2008.9.24 #MongoliaFriend Anna and Antoine from France

2008.9.24 #Mongolia Friend Anna and Antoine from France
Франц залуус ажил тарангуут надтай хамт явахаар хүлээж байгаа мөч. Энэ 2 залууг манайд очиход манайд өмнө нь байж байгаад Хархорин явсан Давид, Өөдсө нар өөр нэг Нико гэдэг найзтайгаа ирсэн байх болно. Ингээд бид нэг орой 5 Франц залуустай хөзөрдөж билээ.
Энэ залуустай хамт Монгол, Франц залуусын хамтарсан Хос Аяс (Khos Ayas) тоглолтыг UB Palace-д үзсэнээ зураг үзээд л санаж байна.

Couchsurfers book 1
~8th guest Anna Bavencoffe and Antoine Bureau (Normandie France) 
Date : 24/09/2008 
Dear lucky next CS ers, 
This family will make you enjoying Mongolia more than his beautiful countryside. You will just remember this country as a super happy ecological vegetarian friendly interesting family. 
We where in West Mongolia : common tourist trip you see Kharhorin White lake Khovsgol lake 10 days. The monasteries and nature are impressive and beautiful but I wouldn’t advice you to take this kind of tour organized, because you cannot meet the Mongolian people and you spend too much time in the mini-van. You don’t need to see everything. It’s better to take time and see less places : your trip will be better and more appreciated by you. 
Some advices : 
 ~Don’t believe the travel agencies and tourist you can travel everywhere in Mongolia using busses and hitch-hiking if you take time. 
~The bus to Terelj leaves UB everyday at 11.00AM and 4.00PM from the center 2 bus stop after the State Department Store on the main street to the west. Back to UB at 8.00AM in Terelj. 
~It costs 2500₮ to the National Park of Terelj. You can stop before the city of terelj, for example near the Turtle Rock. From here you go not to the Rock but in the other side you will see a telephone tour (antenna) next to it you will see 4 Gers, one of them is a guesthouse. Here you stay all the evening with the family who offer you some Mongolian traditional food. 
~For buying food, ask to same how to go to the food market : Interesting like a black market (near to the train station, reminds of Bus 20) 
~Take care of pick pockets in the main streets of UB! (Peace Avenue) Don’t put your money in your pocket and don’t hesitate to scream on them if try to rob you ;) They will be afraid and maybe stop doing this. 
~You can catch a taxi everywhere, showing your arm (and say the name of quarter “Dari-Ekh”) near the road it costs 500₮/km 
~Chinese visa : you have to fill the visa form and to prepare 1 photo, reservation of hostel in Beijing and tickets in out from China. For the hostel go on internet www.ineedhotel.com For the tickets go to a plane agency like AIR Market, reserve a plane for go in and out of China. Print reservations the in the embassy be optimist and you will have the visa. After don’t forget to cancel all your reservations. 
~Take the bus between 8.00AM and 10.00AM, between 18.00 and 20.00 is definitely not a good idea. 
~Everyday at 6.00PM there is spectacle concert, dance traditional Mongolian at the Dramatic Teatr of UB. Very good and quieted cheap. 
~If you have a laptop with Wi-Fi you can go to the French Bakery. There you can also drink a good coffee or eat croissant when working writing your road book or reading a book for just relaxing during your visiting day. 
~If you really want to make a touristic tour the UB guesthouse is the cheapest. Taking a minivan and paying extra the benzene and everything is finally the same price. You can write some announcements (announces) for finding a group and put it in Cafe Amsterdam, chez Bernard or in the guesthouse UB or Khongor. Meet the members of the group before learning UB : you will spend lot of time with them so choose them good. 
Take care and enjoy Mongolia and don’t worry!! 
Thanks to the family, 
Anna and Antoine 

Last advice : To go to Beijing for cheap you can take the train to Zamiin Ude after take the taxi to cross the border to Elian and after bus with bell to Beijing! 


Anna BAVENCOFFE Le Havre, Normandie, France
Member since 2007
Oct 2008 
Begzsuren and his family hosted us during our trip around Asia. Thanks to them we spent super good time in Ulaan Baatar and will keep a good remember of Mongolia. We have learn many things about mongolian traditions, eat wonderfull cooking, laught a lot with his happy children and just feel so good as like with our family. We played with them, learn them some strategic games from Europe and Africa and, in return, we have learn some mongolian games and especially puzzles, which are a typical mongolian. Begzsuren is super motivated in couchsurfing and has many good ideas for a better travel around Mongolia.
Thank you a lot and good luck ! 
Bairla ! 
 Anna and Antoine, 
your french friends 

 Dear Antoine and Anna, 
 There are your 15 days lived with my family: 1-5, 15-19, 20, 21-22, 24-25th September 2008.
 Great thing! You are spending your lifetime to learn/teach/note/website games from children to other country's children. I heard that from my wife, when you leave our home, my youngest daughter Mungulun kissed you in your cheeks. That means children love you, you love children. I sure, your hearts always together with children's hearts from your visited countries. Thank you very much for your time with my family, teaching board games to my son and daughter, helping us to prepare land for ger and others. Have a good travelling and working with children! 
With best wishes, 
J.Begzsuren and his family

Энэ зурагт даавуун дээр оёсон хөлөгт тоглоомоор Антон тоглож байна. 2006 онд би Яруу сэтгэгч сонины залуустай хамтран  Монголын уламжлалт гогцоо түлхүүр, хөлөгт тоглоомуудыг Хотын нийтийн төв номын сан дээрээ танилцуулах үйлчилгээг санаачлан хийж байсан. 

2008 оны 9-р сард хөгжим тоглож байхыг харж, сонсож, гоё сайханыг мэдэрсэн хүүхдүүдэд хөгжмөөр дамжиж үг сонсох мэдрэмж суусан

