ХоостАйл-ын өдөр 7-р сарын 7-9

#ХоостАйл-ын өдөр
7-р сарын 7-9

Хоост айл гэж ямар айл вэ?

 Гэртээ гадаад, дотоод хүмүүсийг хүсэлтийнх нь дагуу тодорхой хугацаагаар ирүүлж, ахуй соёлоо танилцуулан, мэдлэг чадвараа харуулж, мөн өөрсдөө ирсэн зочиноосоо сурч мэдэх хүсэл зорилготой,
 Монгол ухааны үнэ цэнийг мэдрүүлэх, Монгол айлын ахуй, соёл, амьдралын утга учир юу болохыг үг, үйлдлээрээ гадаад, дотоодын хүмүүст таниулахын төлөөх амьдрал ахуйтай айлыг #ХоостАйл гэж нэрлэсэн.

Монгол ахуй соёлынхоо эзэн нь Монгол айл өрх

#ХоостАйл-ын тэмдэглэлт өдөр

Дугуйтай гэр бүл манайд ирсэн энэ өдөр бид бичлэг хийж, хурайллаа.

Монгол ахуй соёлдоо эзэн байхыг тэмүүлдэг
 #БүтээлчАйл, #ХоостАйл БийСоё
 Ж.Бэгзсүрэн, гэргий Б.Мөнгөнсоёмбо
Агаараар гүйцгээе уриатай
Дугуйтай гэр бүл/Cycling Embassy of Mongolia
Н.Пүрэвдорж, гэргий С.Анударь

our 2 family
8th of July, 2022

eat breakfast as a king

any family children are always friends

Bee and Soy family
28th June, 2022

Mongolian host family, #MongoliaFriend content creator
Begzsuren and Mungunsoyombo
Cycling Embassy of Mongolia
Purevdorj and Anudari

AMAR mend uu? 
is hello in English, a traditional greeting of Mongolia. 
Meaning is what you say, what you do are equal or not.

Today is 7th of July, 2022, tomorrow will be 8th of July. These days are beginning of the Naadam, our Mongolian national holiday, also for our family, these days are anniversary of hosting traveler friends at our home.

Our Mongolian family's first traveler friend was Andrew Judkins, a couchsurfer, who lived with us in 8-10th July, 2008.

 our Host family BeeSoy in 7-8th July, 2022 

This video is to distribute our wish, that is we want to be a host family for Mongolian family travelers, 
not only happy and lucky travelers from the World countries.

My family is always going to use our traditional lifestyle and culture in our daily life. 
Because it requires very small money.

Instead to buy bread, biscuits and cakes, when we make it by our hands, this way is not require more money.

In summer, we can have more milk products, less expensive meat. That is Mongolian lifestyle and culture based on nature gift and not based on money work.

What is a value of Mongolian lifestyle, that is a peaceful life, or historically it's called the Pax Mongolica.

By Mongolian tradition , when family have a baby, all relatives present as a gift by mal (our stock animals, sheep, goat, cow, horse, and camel). 
It means, a human has a food, when he/she was born.

This is one of the important reason to change our lifestyle, this cooperation of family relatives are beautiful and inspirational.

We have many proud from our traditional lifestyle, including Amar mend uu greetings and more. Our family really wants to share and show it to Mongolian families, not only we learn and use in our daily life.

Your family, the Cycling Ambassador Mongolia, is inspiring us by your visiting, how Mongolian families can travel to our host family. Today is looks like opening day of "A creative day trip to Host family". 
Let's say "Houray / wish come true"

how to do, first inhale, then during exhale we can say 3 times the word "Houray".

Houray, Houray, Houray
This natural voice for our wish comes true. 
And what I understand, always we contact to the nature power of the Earth by our sound. 

Please, share your thought and inspiration from our host family BeeSoy.
Your words to Mongolian families can bring the best idea, they are host of lifestyle and culture of Mongolia. 
The 7th of July should be the Host family day.

I feel it, if we do a traveling with planning and communication with hosts, it brings more friendly meeting and useful experience 

I'm so happy for our sharing life with you.

Also I feel, your 8 guestbooks are making a real magic to bring the 5 continents into 5 walls Ger 
and into your family.
Thank you for your expression.

