руу явах галт тэрэгнээсээ хоцорч, бороонд цохигдож, Гана гайстхаузд очиж хоноод, маргааш нь манайд бие нь халуунтай ирж, гэрийн халуун хоол цайтай, хүүхдийн хөгжөөн баясал дунд яг л гэртээ байгаа мэт сайхан байлаа гээд талархаж байсан нь бидний санаанд байна.
Хожим Мартина хуримаа БНХАУ-д хийж, түүний ээж, хойд аав хуриманд оролцоод буцахдаа охиныхоо санал болгосноор Монгол улсаар аялж, мөн манай гэрт зочлон ирж, охиныхоо талархсан сэтгэлийг дахин хэлж, манай гэрт брезентэн бүрээс авах хэмжээний мөнгийг бэлэглэж байсан.
Martina Kunz
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England
Sep 2008
I totally agree with previous references - this family is just wonderful! I'm so thankful I was given the opportunity to spend a few days with them and learn a bit of Mongolian culture and habits. I was really sad to leave and I miss them a lot!
Thank you, my Mongolian family, for this unique experience! I hope to see you again soon :-)
With love,
Martina эгч
Dear Martina Kunz,
Thank very much for your valuable 178+21 hours /21-28th, 30-31th August 2008/ with my family.
Your language learning talent, playing with my children, helping to my wife, talking everything with me, also your body language are very nice to my family.
Please, study in China very well, don't forget your nice family wish "Please, back to home", your lucky working time will come, then you know, Mongolia is very researchable country, your learning Mongolian language should be continue, and others.
Of course, I wish you very helpful husband.
Thank you so much for your staying with my family. Now can I say, "Martina is my younger sister"?
Good wishes to your life,
if yes in above my question, your oldest brother J.Begzsuren, and his family
if no, your Mongolian host family.
Мартина-тайгаа бид имэйлээр харилцаж байсанаа эргэн харахад дараах үг өгүүлбэрүүд дурсамж авчирч байна.
- I love children in general and yours look really cute! I'm sure they'll like my Swiss Chocolate :-)
- My scholarship room is nice with a TV internet, a bed, a desk, a closet, and they even come to clean it everyday but I would prefer to sleep on the floor together with your children!
Бид Швейцарь улсын иргэдээс ингэж асууж лавлая гэж бодож байгаа:
- Швейцарь улсад Үл хөдлөх хөрөнгөө хэдэн оноос хойш зарахаа больсон юм бол?
- Үл хөдлөх хөрөнгийг зөвхөн Түрээсэлдэг гэсэн үү?.
- Хуулиар яаж зохицуулсан байдаг вэ?
- Бүх иргэдээ цэргийн бэлтгэл, иргэний хамгаалалтын бэлэн байдалд сургасан гэсэн үү?
Фасебуук хуудас: Бүтээлч, хоост айл БийСоё - Host family BeeSoy