Before we visit to your host family, we read some posts and watched documentaries
What I feel, your lifestyle and culture is looks like you live in higher level than land or ground.

And I feel, we don't need too much, we don't need more to live happily.

After we arrived and lived 1 night with your family in this natural environment, what my feeling was happened same time. 
Thank you

Plus, I liked too much, your living and what you do are  friendly to the nature, not only happy.
Thank you

I want to tell our story with my great grandmother's (called gouyou/гөеө) life, who was my grandfather's mother. When I was a child, we go to her home in countryside on school summer 3 months break.

If I remember my childhood memory, my great grandmother knows and makes a happy life with her 5-8 grandchildren and 4-5 mother cows.

Then what I understand now, my great grandmother's lifestyle and culture doesn't require a lot of shopping and buying food. 
If my grandchildren grow without this experience and feeling  that will be so sad and no long lasting healthy life.

What we do and show to our children and grandchildren, it will be a story. 
We are parents and grandparents must live like an example or real story of life.

What stories or example of lifestyle and culture can show to our children, that comes from our understanding 
what is a life, human and nature.

After this video, we'll share our Iranian friend's talk (#MongoliaFriend Marco from Iran) to public. 
That talk about his childhood and today's life story.

Our grandchildren should live in peaceful and happy, which is the Pax Mongolica, reading and listening is not enough it. 
Then we need to live in traditional house Ger, to show that rain drops cannot cross 3 layers of felt roof, and more.

What channels are our favorite and love to know, and like to think and inspire more on lifestyle and culture from MNB cultural programs, Зөв үү Тав уу podcast, and your Агаараар гүйцгээе channel and more. 

We wish, you can keep your cycling embassy and inspiration to next cycling host families.
We believe, our children and grandchildren will follow 
our golden way of living.

Let's do one more "Houray" to bring our wish come true by natural power.

The day, 7th of July of next years, we should name by "host family day of Mongolia" and 
meet by next videos and activities for it.

What is my recommendation and advice to our Mongolian families, your lovely family  just do and 
travel with bicycle like this Cycling Embassy family.

We totally agree this recommendation, so should come true. Then let's "Houray"

Look into our parents and grandparents lifestyle and culture. And look into that our today's daily life gives us what feeling. Then we should know, we have an full experience and stories of happy and healthy lifestyle.

Yes, this is our very best promotion to lifestyle and culture. Make our wish come true with nature power "Houray"!
We can have understanding and on time action. 
Houray, Houray, Houray

Жил бүрийн 7-р сарын 7-9 
#ХоостАйл-ын өдөр
мэндийг хүргэе!
Happy Host Family Day!
July 7-9th

2019 онд Унгар залуустай хамт 11 жилийн ойн бичлэг

#MongoliaFriend Reka and Balazs from Hungary
We made our life day with 11th year anniversary celebration of #ХоостАйл on July 8th of 2019. We will be active to host travelers from the World countries until to meet you!
Унгар бүсгүй хүүхэд насандаа Монголын тал нутаг, уул ус, ахуй амьдралын дүр зургийг аавынхаа авчирсан герман хэл дээр бичигдсэн номоос харж байсанаа бодож явсаар, биеэр очиж үзэхийг мөрөөдөж байсан нь энэхүү 2 сарын аяллаар нь бодит болох гэж байна. Аз завшаантай нь Монголчууд бид бэлчээрийн мал ахуйгаа ажил хөдөлмөр болгон авч үлдэж байгаа нь Дэлхий дээрх хамгийн мундаг, байгальд ээлтэй амьдралын хэв маяг болчихоод байгаа.

2018 онд Украйн улсаас 10 жилийн ойн мэндчилгээ

Шагайтай үүргэвч 2018 аяллын замд бид Украйн улсын Чернигев хотод 7-р сарын 7-8нд очиж байсан.

Гэр бүлийн бүтээлч аялал

Нэг өдрийн энэ аяллын хөтөлбөр нь 
Аялал, амралтын өдрөө сонирхолтой, амьдралын эерэг үр өгөөжтэй өнгөрүүлэх, хүүхэд гэр бүлийн харилцааг дэмжих, бидний ажил үйлстэй танилцах хүсэлтэй гэр бүлд зориулагдсан.

гэр бүлийн бүтээлч аялал

Дэлгэрэнгүй танилцуулга
